date format

Hi All,I am trying to set my date format from mm/dd/yy to dd/mm/yy. I have read other articles to setup data locale for the spreasheet and also for app sheet. but the issue is i cant find the data locale in my app sheet setting. your help is highly appreciated. Thanks. </li-spoiler>

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Those two format is depends on the apps, every apps


As i know,..  The best format yyyy/mm/dd

This format is highly recommend for use to comparing in formula, you need to convert to this format first then you can change it into format you decide

Hope this help



but how to do it? 

What database you are using ? If your database is a Spreadsheet then it is easy though


i am just entering data from app. name and id, and it picks up the date automatically with today() function. hope it helps.  

Hmm okay.. 

I'm trying to get into it . .. wait

Are you trying to write onto the database (which is Spreadsheet) the date format dd/mm/yy rather than mm/dd/yy ?

Well, i don't think it necessary to change it because the app will setup it from the computer settings (region)

Or you can change it with formula from Spreadsheet instead

Let me know if its work

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