Chris Moriarty > Quotes > Quote > Aloha liked it

Chris Moriarty
“The trouble with friends was that you couldn’t get rid of them. There was no way to take back a friendship in the wake of betrayal or disappointment. The friendship, and everything that went with it, stayed. It just became unreliable, like an abandoned house; you still knew where all the rooms were, and which stairs creaked underfoot, but you had to check every floorboard for rot before trusting your weight to it.”
Chris Moriarty, Spin State

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message 1: by Dustin (new)

Dustin I love deep, meaningful quotes such as these!

message 2: by Aloha (new)

Aloha Me, too. I was raised to suppress who I am, be a good girl and accepting of everything. The problem with being super nice and unrevealing of who you are is that you end up with people you have nothing in common with. Spending all your time and effort with people you have nothing in common with leaves no time for meeting people you can have a much more meaningful relationship with.

message 3: by Dustin (new)

Dustin Ah, that's so sad that you brought up that way...:( One should never suppress the beautiful nature of who they are, IMO.

message 4: by Aloha (new)

Aloha That's why I can't stand controlling people. They do all they can to make it their world, suppressing others, threaten, etc. They can mete out control but hate it when the same is dealt them.

message 5: by Dustin (new)

Dustin I can't stand them, either. Yep, it's completely different when the shoe's on the other foot, eh?

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