When will the autopilot GKE bursting be enabled again?

We can't use bursting in autopilot GKE because of the following know issue. Any ETA?

To mitigate this issue, we temporarily disabled bursting in GKE Autopilot clusters that were created or upgraded to version 1.29.2-gke.1060000 and later on or after April 24, 2024. Clusters that enabled bursting prior to April 24, 2024 continue to support bursting.

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same question

Why don't have n ETA on wholesale re-enabling it, but if you are ok with the minimal risk of the issue occurring, you can contact support and ask them to enable it on your cluster(s).


Our test cluster runs on autopilot and we wanted to put all of its pods on the minimum (50m) cpu with a burst to 500m since they see very sporadic use. The minimum without bursting is 250m. So the cluster is currently 5x as expensive as it should be... We're planning to run 50-60 pods on there, that's 15vcpu vs 3vcpu... Big difference...

I really do not want to recreate everything on a Standard cluster just because of a bug. But if we have an ETA and know that it won't be fixed this year, it might be worth doing the work to move it to a standard cluster with our own managed node pool..

> you can contact support and ask them to enable it on your cluster(s)

But you need to pay to contact support... To ask them for an exemption regarding its own bugs? No thanks...

+1 actually. We also have the exact same problem as jannes1  described. And I don't see why we should pay to Support to fix their own bugs. Isn't there a workaround to actually enable Bursting in any new Autopilot cluster? We are ready to backup our cluster and move to another one, but if it's also impossible, then we will have to manage a Standard cluster too.

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