Awards Database

The Haury Program is focused on advancing Indigenous Resilience through funding and supporting education, research and outreach, supporting Native American pathways, and building partnerships at the UArizona and beyond.

This Awards Database contains all of our grants awarded since our inception in 2014, including those from the 2014-2019 period when the program offered competitive grants and focused on multi-cultural scholarship and community building to promote and build capacity for wider social and environmental justice projects.

Indigenous Resilience Initiative Awards awarded after 2020 are tailored to the needs of a program, and can range from a few thousand to several hundred thousand dollars for multi-year projects. Our competitive Native Pathways Awards for Native American and Indigenous Resilience graduate students for their research are up to $20k per recipient per year.

Suggested Keywords: Indigenous Resilience, IRes, Native Pathways, Navajo Nation, Water, Seed Grant, Challenge Grant, Faculty Fellow.

IndigiWellbeing Programming FY24 – The Sioux Chef

Lead: Felina M. Cordova-Marks DrPH, MPH, MSc Assistant Professor, University of Arizona Zuckerman College of Public Health

    • Award Date: Jul 2023
    • Duration: 1 year
    • Status: Ongoing

    This award will support a part of the IndigiWellbeing Programming in FY24, in particular to bring world-renowned chef Sean Sherman, aka The Sioux Chef to the UA campus to share with the Native American students, faculty and staff, as well as other UArizona communities.

    2023 Native Pathways Graduate Research Award - Anu Sethuraman

    Lead: Dr. Joseph Hoover, Assistant Professor, UA Geography

      • Award Date: Jun 2023
      • Duration: 1 year
      • Status: Ongoing

      This award will support Anu Sethuraman, a PhD student in Environmental Science. Anu seeks to combine water quality/environmental exposures research with climate change research using a community engaged research framework on the Navajo Nation.

      2023 Native Pathways Graduate Research Award - Christopher Yazzie

      Lead: Dr. Vasiliki Karanikola, Assistant Professor, UA Chemical and Environmental Engineering

        • Award Date: Jun 2023
        • Duration: 1 year
        • Status: Ongoing

        This award will support Christopher Yazzie, Diné and a PhD Student at the UA Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department in his  work related to equitable water access for Native American and Indigenous communities. The funds will be leveraged with other funds and provide Mr. Yazzie’s summer, fall and spring salary for FY24.

        2023 Native Pathways Graduate Research Award - Don Unger

        Lead: Dr. Morrisey, Department of History, University of Arizona

          • Award Date: Jun 2023
          • Duration: 1 year
          • Status: Ongoing

          This award will support Don Unger, PhD student, in his research on Diné water issues related to the reclamation of coal and uranium mining sites on Dinétah Bikéyah.

          2023 Native Pathways Graduate Research Award - Jessica Begay

          Lead: Dr. Demetra Skaltsas Assistant Professor Environmental and Agricultural Sciences Diné College Tsaile, AZ

            Partners: Cara Shopa; Program Manager, University of Arizona Sponsor

            • Award Date: Jun 2023
            • Duration: 1 year
            • Status: Ongoing

            This award will support Jessica Begay, Diné, a student at Diné College, in her investigation of the ecological importance of sagebrush populations and the effects of changing climatic conditions. In specific, this research proposal aims to compare the fungal endophytic communities of Artemisia species during the drought summer of 2021 and the subsequent summer following an unusual winter.

            2023 Native Pathways Graduate Research Award - Mark Clytus

            Lead: Dr. Mary Jo Tippeconnic Fox,Professor and Research Social Scientist, American Indian Studies

              • Award Date: Jun 2023
              • Duration: 1 year
              • Status: Ongoing

              This award will support Mark Clytus, PhD Student at UA American Indian Studies in pursuing his research entitled "Indigenous Perspective for Cultural Sustainable Engineering Education Curriculum in Higher Education for Native American Students."

              2023 Native Pathways Graduate Research Award - Nizhoni Tallas

              Lead: Dr. Aaron Lien, Assistant Professor, UA Natural Resources & the Environment

                • Award Date: Jun 2023
                • Duration: 1 year
                • Status: Ongoing

                This award will support Nizhoni Tallas, Diné and a PhD student in Natural Resources & the Environment at the UArizona. Ms. Tallas’s research will examine the intersectionality of Indigenous communities within the national, tribal, and state parks.

                2023 Support for Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program (IPLP) - Administrative Assistant to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, (UNSRRIP/Special Rapporteur),

                Lead: Robert A. Williams, Jr. Faculty Chair, Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program (IPLP), The University of Arizona Rogers College of Law

                  • Award Date: Jun 2023
                  • Duration: 1 year
                  • Status: Ongoing

                  This award will support or a third year of funding for an Administrative Assistant to the appointed United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, (UNSRRIP/Special Rapporteur), Francisco Cali Tzay. This represents partial funding for the work.

                  2023 Support for Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program (IPLP) - Pascua Yaqui Tribe-University of Arizona (PYT-UA) Microcampus

                  Lead: Robert A. Williams, Jr. Faculty Chair, Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program (IPLP) The University of Arizona Rogers College of Law

                    • Award Date: Jun 2023
                    • Duration: 1 year
                    • Status: Ongoing

                    This award will support the development of a dedicated website/student resource portal for the Pascua Yaqui Tribe-University of Arizona (PYT-UA) Microcampus and a UA Virtual Tribal Microcampus website network platform.

                    2023 Support for Justice Advocates Coalition

                      • Award Date: Jun 2023
                      • Duration: 1 year
                      • Status: Ongoing

                      This is an annual award to James E Rogers College of Law to support an important program, the Justice Advocates Coalition (JAC). JAC was founded in 2017 and is a student-led initiative committed to empowering marginalized communities and nurturing law students interested in public interest law careers. Since its inception, JAC has sponsored 49 fellowships, valued at an impressive $140,750, with fellows working at esteemed organizations such as the ACLU, EarthJustice, Southern Arizona Legal Aid, and Lambda Legal Education and Defense Fund.

                      Indigenous Resilience Center - Executive Assistant for Dr. Chief, IRes Director

                      Lead: Dr. Karletta Chief, Professor, UArizona Environmental Science, Director, AIR Indigenous Resilience Center

                        • Award Date: Jun 2023
                        • Duration: Ongoing
                        • Status: Ongoing

                        A part of a successful center is sufficient support staff and as the UArizona Indigenous Resilience is growing, the Haury Program commits to providing a continuous annual support for an Executive Assistant to Dr. Chief, IRes Director. This position will assist Dr. Chief in her administrative duties and outreach.

                        Indigenous Resilience Center - Faculty Startup Funds for Dr. Cherie DeVore

                        Lead: Dr. Kim Ogden, Chemical and Environmental Engineering University of Arizona

                          • Award Date: Jun 2023
                          • Duration: 3 years
                          • Status: Ongoing

                          The Haury Program is pleased to provide startup funds for the third new member of the UArizona Indigenous Resilience Center, Dr. Cherie Devore, a member of the Navajo Nation. Dr. DeVore is Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, University of Arizona and a core faculty of the UArizona Indigenous Resilience Center.

                          This support is a part of the larger ongoing commitment of the Haury DAF Board to establishment of the UA Indigenous Resilience Center. Dr. DeVore is a part of cluster hire for the new center, along with Dr. Hoover and Dr. Johnson. With the support of the Haury Program and through the Strategic Priorities Faculty Initiative (SPFI) through the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, along with the AIR Indigenous Resilience Center, the planning team designed a strategic hiring plan for stage one of the faculty expansion for IRes. It identified three strategic hires. In year one, two of these strategic hires, i.e. Dr. Hoover and Dr. Johnson accepted the UArizona offer for full time faculty positions and joined UArizona in fall of 2022. Dr. DeVore came to the UArizona in the Fall of 2023.

                          Indigenous Resilience Center - Remodel of N592 - IndigePOD

                          Lead: Dr. Karletta Chief, Professor, UArizona Environmental Science, Director, AIR Indigenous Resilience Center

                            • Award Date: Jun 2023
                            • Duration: 1 year
                            • Status: Ongoing

                            Under the direction and guidance from Dr. Jojola, a Visiting Scholar, IRes has designed a new space for professional staff and community. Haury Operational funds that were provided to IRes initially have played a key component in this initiative and could not be possible without the support. In addition to CatCard access, the Center will have a major overhaul of all furniture, including the new aesthetics, semi-private meeting space, and student/community workspace. The grand opening will occur in 2024.

                            Summer 2023 – Indigeponics: Indigenous Greenhouse Research Project and the Community Food Resilience Project Continuation

                            Lead: Dr. Hooks, Biosystems Engineering, U of Arizona

                              • Award Date: Jun 2023
                              • Duration: 1 year
                              • Status: Ongoing

                              This award supports continuation of the Indigenponics: Indigenizing Controlled Environment Agriculture project by 2022 Native Pathways Awardee Chantel Harrison (Dine) and Jaymus Lee (Dine) at the UArizona of Biosystems Engineering.

                              Indigenous Resilience Center (IRes)– Visiting Fellows Funds - FY23 and FY24

                              Lead: Dr. Karletta Chief, Professor, UArizona Environmental Science, Director, AIR Indigenous Resilience Center

                                • Award Date: May 2023
                                • Duration: 2 years
                                • Status: Ongoing

                                IRes will host distinguished indigenous scholars, and provide opportunities for UArizona faculty, staff and beyond to participate in knowledge sharing.