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1375 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115
(216) 916-6100 | (877) 399-3307

WKSU is a public media service licensed to Kent State University and operated by Ideastream Public Media.
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Privacy Policy

NOTICE TO EU RESIDENTS: This Privacy Policy does not apply to EU residents. Our handling of information about EU residents is governed by the Ideastream Public Media Privacy Notice for EU Residents, effective May 25, 2018.

Ideastream Public Media’s Thoughts on Privacy

Ideastream Public Media is committed to protecting your online privacy while you use our website. We urge you to read the privacy policy in its entirety so you will understand all of the practices and procedures we follow relating to your online privacy.

What This Privacy Policy Covers

In this privacy policy, Ideastream Public Media will inform you about the type of information that is collected about you on this website, how the information is collected, what the information will be used for and to whom it will be given. This privacy policy will also tell you how to limit our use of your personal information. Parents, please pay particular attention to our Children’s Privacy Policy, which deals with the collection and use of information from children under the age of 13.

Contact our Website

This website is the responsibility of Ideastream Public Media. You can contact us by email, through our online e-mail form here, or by regular mail:

Idea Center® 1375 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115-1835

What Kind of Personal Information Ideastream Public Media Collects

While we don’t ask for any registration or personal information to check out our site, some information about your server address, Web browser, and computer system are automatically transmitted to our Web servers so that we can operate our site on the Internet. [If you choose to register with us, we require you to give us your personal information (such as name, address, e-mail address, birth date, etc.).] In addition, as part of our site operation, we reserve the right to automatically collect and track:

* The home server domain names, e-mail addresses, type of computer, and type of Web browser you are using while you visit our website; and * Information on what pages of the website you access

How We Use Your Personal Information

Ideastream Public Media stores its customer information in a secure database to fulfill your requests for certain services and to contact you about specials and new products. A few select employees of Ideastream Public Media have access to your personal information for monitoring, marketing, demographic, and promotional purposes as well as to assist us in customizing the content of our site to provide information that may be of interest to you.

Ideastream Public Media will never sell or rent your personally identifiable information to other companies.

Ideastream Public Media will share your personally identifiable information with other companies only when:

  • We provide your information to another company that assists us in providing you services, such as membership solicitation & fundraising, and we will disclose your information only to companies that are reputable and will use the data for marketing purposes that we determine may be of interest to you;
  • We are required by law to provide your information;
  • We find that your actions on our website violates our Terms of Use agreement that you agree to by using our website; or
  • We may sell or otherwise transfer such information to a successor of Ideastream Public Media or any subsidiary or division of Ideastream Public Media in connection with an asset sale, merger, consolidation, divestiture, stock sale or other corporate transaction, or by way of assignment (whether by operation of law or otherwise) in connection with any such or similar transaction or in connection with the administration of a bankruptcy estate.


The importance of security for all personally identifiable information associated with our users is of great concern to us. Financial information, if collected, is transmitted fiom your computer to our server using encryption software. Only those employees who need access to our users’ information in order to do their jobs are allowed access, as described above.


A “cookie” is a persistent client side hypertext transfer protocol file. Cookies are pieces of information that a website can transfer to a visitor’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies help Web surfing by saving visitor preferences and other information. The use of cookies is a widespread industry standard and thus many major websites use cookies.

Most Web browsers are initially configured to accept and process cookies. You can configure your browser to refuse cookies.

More extensive information concerning cookies is available on the World Wide Web by searching for the word “cookie.” If you have any questions concerning our use of cookies, please contact us.

We reserve the right to use cookies on the Ideastream Public Media website.


You may opt-out of having your personal information collected by contacting us by e-mail or regular mail. Please note that in order to fulfill certain obligations, we may need to continue sending you notices or other important information concerning any orders or services you request.

Requesting to See Your Personal Information

You may request via e-mail or regular mail that we provide you with the personal information we have concerning you. Once you receive this information, you may request that we modify or remove any of your personal information. We reserve the right to verify your identity before sending you this information.

Links to Other Websites

Our website may contain links to other Internet websites. We encourage our partners, contributors and other third parties to implement policies and practices that respect your privacy.

We are not, however, responsible for other website’s privacy practices or website content. Occasionally, you may receive cookies from third party advertisers, partners and vendors. We do not control these cookies.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this policy at any time. We ask that you review this privacy policy from time to time to insure you are familiar with the most current version of it.

Acceptance of This Privacy Policy

By using this website, you agree to the terms as well as any posted changes of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms, DO NOT use our website.

Date of last update: March 29, 2006

Children’s Privacy Policy

Access to Children

Our website is visited and accessible to children under the age of 13. Only after their parents’ consent will we request e-mail addresses or demographic information from children under 13.





Personal Information

As you or your child navigate within our website, we may be collecting and tracking personal information, either by directly asking you or your child to tell us something about yourself (such as your name, address, e-mail address or birth date) or passively using data-tracking software that tells us what parts of our web site you have browsed.

Your child’s use of our website is not conditioned on your child’s disclosure of any more personal information than is reasonably necessary.

Personal information about you or your child may be used to contact you again either by online electronic communication or by regular mail or telephone. This information will NOT be made available in any “chat” area.

We will also be collecting and tracking information about your or your child’s activities on our website in the aggregate (i.e., on a group basis), where we will not know or keep track of precisely who you and your child are. We do this to keep track of what users may be interested in, to help us in our marketing efforts. When we share this aggregate information with third parties, it is not traceable to any particular user and will not be used to contact you.

Contact our Website

For inquiries concerning our information practices, you may contact us by email, through our online e-mail form here, or by regular mail:

Idea Center® 1375 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115-1835

We will employ reasonable methods to insure that we are communicating with the parent or legal guardian during this contact, and during any contact requiring verifiable parental consent.

Parent’s Rights to their Children’s Collected Information

As a parent or guardian, you have the right to the following:

  • Review both the categories of information collected and the specific information collected about your child;
  • Prevent further use of the information collected about your child;
  • Prevent further collection of your child’s personal information; and
  • Delete your child’s personal information.

Upon receipt of your request to do any of the above acts, we will verify that you are in fact the child’s parent or legal guardian. Please contact us to exercise this right.

Duty of Confidentiality

Ideastream Public Media recognizes its duty to maintain reasonable procedures to protect the confidentiality, security and integrity of your child’s information. We employ such reasonable procedures in an effort to maintain confidentiality, security and interity.

Use of Personal Information

We do not provide any personally identifying information, regardless of its source, to any third party for any purposes whatsoever, from visitors to this website who are under 13 years of age without parental consent.

No information collected from visitors under the age of 13 to this website is used for any marketing or promotional purposes whatsoever without parental consent.

Parental Consent

I have read the preceding disclosure concerning collecting personal data from children and I consent to allow Ideastream Public Media to collect and use personally identifiable information about me and my child, or the child for whom I am legally responsible, during any visit to the Ideastream Public Media website. I acknowledge that my consent is necessary before Ideastream Public Media can collect, use and/or disclose my child’s personal information.

Please provide your name and full street address so that we can mail you a consent form and a postage pre-paid envelope for you to send us your signed consent and verifiable proof of your status as your child’s parent or legal guardian for our files. All information you provide below will be held in Ideastream Public Media's records only to indicate that valid consent was given. Please do not allow your child to use our website until you have returned the written consent form to Ideastream Public Media.

Date of last update: June 6, 2018