Verification In Progress Problem

We have been waiting for Verification In Progress for about two months. Is it possible to get confirmation or at least an answer?

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Hi @CompanyDNA ,

Your question lacks several details. Adding a screenshot, documentation that you followed, or the exact error message will help community members contribute or share answers for your inquiry.

If you are referring to unverified apps, you can check this documentation for guidance. For Google's OAuth App verification process, this documentation might help you. 

Have you received any emails coming from our team that handles the verification process or any related emails? It might have been redirected to your junk or spam folder. You can also reach the support team to gather details about the status of the verification process.

What we actually mean is domain verification. We have done the domain
verification process, but your security team says there is a problem with
this. We want to ask, is there a problem with domain(
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