COLOR column type - more choices than just 6 colors

The COLOR column type is quite useful to efficiently display a small color “dot”. With just one column, you get a formatted color dot as well as an enum for the user to select from a list/dropdown/buttons. No need for columns plus formatting rules. Nice.

But, we are limited to only 6 colors if you check the documentation - 8 in reality - as White (which is light Grey) and Black also work in addition to the documented Red, Yellow, Green, Orange,Purple, and Blue. We are also limited to just a DOT. Would also be great to not just allow “dots”, but also “squares” as a setting for the Color Column type.

And… it would really increase flexibility of we had the ability to use a wider range of colors so “dots” could be used in more ways that Red/Green/Yellow flagging. My request is to as a minimum, support a standard “web safe” color list or even just the google standard color pallette.


Status Open
21 5 2,727
Gold 1
Gold 1

Please add at least the 2 colors “Cyan” and “Pink” like in the Format Rules.


Silver 3
Silver 3

Hex Colors!

Status changed to: Open
Bronze 4
Bronze 4

While I'd love a wide-ranging and/or customizable set of value options for this type, I agree with the above suggestion that at a minimum it would be helpful to include all of the options in the Format Rules.

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

I also think it's doable to do it using hex colors.
But if it's not, at least having the option of more colors would be great.