Goodreads Live with Robin Sloan

Author: Robin Sloan
Book: Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore

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This is a recording of a live chat with Robin Sloan. We discuss his hit debut novel Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore, as well as his life as a writer and his background in the tech world.…more

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6

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message 1: by [deleted user]

Thanks, can't wait to read this book.

Suzann Loved the chat; loved the book! Thanks ---

message 3: by G.M.

G.M. Giudicelli I played D&D when I was young, I read the whole Dragonlance series, I went to Adobe bookstore last time I was in SF and I worked at Google. I can SO relate to everything in this book that it's almost creepy :)

message 4: by Kari

Kari Hakkers Sounds like a great book! I will be adding this one to my must reads!

message 5: by Mopsa

Mopsa Just finished reading the book. Loved it!

Arlene Combining my passions of books AND technology along with a quest just delighted me. I have never been treated to this kind of read before. Thanks for sharing this chat. Fascinating. Robin I just loved the ending. Resonates so deeply for me.

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