UX bugs

Hi everyone, it seems that multiple users have reported bugs with their UX settings and displays in their app. I also have a fair share of my UX problem in my app. 

In my application, when a user clicks 'Inspected', the 'Inspected' status will be displayed underneath the 'Supporting Document' and also in the inline. Some items display these desired results that I wanted such as following:

Inspected status is shown below the Supporting DocumentInspected status is shown below the Supporting DocumentIt is also shown in the inline along with image attachmentIt is also shown in the inline along with image attachmentHowever, some of the items do not show properly like the screenshots attached above and instead it shows like this:

Bug UX 1.png

Bug UX 3.png

Hoping this issue will be resolved soon. Thank you.

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I don't see any AppSheet bugs in your post, but I have to admit your post doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Can you try rephrasing it?

So the flow of my app is something like this: 

User fills up a form and at the end of the form, there will be an option to choose 'Inspected'. Inspected buttonInspected button

So after the user clicks 'Inspected' and press Submit, the 'Inspected' status should display as 'Inspected' under the 'Supporting Document'

Ok 2 copy.png

and it should also display in the inline view

Ok 1 copy.png

However, some items do not display the 'Inspected' status and just show blank space eventhough I have pressed 'Inspected' in my form. I have also checked my Google Spreadsheet which is suppose to store the 'Inspected' status in the column 'Inspected' and it seems like it did not register the data into my Google Spreadsheet from AppSheet.

Thank you for the revised description! Very nice!

Does your Inspected column have a Show? expression? If so, please post a screenshot of the entire expression.

You're welcome Steve. No there's no Show/Show_if expression for my Inspected column

Please post screenshots demonstrating the unshown value.

Bug test.gif

I hope this GIF can further clarify

Additionally, here's the screenshot of my Inspected column

bug .png

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