Dynamic User Access Control to App

I'm pretty sure I've seen this some time ago, but I'm not able to find it and if I do atleast it might help with the visibility.

Here's the concept: Imagine having a user table where each new record contains an email address. As soon as a new record is added, the corresponding email would automatically be included in the allowed users of the AppSheet app. This functionality would be particularly valuable for SaaS applications, enabling seamless user management and improving operational efficiency.

Potential Implementation Tools:Automation could potentially be managed through services like:

Zapier, which can connect web forms directly to Google Sheets.

Alternatively, using Google Apps Script with an onEdit() trigger might offer a straightforward way to sync new entries directly to AppSheet.


This automation would drastically reduce the manual overhead involved in user management.

It could enhance user experience by providing immediate access upon registration.

It supports scaling operations efficiently as user bases grow without additional administrative burden.

I am eager to hear if anyone has implemented something similar or can guide on setting up such an integration. Any suggestions, examples, or guidance on technologies that might facilitate this automation would be highly appreciated.

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1 Comment
Gold 4
Gold 4

Sure would be nice....

  • How many times has this been requested now?
  • How many years has it been on the list?
  • Almost a decade?

Would be REALLY nice. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯