No meaning to throw the features request here.....

When I initally get onboard AppSheet back in 2017, the featuer requests, asking qustion and getting friends with Appsheet devs were all possible. I did not have any coding experiences, and thanks to their supports I managed to develop fantastic apps. Once we get to know about appsheet and got a skill, we are geting more greedy to get more.

Then in the past  (before google), we posted feature reques here (community), as far as the request is decided as a solutions which will widely help others, then the new features are in placed almost in the following day. but it is past story. Probably 100% feature requests are igored by google after the aquisition.

Then they come up with AppSheet database, new chat APPS????? Who requestted?  At the end of the DAY, such a new features are always buggies. Not suitable for business use.

On the community place, I asked the question to test the reaction from Google. Then they always we (Google) is right so for us , there is no point to continue to discusss as they (G) dont have any ear to listen to our voice.

We know Google does not have skill and capabiity to listen to the user voice as they never did before. Then they purchase AppSheet. They are at a loss how to deal with it, as they are not sure where it is coming from.

Every single day, the risk "killed by Google" is continuously growing fearully.  Hopefully, I will be wrong.

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46 21 1,744
Silver 5
Silver 5

After google brought AppSheet it looks all dramatic and complicate simple things. Break existing feature that works well. And what not.

Feel like everyone must read this article by Former AppSheet CEO 


This is very painful to see AppSheet is in hands of wrong Director or CEO. As user I could feel the wrong direction of AppSheet. 

Silver 1
Silver 1

Personally, I've started to use AppSheet not to much time ago, so maybe it is difficult to "feel the wrong direction" but I can understand what you mean.. 

At the same time some feature proposed by Google are not bad ideas 🙂 even if not requested by anyone. 
I'm talking about the integrated DB.. 
I think that this is a very good thing and it can be very useful for us in several different ways. 

For me, yes, ok.. maybe Google doesn't listen us too much, but, I think, we also agree that's it is not too bad what they are doing..

Gold 4
Gold 4

@Rifad  is completely right, no doubt.

Thats about it. Simple  story.  Time would tell.


Gold 4
Gold 4

Exactly.  Why does big-tech always concentrate on the new shinny feature no one asked for.  Rather than fixing the bits that don't work or adding features which have been requested for years.  E.g.

  • Searching for a date defaults to a MMDDYYYY date
  • Why must an Address ALWAYS been shown as a pin and not text in a Table
  • Why can't a bot have multiple triggers
  • Why can't minor changed be made to Usersettings() so they can be used as global variables
  • Function to force a sync
  • Why can we attached but not play movie files in the app
  • Why are bots limited to 300 sec yet the API seemingly isn't
  • Why can virtual columns calculate data faster than Bots?
  • Why do actions take a stupid amount of time to write to Google Sheets?
  • Why can't we cancel a Bot that is on a wait instruction
  • Redesign the calendar so that the user isn't scrolling up and down all the time
  • More colours in calendar view, some people can have more than 8-10 things happing in a day...
  • Allow map pins to have customisable numbers or text
  • Why do I need 3 seperate google accounts, one for each Appsheet licence type?
  • Why doesn't actually bill me for the licences I've actually used in am month instead of the maxmimum I'm prepared to pay for

Who asked for chat bots and the new AI documentation feature?


Bronze 5
Bronze 5

Totally agree. Although im a new user to Appsheet with no code experience, I also find the Database is so inconvenient to use (then why do we even bother trying to replace Spreadsheet?) and recently is the Chat App (at first I though it would be something like Bard or inter-app chat function - then it would be a bit more useful - but it turns out to be something with user-unfriendly interface). 

In a way, sometime tech company might need insights from non-tech people to choose which new updates / products to be made. 


Silver 3
Silver 3

Appsheet has so much potential, to take over the no-code market. Two things that I think Appsheet could do:

  1. Please focus on the missing features Such as:
    a) Better data management 
    b) More customization features,
    c) A better dashboard management,
    d) More view types (Kanban, Gantt),
    e) Multiple select file attachments,
    f) Recording short videos in the app,
    g) Allow users to change to apps color in the app, etc...

  2. Better pricing plans. I have some ideas, for example:
    a) Charge only by creators and editor users. The average users who can't access the editor should not be charged. Imagine a company with 50 users. Impractical.

    b) Charge per limit of users: Excample:
    - $15 dollars per 1-10 users.
    - $25 dollars per 11-30 users.
    I am sure the company's revenue would increase a lot.

Appsheet needs revenue. Money talks. They need to be up to date. Every day there is a new no-code platform out in the market. This is GOOGLE OMG!!! You have to do better.

Silver 5
Silver 5

@1minManager wrote:
  • Searching for a date defaults to a MMDDYYYY date
  • Why must an Address ALWAYS been shown as a pin and not text in a Table
  • Why can't a bot have multiple triggers
  • Why can't minor changed be made to Usersettings() so they can be used as global variables
  • Function to force a sync
  • Why can we attached but not play movie files in the app
  • Why are bots limited to 300 sec yet the API seemingly isn't
  • Why can virtual columns calculate data faster than Bots?
  • Why do actions take a stupid amount of time to write to Google Sheets?
  • Why can't we cancel a Bot that is on a wait instruction
  • Redesign the calendar so that the user isn't scrolling up and down all the time
  • More colours in calendar view, some people can have more than 8-10 things happing in a day...
  • Allow map pins to have customisable numbers or text
  • Why do I need 3 seperate google accounts, one for each Appsheet licence type?
  • Why doesn't actually bill me for the licences I've actually used in am month instead of the maxmimum I'm prepared to pay for



3 months and none of this being addressed is bit concerning 

Silver 3
Silver 3

@Rifad We can play videos inside Appsheet. 
Create a Virtual Column as SHOW and set it like that


USe the Column Type SHOW, category Video and the app formula and content will be: TEXT([Column with the video file uploaded])

PS: As you know a column type SHOW will only appear in the detail view if you put it in the column order.


Silver 5
Silver 5

@peterson thanks for the information. Everyone here including @1minManager been here in this Community for past may years and we are aware of displaying video in SHOW type column. He is asking for FILE type column. Hope you understand the difference what he meant here by saying

@1minManager wrote:

Why can we attached but not play movie files in the app


Silver 3
Silver 3


I'd love to be able to cut the images after taking the photo, and record short videos, maybe 10 seconds or 15 seconds .

Gold 4
Gold 4

Neglecting the "users voice" seems to be continuing after Google Aquisition. 

Possibly they only hear voice from the enterprise / GWS users voice rather than voice here in this category.

After years, none of the request here are materialized, but unrequested Chat Apps (never used), and upcoming features (Google Doc/Appsheet short cut) are only coming to be pushed to be added.....

This is sad to see Google dev/sales teams not really listening to the "actual" voice for demands here in this thread/category.


Gold 4
Gold 4

There are bunch of "places" to be fixed and new functionalities to be pushed, such as weak UX for Map, Chart, Calendar integration, for instance, which will be WELCOMED by MAJORITY of the users rather than fix the needs from the nitch request.

My negative (sorry to google as this is bit agressive post) post is viewed by number of the users , which is positive, but no reaction from Google is negative, but this represent how Google is going to develop this precious platfrom after taking over from Praveen...


Gold 4
Gold 4

Not only that @Koichi_Tsuji @peterson @Rifad but on this post only you are now banned from even liking anything other than the first post.

Write anything that puts Google in a bad light = Go to Gulag


Silver 5
Silver 5

@1minManager I think its not possible to like other posts in ‘Feature Ideas’ in general.