2023 Reading Challenge
Participants 7,923,334
Books Pledged 342,074,583
Avg. Books Pledged 43
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
John has read 112 of 100 books in 2023.
  • The Principle of Moments by Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson
  • In the Shadow of Their Dying by Michael R. Fletcher
  • The Ungodly Duology by S.H. Cooper
  • The Black Crown by John A. Douglas
  • The Death Doula by Ali Seay
  • The Last Haunt by Max Booth III
  • The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror by Paula Guran
  • Until the Last by Mike Shackle
  • Christmas at Wheeldale Inn by Gemma Amor
  • Gloves of Eons by Andrew D. Meredith
  • View More ▾
Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Luís (new)

Luís good luck and a happy new year!!

Nina (ninjasbooks) Hope you will find lots of books to enjoy 😊

message 3: by John (new)

John Hatley Good luck and happy reading!

message 4: by Milk (new)

Milk 1 more book than last year for me too :)

message 5: by Terrie (new)

Terrie  Robinson (short break) Happy reading in 2023, John!🥰📚

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More like John Mauro's 2023 books

  • Voyage of the Damned
  • Murder at Spindle Manor (The Lamplight Murder Mysteries, #1)
  • To Cage a God (These Monstrous Gods, #1)
  • The Blood Stones (Legends of the Bruhai, #1)
  • The Fall is All There Is (Four of Mercies, #1)
  • Daughter of the Beast (The Vyshivka Trilogy, #1)
  • The Wickwire Watch (The Riverfall Chronicles, #1)
  • Ashes of Man (Sun Eater, #5)
  • Fathomfolk (Drowned World, #1)
  • The Last Ranger (Ranger of the Titan Wilds, #1)