The Gargoyle Quotes

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The Gargoyle The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson
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The Gargoyle Quotes Showing 91-120 of 135
“How deep was the grim sorter of the dark and the foul going to send me?”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“ when you didn't mention marriage again I assumed that you had been talking idly, the way men do when they're feeling romantic.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“the moon is tender”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“Vanity is both a great motivator and a great deceiver, and the idea of leaving behind an everlasting legacy can spur even the most cautious person to proceed recklessly.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“Talking with the mouth of a beast won't ease your pain.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you that the mouth is the front gate of all misfortune?”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“Kako se usuđuješ pomisliti da poznaješ moje srce kad ne razumiješ ni vlastito?”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“your mind becomes a supercomputer capable of calculating the gyrations of your car, multiplying that by the speed of the fall over the angle of descent, factoring in Newton’s laws of motion and, in a split second, coming to the panicked conclusion that this is gonna hurt like hell.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“Monsters are divine portents.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“How could you escape a past that was so determined to make you pay?”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“Everyone’s past, I try to rationalize, is nothing more than the collection of memories they choose to remember.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“have spent much time there, in this grand empty space between memory and desire, creating this cracked empire of sentences in which I now live.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“Belief in a better future is an amazing gift.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“Svaka nesreća napada lakoverne iz zasede, baš kao i ljubav.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“Coffin,why no lid? Too antiseptic for Hell, and could the roof of heaven really be made of gray metal?”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“That which nourishes me also destroys me.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“The world pampers the body with food and material comforts," she said. "They appease the flesh but are enemies of the spirit. Abstinence is a bridle that gives the spirit a chance in the eternal quarrel with the body.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“Even monkeys fall from trees.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“Morphine is like a religious zealot on a mission; it searches for body parts to convert, offering milk-and-honeyed dreams to flow sluggishly through your veins.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“As Blake wrote in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: “You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“Nella vita le sventure ci colgono di sorpresa, spesso con violenza, proprio come l'amore.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“It’s a strange but consistent trait of people who consider themselves unattractive. They look embarrassed if you suggest that they might be interested in someone; because they feel unworthy of receiving attention, they also deny that they would dare to give it.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“Do you know what the best part of that swim was?”
“Knowing that you were on the shore waiting for me.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“As soon as a man has chosen a side in war, he's already picked the wrong one.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“There is no logical reason to believe in God. There are emotional reasons, certainly, but I cannot have faith that nothing is somethings simply because it would be reassuring.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“I could hear the hiss of various gases escaping the engine and the tires still spinning outside, above, and there was the creak of metal settling as the car stopped rocking, a pathetic turtle on its back.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“Everything burns if it is hot enough. The world is nothing but a crucible.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“Any man who believes he can describe love," I answered, "understands nothing about it.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“It doesn't matter how fast you move, I learned, if you never go anywhere.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
“You're scared and I understand that. I know it's difficult because you want to imagine the ending but you can't even imagine the beginning. But everything will be ok. It just takes time.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle