Edgar Allan Poe > Quotes > Quote > Nicole liked it

Edgar Allan Poe
“I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.”
Edgar Allan Poe

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message 1: by Caleb (new)

Caleb CW Edgar Allan Poe has some good quotes.

message 2: by Nora (new)

Nora Currie Thanks so much for sharing this quote, Nicole! There are days when I feel the same way as Poe does because both of us suffer from the same disorder.

message 3: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Caleb wrote: "Edgar Allan Poe has some good quotes."

So many good ones!

message 4: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Nora wrote: "Thanks so much for sharing this quote, Nicole! There are days when I feel the same way as Poe does because both of us suffer from the same disorder."

I feel it at least once a week, sometimes more, at this point.

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