Rich Text Editor Control

Rich Text Editor Control:  I am looking for a Rich Text Editor control at field level, which should allow me to format text in different ways. This control is especially useful for creating and displaying formatted text, such as bold, italic, and lists and justify display of text, etc.

In the absence of this feature, text display is pretty ordinary and I have to look for MicroSoft Power Apps for better formatting

Status Open
5 2 144
Gold 1
Gold 1

I've upvoted this.  Actually, I though I had proposed something similar a long time ago but I can't find it now.

Of course, we currently have rich text in long text fields but, if I understand you correctly, you would like to see an interface like the following to make editing HTML easier.  So would I.

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 15.45.23.png

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Yes, I agree. In fact I am looking for better formatting (with HTML / Rich
Text Editing at

1. Field / Control Level
2. Form / View Level

At the moment, Appsheet offers only very ordinary formatting features.

Regards, Riaz