Code of Honor Scholarships

Code of Honor professional development scholarships will help ensure that the I‑Codes reflect the consensus view of officials at all levels of government by providing funding to Governmental Member Voting Representatives seeking to attend and participate in Public Comment Hearings.

The Code of Honor Scholarship application period is currently closed.  The next application period will be for the Public Comment Hearings held April 19-28, 2026, in Hartford, Connecticut.

Code of Honor Scholarship Categories

  • Architect Leaders – Governmental Member Voting Representatives who are licensed architects (financial support by the AIA).
  • Emerging Leaders – Governmental Member Voting Representatives who have served their jurisdiction between 4 and 9 years.
  • Future Leaders – Governmental Member Voting Representatives who are new to the profession, serving less than four years.
  • International Leaders – Governmental Member Voting Representatives who reside outside of the United States.
  • Match Scholarship – Governmental Member Voting Representatives who have a 50% financial match from their Code Council Chapter, Jurisdiction or personal. Click here for ICC Chapters.
  • Small Town Leaders – Governmental Member Voting Representatives whose city or county population is 50,000 or less.
  • Veteran Leaders – Governmental Member Voting Representatives who have served their jurisdiction for 10 years or more. Membership in the Legacy organizations will be counted toward years served.

Who May Apply

Applicants must be a Governmental Member Voting Representative, in accordance with Article II Section of the ICC bylaws. Click here to read the ICC bylaws.

Criteria for Selection

Applications must be submitted online. No paper applications will be accepted.

The online application database uses weighted, merit-based scores and a blind review process to ensure fairness, accuracy, and transparency. The program goal is to deliver a balanced slate of winners that represent a mix of qualified new, veteran and first-time participants from a wide range of states and territories. Winners must acknowledge that their scholarship award is based on information that is subject to verification and audit for accuracy and compliance, and awards will be rescinded and expense reimbursements disqualified if any material aspect of the application is deemed inaccurate or untruthful.

In the event an applicant is eligible for more than one scholarship, the online application database will be processed in each available category until either they win a scholarship or run out of eligibility.

Award Overview

The following information and requirements apply to all of the Code of Honor Scholarship categories.

Applicants may apply for more than one type of Code of Honor Scholarship in any given cycle; however, only one scholarship per year will be awarded to each award winner.

Scholarship awards will fund eligible travel, lodging (reimbursement not to exceed the conference hotel rate), and ground transportation on a cost reimbursement basis for reasonable and customary Hearing expenses. Expenses should be incurred using a reasonableness standard and in a manner consistent with the relevant sections of the ICC Code of Honor Travel Policy. Scholarship award winners (scholars) will be required to submit their expenses to the Code Council on the approved expense reimbursement form with original receipts.

Specific eligible expenses may include:

  • Travel (reasonable airfare, train, car rental)
  • Lodging (reimbursement for the conference hotel rate only)
  • Ground Transportation (shuttle or other means of affordable transport to and from the airport). Note: those that rent a vehicle to drive to the hearings may only receive the approximate cost of the rental to and from the hearings location, but not the interim days.
  • Gasoline expenses will be reimbursed if using a company vehicle to travel to and from the Hearings.

None of the scholarships in the current program cover meals or per diem, so scholars will be required to either secure additional support or self-pay for those expenses. Additionally, the scholarship will not fund transportation costs for personal errands or entertainment during the Hearings.

Attendance and participation will be verified through on-site check-in and via verification that the scholar voted in the relevant hearings. Additionally, Code of Honor Scholars will be required to sign a scholarship acknowledgement and complete a professional ethics briefing.

Award Levels

Architect Leaders, Emerging Leaders, Future Leaders, International, Small Town Leaders & Veteran Leader scholarships provide up to, but no greater than $2,000. These scholarships do not require a match.

Match Scholarships provide up to, but no greater than $1,000. In addition, applicants must secure a pledge from their Chapter, Jurisdiction, or use personal funds to match the scholarship award on a 1 to 1 basis. For example, if the total eligible expenses total $1,800, the Chapter, Jurisdiction or the applicant must pledge to pay at least $900.

Application Procedure

Applications must be completed and submitted online. Please note that you cannot save your application data and return to it later. The applications must be completed in one session. (A worksheet is available below to provide you with the required information need to complete the application.) All required fields must be completed. Type “NA” or “none” if applicable. Once you have submitted the application you will receive a confirmation.

Only one application is needed to apply for all eligible scholarships.

Prior to completing the application, please review this Scholarship Application Worksheet. It provides information you will need available to complete the application. Do not submit the worksheet. Only the online application will be accepted.

The 2022 Code of Honor Scholarship application period is closed for the Public Comment Hearings held September 14‑20, 2022 in Louisville, Kentucky.

Questions and FAQs

Like all of the ICC scholarships, the Code of Honor Scholarships are designed to support Code Council members' professional development, and we welcome your insights to deliver the best product and meet your needs. Thank you in advance for your support and good luck! For more information see the FAQs, or call 888-ICC-SAFE (888-422-7233), ext. 5268 or email [email protected].