GQ Style Magazine

Why Seventies suits are winter's best workwear

Get down to business with GQ Style's take on retro tailoring...
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Jessie Lily Adams

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This season, the rules of the workplace have been extended to include a uniform of retro-tinged tailoring. From Prada to Paul Smith and GH Bass to Brooks Brothers, designers have looked back on the Seventies and reinterpreted this golden age of boardroom style for a new generation – complete with taupe suits, striped ties and oversized glasses. Shirting is ambitious, in stand-out shades of green and yellow, while classic loafers are perfect for getting a foot up the career ladder.

In this exclusive film from GQ Style, filmed by Chloe Pemberton in collaboration with Jessie Lily Adams and styled by Sophie Clark, watch how winter's hardest-working trend performs from nine to five – and beyond.