
Gousto logo

We believe home cooking is important. But in today’s busy world, it’s often the first thing to go. With Gousto, you choose recipes you’d like to cook and ta-dah!

We deliver the perfectly measured ingredients. Skip the supermarket queue, and create delicious meals to share with those you love.

The story so far: Timo (our founder) fondly remembers the family dinners of his childhood, evenings filled with laughter, conversation and new flavours. That’s why he created Gousto, to help today’s busy families come together over a good home-cooked meal.

Rated 5 out of 5 by The Sunday Telegraph and ‘Best Buy’ by Independent.co.uk. We’re also one of the fastest-growing companies in the UK. We’ve built an incredible team of passionate, visionary people who are driving the business forward at speed.

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