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Sen. Ben Nelson’s Cosponsors

Nelson got 668 cosponsors (by 125 unique Members of Congress) on his 138 bills from May 1, 2001 to Sep 21, 2012. Here they are in order from most cosponsored bills to fewest.

Sen. Susan Collins [R-ME]
18 bills from Apr 7, 2003 to Sep 11, 2012
Health (10); Armed Forces and National Security (8); Social Welfare (5); Taxation (3); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1); International Affairs (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Charles “Chuck” Hagel [R-NE, 1997-2008]
15 bills from Jun 10, 2003 to Jun 24, 2008
Health (6); Social Welfare (4); Economics and Public Finance (4); Government Operations and Politics (3); Public Lands and Natural Resources (3); Emergency Management (3); Agriculture and Food (2); Environmental Protection (2); Energy (2); Commerce (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (2); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Law (1); Water Resources Development (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Taxation (1); Families (1); Sports and Recreation (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Arts, Culture, Religion (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Tim Johnson [D-SD, 1997-2014]
14 bills from Apr 7, 2003 to Sep 21, 2012
Armed Forces and National Security (7); Health (5); Taxation (3); Economics and Public Finance (3); Social Welfare (3); Families (3); Transportation and Public Works (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Labor and Employment (2); Energy (1); Education (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Emergency Management (1); Law (1); Housing and Community Development (1)
Sen. Jeff Bingaman [D-NM, 1983-2012]
14 bills from Apr 7, 2003 to Jul 19, 2011
Health (5); Armed Forces and National Security (5); Social Welfare (3); Economics and Public Finance (2); Taxation (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Agriculture and Food (1); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Animals (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Emergency Management (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Samuel “Sam” Brownback [R-KS, 1996-2010]
14 bills from Apr 6, 2004 to Jun 16, 2010
Armed Forces and National Security (7); Health (4); Taxation (3); Transportation and Public Works (3); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Social Welfare (2); Economics and Public Finance (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Emergency Management (1)
Sen. Mike Johanns [R-NE, 2009-2014]
13 bills from Jan 22, 2009 to Sep 13, 2012
Taxation (3); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Health (2); Housing and Community Development (2); Social Welfare (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Energy (1); Animals (1)
Sen. Mary Landrieu [D-LA, 1997-2014]
13 bills from Sep 24, 2003 to Jul 29, 2011
Armed Forces and National Security (6); Taxation (4); Health (4); Social Welfare (4); Government Operations and Politics (3); Families (3); Law (2); Labor and Employment (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Energy (1); Animals (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1)
Sen. Richard Durbin [D-IL]
13 bills from Sep 25, 2003 to Apr 6, 2011
Health (6); Social Welfare (6); Government Operations and Politics (5); Education (4); Armed Forces and National Security (4); Families (4); Labor and Employment (4); Economics and Public Finance (3); Law (2); Agriculture and Food (2); Commerce (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Animals (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. John Kerry [D-MA, 1985-2013]
13 bills from Oct 2, 2003 to Mar 15, 2011
Health (8); Social Welfare (5); Education (4); Government Operations and Politics (4); Families (4); Labor and Employment (4); Armed Forces and National Security (3); Law (2); Agriculture and Food (2); Commerce (2); Economics and Public Finance (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Blanche Lincoln [D-AR, 1999-2010]
13 bills from Sep 4, 2003 to Oct 13, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (6); Social Welfare (4); Taxation (3); Health (3); Government Operations and Politics (2); Law (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Foreign Trade and International Finance (2); International Affairs (2); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Agriculture and Food (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Pat Roberts [R-KS, 1997-2020]
12 bills from Sep 29, 2004 to Sep 21, 2012
Armed Forces and National Security (5); Taxation (4); Health (3); Social Welfare (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Animals (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Housing and Community Development (1)
Sen. Debbie Stabenow [D-MI]
12 bills from Jul 31, 2003 to Oct 4, 2011
Health (5); Social Welfare (5); Armed Forces and National Security (4); Taxation (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Law (2); Economics and Public Finance (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Energy (1); Animals (1); Commerce (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Thad Cochran [R-MS, 1979-2018]
12 bills from Sep 13, 2004 to Jul 18, 2011
Social Welfare (4); Taxation (4); Armed Forces and National Security (3); Health (3); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Energy (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Animals (1); Education (1); Agriculture and Food (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Environmental Protection (1)
Sen. John “Johnny” Isakson [R-GA, 2005-2019]
11 bills from Mar 9, 2005 to Sep 15, 2011
Health (5); Social Welfare (4); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Energy (1); Taxation (1); Animals (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Sherrod Brown [D-OH]
10 bills from Apr 10, 2007 to May 16, 2011
Health (3); Education (2); Social Welfare (2); Taxation (2); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Energy (1); Animals (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Patty Murray [D-WA]
10 bills from Jan 20, 2004 to Apr 6, 2011
Armed Forces and National Security (5); Health (4); Social Welfare (4); Economics and Public Finance (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Animals (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Emergency Management (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Christopher Dodd [D-CT, 1981-2010]
10 bills from Dec 12, 2005 to Jun 16, 2010
Armed Forces and National Security (5); Health (4); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Education (1); Social Welfare (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Saxby Chambliss [R-GA, 2003-2014]
9 bills from Apr 7, 2003 to Sep 15, 2011
Finance and Financial Sector (6); Social Welfare (2); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Taxation (1); Health (1)
Sen. Maria Cantwell [D-WA]
9 bills from Oct 1, 2004 to Apr 6, 2011
Armed Forces and National Security (4); Health (3); Social Welfare (3); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Agriculture and Food (1); Animals (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Evan Bayh [D-IN, 1999-2010]
9 bills from Sep 13, 2004 to Sep 21, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (4); Social Welfare (3); Taxation (3); Health (2); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1); International Affairs (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Byron Dorgan [D-ND, 1992-2010]
9 bills from Feb 3, 2005 to Jun 17, 2009
Health (4); Armed Forces and National Security (4); Social Welfare (3); Economics and Public Finance (2); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Energy (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Norm Coleman [R-MN, 2003-2008]
9 bills from Jul 14, 2004 to Apr 15, 2008
Armed Forces and National Security (5); Health (4); Social Welfare (4); Families (3); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1); International Affairs (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Law (1)
Sen. Jon Tester [D-MT]
8 bills from Dec 4, 2007 to Sep 21, 2012
Armed Forces and National Security (3); Taxation (2); Health (1); Animals (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Housing and Community Development (1)
Sen. James “Jim” Inhofe [R-OK, 1994-2022]
8 bills from Jun 7, 2007 to Sep 11, 2012
Health (5); Social Welfare (2); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Agriculture and Food (1)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski [D-MD, 1987-2016]
8 bills from Apr 7, 2003 to Mar 15, 2011
Armed Forces and National Security (6); Finance and Financial Sector (3); Taxation (3); Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Mark Pryor [D-AR, 2003-2014]
8 bills from Jul 17, 2003 to Dec 6, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (4); Government Operations and Politics (3); Health (3); Social Welfare (3); Law (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Patrick Leahy [D-VT, 1975-2022]
8 bills from Apr 7, 2003 to Oct 29, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (6); Finance and Financial Sector (3); Economics and Public Finance (2); Taxation (2); Education (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Charles “Chuck” Schumer [D-NY]
8 bills from Oct 21, 2003 to Jul 29, 2009
Health (4); Armed Forces and National Security (4); Government Operations and Politics (3); Social Welfare (3); Law (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Kent Conrad [D-ND, 1992-2012]
8 bills from Jun 8, 2004 to May 12, 2009
Social Welfare (4); Armed Forces and National Security (4); Health (3); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Ken Salazar [D-CO, 2005-2009]
8 bills from Mar 9, 2005 to Dec 18, 2007
Armed Forces and National Security (4); Economics and Public Finance (3); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Health (2); Social Welfare (2); Environmental Protection (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Water Resources Development (1); Commerce (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Hillary Clinton [D-NY, 2001-2009]
8 bills from Apr 7, 2003 to Jun 6, 2007
Armed Forces and National Security (5); Government Operations and Politics (3); Health (3); Social Welfare (3); Taxation (3); Law (2); Economics and Public Finance (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Education (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Joseph Lieberman [I-CT, 1989-2012]
7 bills from Dec 12, 2005 to Jul 20, 2011
Armed Forces and National Security (5); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Animals (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Charles “Chuck” Grassley [R-IA]
7 bills from Feb 1, 2006 to Jul 18, 2011
Armed Forces and National Security (4); Families (3); Emergency Management (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Animals (1); Health (1); Sports and Recreation (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Robert “Bob” Menendez [D-NJ]
7 bills from Jan 26, 2006 to May 23, 2011
Armed Forces and National Security (4); Health (2); Social Welfare (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Animals (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Jim Bunning [R-KY, 1999-2010]
7 bills from Jun 10, 2003 to Jun 16, 2010
Health (6); Social Welfare (4); Government Operations and Politics (2); Law (2); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Thomas “Tom” Harkin [D-IA, 1985-2014]
7 bills from Sep 6, 2005 to Oct 14, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (3); Health (3); Social Welfare (2); Emergency Management (2); Families (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Sports and Recreation (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Olympia Snowe [R-ME, 1995-2012]
7 bills from Jul 29, 2005 to Sep 22, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (4); Health (3); Social Welfare (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Kay Hutchison [R-TX, 1993-2012]
7 bills from May 18, 2004 to Sep 9, 2009
Social Welfare (4); Armed Forces and National Security (3); Health (3); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Edward “Ted” Kennedy [D-MA, 1962-2009]
7 bills from Jan 25, 2005 to Jul 29, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (4); Health (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Social Welfare (1); Arts, Culture, Religion (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Lisa Murkowski [R-AK]
7 bills from Jul 29, 2005 to Jun 17, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (4); Social Welfare (2); Health (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. John F. “Jack” Reed [D-RI]
6 bills from Sep 6, 2005 to Oct 19, 2011
Armed Forces and National Security (3); Health (2); Social Welfare (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Animals (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Frank Lautenberg [D-NJ, 2003-2013]
6 bills from Jun 17, 2003 to Apr 28, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (4); Government Operations and Politics (2); Health (2); Social Welfare (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Law (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1)
Sen. Jefferson “Jeff” Sessions [R-AL, 1997-2017]
6 bills from Nov 18, 2005 to Apr 23, 2009
Social Welfare (5); Armed Forces and National Security (4); Crime and Law Enforcement (3); Economics and Public Finance (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Immigration (3); International Affairs (3); Labor and Employment (3); Law (3); Science, Technology, Communications (3); Transportation and Public Works (3); Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues (2); Education (2); Health (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1)
Sen. Michael “Mike” Crapo [R-ID]
6 bills from May 1, 2001 to Apr 23, 2009
Taxation (3); Social Welfare (1); Energy (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1)
Sen. Thomas Coburn [R-OK, 2005-2014]
6 bills from Mar 3, 2005 to Apr 23, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (5); Social Welfare (4); Labor and Employment (4); Transportation and Public Works (4); Government Operations and Politics (4); Law (4); Crime and Law Enforcement (3); Economics and Public Finance (3); Immigration (3); International Affairs (3); Science, Technology, Communications (3); Families (2); Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues (2); Education (2); Taxation (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1)
Sen. Gordon Smith [R-OR, 1997-2008]
6 bills from Mar 1, 2005 to Jul 14, 2008
Armed Forces and National Security (4); Families (3); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Health (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Law (1)
Sen. Pete Domenici [R-NM, 1973-2008]
6 bills from Jul 22, 2004 to Dec 18, 2007
Government Operations and Politics (3); Health (3); Science, Technology, Communications (3); Social Welfare (3); Water Resources Development (3); Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (2); Environmental Protection (2); Law (2); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Emergency Management (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1)
Sen. Daniel Inouye [D-HI, 1963-2012]
6 bills from Sep 8, 2004 to Dec 4, 2007
Health (3); Social Welfare (3); Science, Technology, Communications (2); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Arts, Culture, Religion (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Law (1)
Sen. Carl Levin [D-MI, 1979-2014]
5 bills from Apr 7, 2003 to Sep 7, 2011
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); International Affairs (1); Animals (1); Taxation (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand [D-NY]
5 bills from Mar 26, 2009 to Sep 7, 2011
Education (2); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Animals (1)
Sen. Ron Wyden [D-OR]
5 bills from Jul 10, 2007 to Jul 20, 2011
Armed Forces and National Security (3); Taxation (2); Energy (1); Animals (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Mark Udall [D-CO, 2009-2014]
5 bills from Jun 16, 2009 to Jun 15, 2011
Agriculture and Food (1); Health (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1); International Affairs (1); Education (1)
Sen. Dianne Feinstein [D-CA, 1992-2023]
5 bills from Jan 25, 2005 to May 23, 2011
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Agriculture and Food (1); Animals (1); Arts, Culture, Religion (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Thomas Carper [D-DE]
5 bills from Jan 30, 2006 to Jun 16, 2010
Health (2); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. David Vitter [R-LA, 2005-2016]
5 bills from Jun 4, 2007 to Jan 20, 2010
Taxation (2); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Energy (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Christopher “Kit” Bond [R-MO, 1987-2010]
5 bills from Dec 15, 2005 to Dec 18, 2009
Taxation (3); Armed Forces and National Security (3); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Health (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. Robert Bennett [R-UT, 1993-2010]
5 bills from Apr 17, 2007 to Dec 11, 2009
Social Welfare (2); Health (2); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Taxation (1)
Sen. Max Baucus [D-MT, 1978-2014]
5 bills from Nov 2, 2005 to Oct 15, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (4); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Health (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Barbara Boxer [D-CA, 1993-2016]
5 bills from Jul 29, 2005 to Sep 22, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (4); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Health (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. John Thune [R-SD]
5 bills from Jan 26, 2006 to Jun 17, 2009
Energy (2); Taxation (2); Economics and Public Finance (2); Social Welfare (1); Health (1); Agriculture and Food (1); Environmental Protection (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Orrin Hatch [R-UT, 1977-2018]
5 bills from Mar 19, 2007 to Jun 17, 2009
Health (3); Social Welfare (2); Energy (1); Taxation (1)
Sen. Robert “Bob” Casey [D-PA]
5 bills from Mar 26, 2007 to Apr 23, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (3); Social Welfare (2); Health (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Lindsey Graham [R-SC]
5 bills from Jan 26, 2006 to Mar 31, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (4); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Larry Craig [R-ID, 1991-2008]
5 bills from Jul 22, 2004 to May 1, 2007
Economics and Public Finance (3); Environmental Protection (3); Health (3); Social Welfare (3); Education (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Law (2); Science, Technology, Communications (2); Water Resources Development (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Agriculture and Food (1); Energy (1); Taxation (1)
Sen. Bill Nelson [D-FL, 2001-2018]
4 bills from Jan 26, 2006 to Sep 15, 2011
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Claire McCaskill [D-MO, 2007-2018]
4 bills from May 9, 2007 to Aug 1, 2011
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Taxation (2); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
4 bills from May 2, 2007 to Oct 20, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Health (2); Social Welfare (2); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Mark Begich [D-AK, 2009-2014]
4 bills from Apr 23, 2009 to Jun 17, 2009
Social Welfare (1); Health (1); Taxation (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1)
Sen. Richard Lugar [R-IN, 1977-2012]
4 bills from Jun 27, 2007 to Apr 23, 2009
Taxation (3); Social Welfare (1); Agriculture and Food (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Energy (1); Environmental Protection (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1)
Sen. Michael Enzi [R-WY, 1997-2020]
4 bills from Mar 9, 2004 to Apr 23, 2009
Agriculture and Food (2); Public Lands and Natural Resources (2); Social Welfare (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1)
Sen. Lamar Alexander [R-TN, 2003-2020]
4 bills from Jan 30, 2006 to Apr 23, 2009
Social Welfare (2); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Health (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse [D-RI]
4 bills from May 1, 2007 to Mar 19, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Arlen Specter [D-PA, 1981-2010]
4 bills from Jun 23, 2003 to Mar 19, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Health (2); Social Welfare (2); Government Operations and Politics (1); Law (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Daniel Akaka [D-HI, 1990-2012]
4 bills from Mar 9, 2004 to Jun 27, 2007
Government Operations and Politics (3); Health (3); Social Welfare (3); Law (2); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. George Allen [R-VA, 2001-2006]
4 bills from Jul 22, 2004 to Sep 6, 2006
Finance and Financial Sector (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Health (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. James “Jim” Jeffords [I-VT, 1989-2006]
4 bills from May 21, 2004 to Sep 28, 2005
Health (2); Social Welfare (2); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Families (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Law (2); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Jeff Merkley [D-OR]
3 bills from Apr 22, 2009 to Oct 6, 2011
Taxation (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Animals (1)
Sen. Benjamin Cardin [D-MD]
3 bills from May 3, 2007 to Sep 14, 2011
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Animals (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Tom Udall [D-NM, 2009-2020]
3 bills from Jun 10, 2009 to Jun 24, 2010
Health (1); Energy (1); Taxation (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1)
Sen. Amy Klobuchar [D-MN]
3 bills from Apr 22, 2008 to Nov 4, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Taxation (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1); International Affairs (1)
Sen. Roland Burris [D-IL, 2009-2010]
3 bills from Apr 28, 2009 to Sep 9, 2009
Education (1); Energy (1); Taxation (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1)
Sen. Mel Martinez [R-FL, 2005-2009]
3 bills from Jan 31, 2006 to Jun 3, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (3); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Elizabeth Dole [R-NC, 2003-2008]
3 bills from Jan 26, 2006 to Sep 24, 2008
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. John Sununu [R-NH, 2003-2008]
3 bills from May 10, 2007 to Jul 10, 2008
Finance and Financial Sector (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Wayne Allard [R-CO, 1997-2008]
3 bills from Mar 2, 2007 to Dec 18, 2007
Economics and Public Finance (2); Environmental Protection (2); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Water Resources Development (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Agriculture and Food (1); Energy (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Taxation (1)
President Barack Obama [D, 2009-2017]
3 bills from Jan 30, 2006 to Oct 16, 2007
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Trent Lott [R-MS, 1989-2007]
3 bills from Feb 2, 2006 to Jun 13, 2007
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. John Warner [R-VA, 1979-2008]
3 bills from Sep 14, 2005 to May 21, 2007
Health (2); Social Welfare (2); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. John “Jay” Rockefeller [D-WV, 1985-2014]
3 bills from Oct 19, 2005 to Apr 10, 2007
Health (2); Social Welfare (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Conrad Burns [R-MT, 1989-2006]
3 bills from Sep 6, 2005 to Dec 15, 2005
Health (2); Social Welfare (2); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Jon Corzine [D-NJ, 2001-2006]
3 bills from Jun 17, 2003 to Sep 15, 2005
Government Operations and Politics (2); Health (2); Law (2); Social Welfare (2); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Mark Dayton [D-MN, 2001-2006]
3 bills from May 21, 2004 to Sep 14, 2005
Health (3); Social Welfare (3); Government Operations and Politics (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Thomas “Tom” Daschle [D-SD, 1987-2004]
3 bills from Apr 7, 2003 to May 21, 2004
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Sen. Jerry Moran [R-KS]
2 bills from Apr 7, 2011 to Sep 21, 2012
Animals (1); Housing and Community Development (1)
Sen. Richard Blumenthal [D-CT]
2 bills from Jul 28, 2011 to Jun 5, 2012
Animals (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Christopher Coons [D-DE]
2 bills from Mar 15, 2011 to Sep 7, 2011
Animals (1); Education (1)
Sen. Roger Wicker [R-MS]
2 bills from Jan 28, 2010 to Jul 18, 2011
Finance and Financial Sector (1); Animals (1)
Sen. Richard Burr [R-NC, 2005-2022]
2 bills from Apr 23, 2009 to Jul 29, 2009
Social Welfare (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1)
Sen. James Risch [R-ID]
2 bills from Apr 23, 2009 to Apr 28, 2009
Social Welfare (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1)
Sen. Robert Byrd [D-WV, 1959-2010]
2 bills from Jan 30, 2006 to Mar 26, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. John Cornyn [R-TX]
2 bills from Jul 31, 2007 to Sep 26, 2007
Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Ted Stevens [R-AK, 1968-2008]
2 bills from Sep 15, 2005 to Mar 22, 2007
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Families (2); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2)
Sen. Michael “Mike” DeWine [R-OH, 1995-2006]
2 bills from Sep 12, 2005 to Jan 26, 2006
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Lincoln Chafee [R-RI, 1999-2006]
2 bills from Oct 20, 2005 to Dec 15, 2005
Armed Forces and National Security (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. Zell Miller [D-GA, 2000-2004]
2 bills from Apr 11, 2003 to Sep 7, 2004
Finance and Financial Sector (2); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Taxation (1)
Sen. Kay Hagan [D-NC, 2009-2014]
1 bill from Jul 29, 2011 to Jul 29, 2011
Animals (1)
Sen. Roy Blunt [R-MO, 2011-2022]
1 bill from May 2, 2011 to May 2, 2011
Animals (1)
Sen. Michael Bennet [D-CO]
1 bill from Jun 24, 2009 to Jun 24, 2009
Armed Forces and National Security (1)
Sen. Mark Warner [D-VA]
1 bill from Apr 23, 2009 to Apr 23, 2009
Social Welfare (1)
Sen. Edward Kaufman [D-DE, 2009-2010]
1 bill from Apr 22, 2009 to Apr 22, 2009
Taxation (1)
Sen. John Barrasso [R-WY]
1 bill from Apr 22, 2009 to Apr 22, 2009
Taxation (1)
Sen. Jim Webb [D-VA, 2007-2012]
1 bill from Jul 25, 2007 to Jul 25, 2007
Health (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. Bob Corker [R-TN, 2007-2018]
1 bill from Jun 4, 2007 to Jun 4, 2007
Health (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. Richard Shelby [R-AL, 1987-2022]
1 bill from May 3, 2007 to May 3, 2007
Health (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. Harry Reid [D-NV, 1987-2016]
1 bill from Jan 30, 2006 to Jan 30, 2006
Armed Forces and National Security (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. William “Bill” Frist [R-TN, 1995-2006]
1 bill from Jan 30, 2006 to Jan 30, 2006
Armed Forces and National Security (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. James “Jim” Talent [R-MO, 2002-2006]
1 bill from Jan 26, 2006 to Jan 26, 2006
Armed Forces and National Security (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Herbert “Herb” Kohl [D-WI, 1989-2012]
1 bill from Jan 26, 2006 to Jan 26, 2006
Armed Forces and National Security (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Russell Feingold [D-WI, 1993-2010]
1 bill from Jan 26, 2006 to Jan 26, 2006
Armed Forces and National Security (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
President Joseph Biden [D]
1 bill from Jan 26, 2006 to Jan 26, 2006
Armed Forces and National Security (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Emergency Management (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Paul Sarbanes [D-MD, 1977-2006]
1 bill from Sep 19, 2005 to Sep 19, 2005
Armed Forces and National Security (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Richard “Rick” Santorum [R-PA, 1995-2006]
1 bill from Jul 14, 2005 to Jul 14, 2005
Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. John Ensign [R-NV, 2001-2011]
1 bill from Sep 29, 2004 to Sep 29, 2004
Health (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. Ernest “Fritz” Hollings [D-SC, 1966-2004]
1 bill from Jul 31, 2003 to Jul 31, 2003
Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Law (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. Craig Thomas [R-WY, 1995-2007]
1 bill from Jun 4, 2003 to Jun 4, 2003
Agriculture and Food (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Water Resources Development (1)