Anybody here an GW Individual subscriber/Beta participant that can share eSignature info

There has been a LOT of confusion regarding Google and eSignatures.  TechCrunch, Forbes, Reddit, forums, this Q&A, and help articles don't clearly explain the state of the proposed eSignature features, release schedule, etc.

To start with, the eSignature - GW Individual rolled out (allegedly) with basic features, lacking multi-signer, etc.  There is also a beta for GW Business/Education with no public explanation of features nor any sign ups allowed.

A post in another message thread on this Q&A (only by a support person) said that the release would be Q1... we're now nearing the end of Q2 with no additional information announced by Google.  It would be nice for a Drive/Docs product development team lead to provide real info.

Anybody have any further information?  I've heard info that I will not share here, but I'm just trying to understand what is actually going on with features, release dates and ???pricing???

DocuSign and Adobe seem to have nice integrations.  I wonder ๐Ÿค” if Google is going to change their plans due to friendly competition?

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Yes, I would also like to know when a rollout date (not Q1, but an actual date) of when the eSignature feature plans to release. Knowing the features would also be great. I understand there was a Beta program to try out eSignature, but with a rollout supposedly around the corner and no information about it makes me think it's not happening.

You might want to have a look in the NDAed product roadmaps to see if thereโ€™s anything there about this. See

for how to request access.

Note: This section of GCC is public, so items that you may see on the roadmap should not be discussed here, as that would violate the NDA.

Hope that helps,


Hmm.  That doesn't really help.  The Workspace Q&A is a location where Q's are supposed to get A's.  The eSignature has been in the works for how long?  Q1 was supposed to be the release.  Q2 is almost over.  Why was guidance given my this person in March, but now with the changes there is no info?  Very odd, no?  Is that a Google person?  Do they not know what is goin on? Or has there been a change in plans?



Googlers are often quite highly restricted in terms of what they're allowed to post in fully public forums like this one. If there hasn't been anything more posted, it's likely that there's nothing more that Google has chosen to officially announce. And if Google hasn't chosen to announce it publicly, it means that folks like Kevin can't answer even if they do happen to know the specifics. (I've heard from several Googlers that the review process they have to go through to be allowed to say/present pretty much anything publicly is rough.)

That said, I have been around here quite a while, and I know that Kevin's a pretty straight shooter, and generally quite knowledgeable, and will share as much as he's allowed to share as soon as he can.

And, historically speaking, Google is quite uncommunicative about future plans in public. They're a little more open in NDAed places like in what's included in the roadmaps. 

I do understand how it's frustrating, but that's just how Google does its thing. There's not a whole lot that any of the rest of us can do about it, unfortunately.

(Note, I'm just a customer like you. I don't actually have any knowledge re. the specifics of the eSignature rollout timeline and when it might be complete.)

Thanks for the reply @icrew 
Yeah, just wondering if this is one of those Jamboard, Google+, Allo or any of the other "situations" where their plans are less than ideal.  Maybe a bit more open communication would be a better strategy.  2 years in from alpha and no reliable public info (other than inaccurate info)?  And it isn't like eSignatures are innovative.  Why any secrecy in the first place?

@icrew - just curious, when you try Help> Updates in Docs... do you see this?  as in, latest Updates as November 2023๐Ÿค”  I checked in (2) different GWfE+ and both have them same.



It seems there's quite a bit of confusion surrounding Google's eSignature features and their rollout. Hereโ€™s a breakdown of the current situation based on available information:

1. **Current State**:
- Google Workspace (GW) Individual has reportedly rolled out with basic eSignature features, but it lacks functionalities like multi-signer support.
- There is a beta version available for GW Business/Education, but specifics about features and sign-up processes havenโ€™t been publicly detailed.

2. **Release Schedule**:
- Initial information hinted at a Q1 release for expanded eSignature features, but as we near the end of Q2, there has been no official update or additional information from Google regarding the timeline or feature specifics.

3. **Concerns and Competitors**:
- Users are understandably concerned about the lack of clarity and updates from Google.
- Competitors like DocuSign and Adobe already offer robust eSignature solutions with integrations, prompting speculation about potential adjustments in Google's plans due to market competition.

4. **Request for Information**:
- Many users, including yourself, are seeking concrete details about feature enhancements, release dates, and potentially pricing information.

5. **Awaiting Clarification**:
- At this point, there hasn't been an official statement or detailed roadmap provided by Googleโ€™s Drive/Docs product development team regarding eSignature features.

Given the situation, it's understandable to seek clarity and updates directly from Google regarding their eSignature offerings. Keep an eye on official announcements from Google or updates within the Google Workspace platform for the latest information.

@jimmy7 That is a summary. Yes.

Are you a GW user?  Does your Docs also have the same stale information in Help>Updates?
Doesn't it seem odd?  And status of eSignatures is not being communicated as well?

I'm trying to convey the feedback that the Google Workspace & Docs team(s) are not providing what I consider to be enterprise level solution communication.  Missing communicated deadlines, not updating Help>Updates in the systems... and going "MIA" on rectifying the timeline/communication issues are not ideal.

Google is not meeting the expectations of this (and other) Google Workspace customers. But it really doesn't seem to care because it is a monopoly, of sorts.

@jo-cpa I don't work for Google but I've worked aside them for a long time since before they hit 100 employees.  And I've been using Workspace since it was called Gmail for Business. 

Google works different than other firms.  This is not a judgement as they are one of the top most valuable companies in the world.  However, it's not that they are anti-enterprise, it's just they handle things differently.  Here's my take that might help you with your POV.

When Google talks about product roadmaps, they always do so with important caveats:

#1 These are forward-looking statements.

#2 Timelines are not an official commitment, but an estimate subject to change.

#3 Products pre-release are not guaranteed to become generally available and may change or be moved to subscriptions / other SKUs

This is part of what makes Google special.  Version-less software, constant reiteration, and a willingness to take missteps and backtrack.  It also supports teams and staff that they aren't dealing with artificial deadlines and inabilities to do what is right for the people.

Expecting anything else is expecting the Google leopard to change it's shorts [1] and only bring you misery, mayhem, and madness.



Exactly #3

That is what I "suspect" is happening with eSignatures (as I eluded to in another post about eSignatures that Google locked because I would not reveal a source), and it is disappointing when information provided previously contradicts the current situation.

#4 - Google's Docs documentation is poorly maintained (Help>Updates - 7 months old with no updates).  But I guess they work differently ๐Ÿค”

Based on the lack of input and feedback about the real issue I'm asking about - eSignatures  - it seems quite clear that Google is not the right eSignature solution for anyone... unless they want to keep waiting for "expected release estimates", costly add-on pricing or other info.

I still like GW, but when stuff like this happens, I feel I need to attempt to get real information (though it has been fruitless here) and provide honest feedback.

Is anybody here?
What is going on?

Now, I see eSignatures in the GWfE+ console
I turned it on yesterday for my Tech OU to test.  But nothing has changed in Docs > Tools (looking for eSignature).
I've searched Help and this forum for any info, but there is nothing.



And, before someone reads the docs and say "do you have a license?"... yes, licenses applied.

Based on the Google Blog link, it appears the roll out for end user availability will begin on July 8th, but the setting to enable the feature is already available, correct?



Yes, we see the switch in our admin console already. As I understand it, the reasoning was so that people who didn't want that feature to be enabled for their end users (as we don't) would have an opportunity to turn it off before it started rolling out.