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Tom Carson

Tom Carson is a writer for GQ.

Spectre Is the Longest Bond Movie Yet, and Maybe the Dreariest

Get ready to spend two and a half hours wishing for the end of the 'gritty reboot' era.

If You Think Steve Jobs Was the Messiah, You’ll Love Steve Jobs

The Danny Boyle–directed biopic might as well have been titled Aaron Sorkin’s Saviors for Dummies

Star Wars: The Trilogy That Inspired This Season’s Look

Yeah, yeah, we know the first three Star Wars movies were supposedly set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away—but wow, do the costumes look up-to-the-minute modern. Maybe it’s because, as Tom Carson points out, today’s designers grew up watching Luke, Han, Lando, and Darth

The Movie That Inspired This Season's Look: Jaws

Forty years ago this summer, Jaws chomped its way into multiples and scared us all out of the water. In fact, we were so afraid that we forgot to notice: Those shark hunters looked good chasing ol' Bruce around the North Atlantic. Here, Tom Carson goes back to Amity Island and finds a surprising amount of depth in what the guys were wearing

GQ Style: How David Lynch's Twin Peaks Inspired this Season's Look

For two weird, wonderful seasons in the early 1990s, network television was seized by a warped murder mystery from the mind of director David Lynch. Man, it was strange. And the strangest part of all may be that its grungy aesthetic has come back in style. Here, Tom Carson explains why Lynch's mystical Washington logging town was so far ahead of its time