All Episodes

July 12, 2024 40 mins

Doug welcomes NBA Insider Marc Stein onto the show to talk about Jaylen Brown, Bronny's summer league and all of the other major headlines around the NBA. Doug weighs in on the potential for an 18-game schedule for the NFL. Doug gives his opinion of the ESPYs. Plus, Isaac Lowenkron takes Doug through a Friday edition of "The Press". 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to The Doug Gotlieb Show podcast. Be
sure to catch us live every weekday three to five
Easter twelve, two Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find your
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with you, Dog gott Leap Show, Fox Sports Radio. I
hope you're having a great day. The Doug Gottlieb Show

is broadcast live forth Tireight dot com stud is tyret
dot Com. Who have tire buying should be got it
for ten thousand recommended stallars, tyrat dot com. Welpe you
get there fast, free shipping, free road has protection just
the way tire buying should be. Hey, welcome in. By
the way, we're broadcasting from the American Family Field. The

roof is open on beautiful day and the mk E
as the kids like to say, it is kind of cool.
It's kind of a cool thing which has evolved during
our lifetime, which is now City are being known not
just for their name but their airport abbreviation. I love

the airport abbreviation. We should do a game on the
airport abbreviation day. What do you think that would be
a really that would be a fun game time that
feels like a buyer game time.

Speaker 2 (01:19):
A man, that's a great idea.

Speaker 1 (01:21):
All right, and not a good one, just.

Speaker 2 (01:23):
Just domestic, right, not internationally, No, not Internet.

Speaker 3 (01:27):
I think I think that is one thing you can
stump me with his abbreviations for most airports.

Speaker 1 (01:32):
Okay, well, don't start setting up on them now, and
maybe we'll get to it later. In the meantime. A
guy who gives us all the information on everything going
on the NBA is joining us town Stames Mark Stein.
If you haven't checked out his substack, what are you
waiting for? It's called the Steinline. And by the way,
if you're downloading podcasts, this is a go on. It's
called this League Uncut. Chris Haynes, Mark Stein together, it's

like a two. It's like Compton and Long Beach together
on a rap song. It's it's the best of the
absolute best in Stein joins is here on the Doug
Gottleib Show on Fox Sports Radio. By your estimation, why
do you think Jalen Brown wasn't added to Team USA?

Speaker 4 (02:14):
You know what, I don't know that I have the
firmest handle on it. I think it's the question a
lot of people are acting because it doesn't make a
ton of sense. I mean, if you forced me to
give the most likely hypothesis, it's because if Derek White
doesn't get minutes that they think he'll handle it better.

And you know, Derek White has been in the program.
I actually covered the team in China at the Feeble
World Cup in twenty nineteen which he played on, and
that team man that team took a seventh place finish,
the worst in program history with NBA players. But you know,
Derek White, you know, I think he was a member

of that team who who was appreciated and that keeps
him in good standing with usa B because of the
efforts and the way he played and carried himself through
a really difficult tournament. But look, he's replacing Kawhi Leonard. No,
Kawhi Leonard was not going to be a guy most

likely had he been out there, who would have been
struggling for minutes. So it just it doesn't fully add up.
It's absolutely ridiculous and amazing to think that there are
three Celtics on this team and one of them is
not Jalen Brown.

Speaker 1 (03:34):
But okay, so let me let me let me play
something for you, okay, and again, just tell them what
you think. Okay. This is Jason Tatum when he was
asked about Jalen Brown not making it be an invite
on the team, talk about having Jalen hands Huh, yeah,
I mean there is so many guys that he could,
you know, the last spot or whatever. I mean, that

is not that is not. That's my guy, that's my dog.
He just won the NBA Finals MVP. I wish he
was here. It's gonna be weird not to play without him.
You know, I don't make those decisions, but if I did,
he would definitely be on the team. Like it didn't
do a lot to submit to go against the narrative

that those two are not the closest to friends.

Speaker 4 (04:27):
And look, I'm sure there are teams around the league
who love this stuff. They loved the conspiracy theories and
any notions that this could drive some sort of wedge
into the Celtics when they reassemble for next season. I'm
sure there are teams, specifically at the top of the East,

who don't mind hearing and seeing any of this because
you know, Boston, obviously they were the team of the season.
They rolled through the finals in five games. They rolled
through the playoffs in its entirety, and you're part of
that was of course, they did face the teams who
lost key players along the way. But look, when next
season starts, they're not going to have Porzingis at the

start of the season, and this drama, real or imagined,
is going to be thrown in their faces. And it's
something that these guys are going to be asked about.
And so, you know, is this because you know, while
a lot of people out there are saying, yes, Jalen
Brown has every reason to be upset that he's not
on his team, but there's also the interpretation that him

being vocal and his criticism of the decision it is,
you know, questioning his teammate Derek White's presence on the team.
So this is not a storyline that's going to go away.
And you know, is this something you know, honestly, this
feels like something more that Boston, more of a problem

that Boston has to deal with than really anything it
saw in the playoffs, which is crazy to think about.

Speaker 1 (06:01):
Stut Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. That's the
voice of Mark Stein, the Stein Line. What what like?
You talked to everybody in the league. What are they
saying about Bronnie a couple of games into his summer
league season.

Speaker 4 (06:18):
You know what, I haven't talked to too many people
who've seen him in person yet. That's obviously going to
change now that everybody's going to Vegas. I won't be
there in time for tonight, but I'm getting there over
the weekend, and you know, obviously there's huge curiosity in
you know what he's going to look like. And look,
I mean, it's the microscope that he's under is unlike

any number fifty five Picks has ever faced. But you know,
that's what he signed up for. He's in the pros
now and he's going to have to deal with it.
But I also, you know, the the the old the
old man and me and the just having I got
my start doing some league. So I have huge fondness

for just what summer league is and the enterprise that
it is because it gave me my chance. It was
actually thirty five years ago that I got the chance
to cover my first summer league. I was still in college.
It was at Loyola Mayor Mount.

Speaker 1 (07:16):
Fair, Mountain, Yeah, Hurst in Pavilion.

Speaker 4 (07:19):
Yeah, nothing like the extravagant Zeta. I mean you, this
thing draws crowds and TV audiences like nobody could have
imagined when I here.

Speaker 1 (07:29):
Here's what, here's what people don't remember. Okay, because I
played in Summer here. I don't know if you know this.
My dad used to coach. My dad coached at Summer League. Uh,
back when it was at Gersten Pavilion. They and then
when it was Long Beach State, as you know, they
had like, uh, they had like pro am teams really right,
It'd be guys that didn't get selected, and they would
play usually in the morning, you know, and up until

the night, and then the night session would be the
NBA teams. And uh, first Scottie Brooks made the NBA
because he would play on a pro am team in
the morning and then he just hang around He's hung
around the gym, and then he just hopped in games
with a couple of different pro teams like that legitimately
happened when when I played with the Lakers, I would

play with the Lakers, and then on off days I
would play with my dad's team in in the pro am,
you know, in the program as well, so you get
to play a lot more minutes to to kind of
stay sharp. So yeah, you and I are in this
thing together. I love Summer League, but like, look, I
just feel like everyone's saying, like, when is he gonna,
you know, try and like take over a game, Like

that's not how he plays. He's he's never taken over
a high school game, let alone college game. And now
you're and as you know, Vegas is a much higher
level than I think Sacramento is like it because of
the crowds and the energy. I just I don't know,
I feel like we're putting them in a position to
I ge.

Speaker 4 (08:51):
All of that was That was my preamble though, to
get to the point of don't make judgments off Summer League.
And I know I'm saying this in vain and I
could scream it for the next ten minutes and it
doesn't matter, and everyone is going to make judgments off
Ronnie games. But let's just rewind ti last year to

remember how bad Wembyama.

Speaker 5 (09:14):
Looked in his shame.

Speaker 4 (09:16):
Yes, everyone was saying he was a bust and it
was a disaster, and this is the guy that we've
all been fawning, and now how do we talk about
wem Binyama one year later? So again, I know it's
going to be hard, and this guy, he's just starting
on his developmental path. I know I'm speaking in vain,

but let's not. Let's not judge his career based on
the next four to six games we see in vain.

Speaker 1 (09:45):
Fair enough, that's fair enough. Okay.

Speaker 4 (09:49):
The Spurs historically loved to tell the story and it's
exaggerated somewhat, But I covered that Summer League too, when
Tim Duncan was supposedly dominated by Greg ostertag He it
really wasn't dominated. But that's the way the Spurs have
fun the story over the years. But it's just it
is a helpful reminder. Summer League does not sell the
whole story.

Speaker 1 (10:09):
It's fair. What does it say, Obviously, we've talked about
how of all the teams that you've covered the closest,
the Mavericks are are probably the team that you know
the best. But what does it say about the Lakers
that Clay chose Dallas over the Lakers.

Speaker 4 (10:29):
I don't think that in itself is the indictment of
the Lakers. That it's being presented. I really think in Dallas,
Clay saw a better opportunity to stay in the championship mix,
and I think that was important to him that he
wanted to. You know, the Mavericks just went to the finals,

and I think he saw a real opportunity to play
off Luca and Kyrie, and he really wants, I think,
to send a message to the Warriors that he can
still be a key contributor to a team with championship aspirations.
I think with the Lakers, I mean, you can certainly

take that as well. The Lakers are farther away, so
that is an indictment on the Lakers. But all this
talk about the Lakers offered him eighty million and the
mav only offered him fifteen he chose the Mavericks, I
don't see it that way because I've yet to be
it is yet to be explained to me. What were
the moves that the Lakers definitely were going to make
to create the flexibility to give Clay that kind of offer.

They would have had to make multiple trades. Theoretically, could
they have gotten their sure But I mean making those
moves would not be so easy. So I'm a little
bit skeptical of the idea that he left thirty extra
million on the table to come to Dallas. I really
think it was more a fit thing in Dallas. And
also he's close with Kyrie Irving. I covered the two

of them together on two USA Basketball teams, the twenty
fourteen World Cup in Spain the twenty sixteen Olympics. They
came in in the same draft class. They are friends,
and I think Kyrie Irving helped sell to Clay Thompson
how comfortable he was made the field in Dallas in
terms of starting, you know, trying to restart his own

career and how well it's gone for him here in Dallas.
And I think that helps sell Clay Thompson on the
idea if I'm going to make this switch, you know,
going from Golden State to LA it's I'm sure you've
heard the analogous one fish bowl to another where in Dallas.
Even though Dallas has always had you know, this is

you know, such a big city, but it's really not.
It's you know, I always I've lived here more than
twenty five years now to me, it's a big city.

Speaker 1 (12:51):
Yeah, I mean it's Dallas is a gigantic small town
it's a gigantic small town.

Speaker 4 (12:57):
It's just it is not like hot would and it
is not like the plight that you would get playing
for the Lakers. So I think all of that appealed
to Kway Thompson.

Speaker 1 (13:08):
There's also and this is this is a little bit
of a side note, but something I'm sure you know.
I don't know if everybone else does like one of
the things. And I know Cuban is not running the
day to day nearly as much, but some one of
the things that he wired in with Dallas is he
always believed they had the best medical staff. He spent
a ton of money and a ton of attention on
medical staff and on trying to get the most out

of even guys that have been injured previously, thinking they
can do it smarter and better. I know you, I
know you know that. Well, I don't know if if
everybody knows that. Doug Gottlieb show here on Fox Sports Radio. Okay,
so we're seeing the breakup of the Bill of the
Bulls right as they're clearly going to start over. So
what's gonna happen with thatch Levine.

Speaker 4 (13:48):
The problem for the Bulls is there is just no
market They have tried to trade zach Levine since before Thanksgiving,
but zac Lavine now still at this point has nearly
one hundred and four forty million left on his deal
over three seasons. The Bulls would have to attach furious
draft capital to get a team to take in that contract.

And it's not because people don't think zach Levine can
get back to an elite level, but you're just seeing
in this new NBA environment with the luxury tax aprons,
and if you're taking on long term salary, you need
to be sure that that guy can be a contributor
and a key member of your team, or the draft

compensation you're getting is just so good that you can't
pass it up. And just the teams with the amount
of financial flexibility to take on a contract like that,
I mean that list is pretty much gone now at
this point in free agency, after everybody's used their cab space.
You know, Utah still has cab space, but they're saving
it to an extent a renegotiate and extent on lowry marketing.

So I mean, there just isn't the Even the Pistons,
have you pretty much used up all their meaningful cap space,
they still have some, but not enough to just take
in Zach Levine easily. So the Bulls have just not
been able to find any kind of market for Levine.
And that's what really sell the end of Jamar DeRozan's
time there. The Bulls finally realized we can't move Levine,

we cannot resign jamarg Rosen and have a team bad
enough to keep a pick that's only top ten protected
in this twenty twenty five draft that everybody is so
excited about. So DeMar derozen finds his way to Sacramento
via sign and trade. But yeah, I mean the bull
The Bulls waited too long to do this. At least
now they are doing it. But I mean a lot

of people around the league are looking at the Bulls
and saying, Alex Caruso, Andre Drummonds, Jamar DeRozan and all
you've gotten back Oskitty, Chris Duarte and two second round
picks and cash. I mean, had the bull the Bulls
could have traded Caruso first, so much more. At the

trade deadline, multiple teams were offering them at least one
first round pick and some more, and they didn't do it.

Speaker 1 (16:08):
Yeah, real quick, Stanny, do you believe Jalen Brunson is
going to take this extension. And for people who don't know,
if Jalen Brunson takes an extension, which he can't as
of today by waiting, he could take like one hundred
million dollars more. But this would really help the flexibility,
so he would get a contract extension, but it would

essentially be taking a haircut on what he eventually will make.
Is Brunson really going to do that?

Speaker 4 (16:35):
I mean took if he takes the deal that he
can take now, and it's a difference in that hundred
million dollar ballpark, it's got to be one of the
most selfless things we will have ever seen in the NBA.
I know the love is deep among all those guys
from Villanova who are all on the Knicks now, but man,
that would just I genuinely, you know, it's a huge

NBA curiosity. We were talking about things that people are
on the league on a sea and you know, if
if Brunton were to do that, I mean, that would
be amazing and you know, a huge win for the Knicks.
Let's see what happens. It's not clear yet what path
he's gonna choose, all.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
Right, that's Mark Steiny's NBA insider, and a good one. Uh.
He publishes a substack called the Steinline, And if you're
gonna download a podcast in the NBA, download this one's
called This League Uncut. He and fellow insider Chris Haynes
give you everything you want, especially gonna in Vegas. You'll
get all the info that only they can can can
dig up from their years and years of experience. Steinny,

thanks so much. Safe travels to Vegas. We'll talk soon.

Speaker 4 (17:36):
Shout out Paul's teens.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
Eltoro High Ye, Paul Skins was filthy filthy yesterday. El
Toro El Toro High School in Mission b a hole
in Mission Viejo, California, UH, formerly known as the high
school that produced Rob Johnson.

Speaker 6 (17:53):

Speaker 1 (17:53):
Rob Johnson there, Brett Johnson too, I can't remember. I
think Rob and Brett Johnson there.

Speaker 5 (17:56):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup and
then catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio dot
com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to listen live.

Speaker 1 (18:10):
Stuck Ott Leab show Fox Sports Radio. So last week
Joe Burrow was on Barstool Podcast and he explained how
the NFL could pull off, an eighteen game scheduled included
two bye weeks and a Pro Bowl week during week thirteen, right,
so a couple weeks off and an extra week off
four week thirteen. So this is what Chase Daniel, of course,

now covers the NFL said. I guarantee every NFL player
seeing this is not happy with Joe Burrow for saying this.
The NFLBA is already having meetings about damage control. This
is what happens when top five quarterbacks speak in favor
in eighteen game season. Here's my issue, okay with Chase
Daniels and any of these against the eighteen game schedule.

You already agreed to it. You already agreed to it,
like they're gonna do it. They're gonna do it. Do
you know why? Because everybody makes more money, including the players,
and so Chase can act like Joe Burrow said something
he shouldn't say, but he's like, look, let's just try
and figure this thing out. We already agreed to it.

Let's try to find the best way to protect our bodies.
Chase Daniels like, whoa, whoa, don't tell them the way. Wait,
they can do with the eighteen game schedule. Hey, Chase,
have you paid attention to the collective Barton agreement that
you remember the NFL when you agreed to it.

Speaker 6 (19:28):
Have you?

Speaker 1 (19:31):
I mean, this is nothing more than when you go
out and you have a Barbara a cookout this weekend
and the guy starts you start complaining. You start complaining
about how much you paid for your car and about
how little it's worth.

Speaker 7 (19:45):
Now, Ah, I just.

Speaker 1 (19:50):
I can't believe this car or this car, Like, dude,
you bought the car. You bought the car. If you
want to get a different car, sell that one, buy it.

Speaker 7 (19:59):
You know.

Speaker 1 (19:59):
It's like wish I would have bought a used car.
Wish would have you know, somebody else drive off the value?
Like then why do you buy a new car like
you sign up for the deal? Can't believe how much
I played for that house? No, can't can't believe how
much I paid for that house and now interest rates
are going Like, dude, you bought the house. You have
to own decisions that you made, Like Joe Burrow isn't

being critical of the decision that was made by the
NFLPA and the the majority of NFLBA members that agreed
to a ten year contract, which I believe has six
years left. Did he complain about that? No, stay, sal
was like, don't tell them. They can do it. Eight
day games, gotcha, Like Chase, dude, they're doing it. It's
gonna be eighteen games. Everybody knows it. Like the NFL

makes like a billion dollars per game week and the
NFLPA whatever whatever.

Speaker 6 (20:56):
You know.

Speaker 1 (20:56):
The the loss is in terms of you know, CTE
and your whatever guys wag Thatt AND's like, yeah, fine,
but I can make more money, so I'm gonna sign
it and do it. I think Chase Daniels sounds like
the guy who's at the cookout going like, hey, I
know you sign a bad deal in that car. You
shouldn't have taken a lease and then gone over the

miles like you drive too much. I get it right,
You took a lease. He did twelve thousand miles a year,
and you put on seventeen thousand miles and just don't
tell anybody, like you don't tell anybody. Joe Burrow is
offering up a solution. I don't think you have the
Pro Bowl in the middle of the season, but whatever,
it's a solution to give you more time off for
an eighteen game schedule that is absolutely coming. Let's get

to Isaac Lowenkron before Mark Dominic joins us ilo. What's
going on in sports?

Speaker 2 (21:44):
Well, thank you, deug We'll start in Major League Baseball
where Pittsburgh Pirates rookie phenom hurler Paul Skeins was named
the starting pitcher for the National League in the All
Star Game this coming Tuesday. National League All Star manager
Tory Lavello broke the news to Skemes right here on
Fox Sports Radio this morning live on the Dan Patrick Show.

Speaker 7 (22:04):
Paul, First of all, how are you doing. I just
wanted to congratulate you. I've chosen you to be the
starter for the Nationally and the twenty twenty four All
Star Game. I'm really really excited for you. So unbelievable
honor and one that's so well to a plum.

Speaker 1 (22:19):
Let's got it out. Thank you, sir.

Speaker 6 (22:22):
That's that's unbelievable. That's awesome.

Speaker 3 (22:24):
That's awesome.

Speaker 2 (22:24):
Anyway, And the NBA ESPN reports restricted free agent guard
Johnny Joosang returning to the Utah Jazz and a four year,
twelve million dollar deal. In the men's semis. Today at Wimbledon,
Novak Djokovic had match point against Italy's Lorenzo Muzetti. Here's
how it sounded on Wimbledon Radio.

Speaker 1 (22:44):
Match point.

Speaker 7 (22:45):
The serve to the backhandema city short back?

Speaker 1 (22:48):
That why from Djokovic speak from.

Speaker 5 (22:50):
The cities, God long.

Speaker 4 (22:52):
That's a case of history repeating for Novak Djokovic.

Speaker 2 (22:57):
The vibeent is out again and he's playing it to
the crowds and he is in the final for the
sixth straight year and ten time overall. There he will
face Carlos all Karaz on Sunday for the title. After all,
Karaz knocked out Danil Medvedev in the other semi and
four sets. And with that, Doug back to you.

Speaker 1 (23:21):
S Doug Otlab Show, Fox Sports Radio. Some weird happened
last night. The SP's were last night and the Spies traditionally,
I mean, I think last night was the first time
ever they've had them while they're sports being played, right, Like,
the whole idea of the ESPIS was to have an

award show like the Oscars, only for athletes, and of
course it's for ESPN. It's self serving, you know, it
gives them all the athletes right there in the red
carpet chance for interviews, chance for a party, you know,
a chance to bring them together celebrate all the sporting events,
especially the ones on ESPN. But last night was odd

that it was not during one of the two days
in the calendar where there are no sporting events, which
is right around the All Star Game. But men were
they unwatchable? Like it's always it's always hard to watch
when you have the cheesy jokes that are a writer

wrote for somebody else, and if it's not a comedian
like Ricky Gervais when he hosts the Golden Globes. When
he hosts the Golden Globes, that's the best. That stuff
is ridiculously funny. But he's a comedian. So you have
athletes at times hosting the SPI's and it can be
a tough watch. You had Serena and Venus co hosting

and take a listening to a couple of their jokes.

Speaker 6 (24:51):
So go ahead and enjoy women's sports, sports because they
are sports.

Speaker 5 (24:58):
Except you, Harrison Bucker, we don't.

Speaker 3 (24:59):
Need at all.

Speaker 6 (25:06):
Caitlin Clark had an amazing year and his nominated for
three Worlds.

Speaker 7 (25:13):
Caitlin, you are.

Speaker 6 (25:15):
The Larry Bird and that you are an amazing player
you have ties Indiana and white people are really crazy
about you.

Speaker 1 (25:25):
Stut Gottlieb show here on Fox Sports Radio. Uh yeah,
I mean, look, here's the problem. And and I would
say that that while ESPN did themselves no favors right
because there is a popular narrative out there that ESPN

is like super left leaning, super liberal ms ESPN. I'm
sure you've heard it by now, I'm not.

Speaker 7 (25:52):
I'm not.

Speaker 1 (25:53):
There's no groundbreaking stuff now the right. If that's consider
Harrison Budker taking those the right wing, you know, alpha
male sort of thing whatever, Like the right's gotta learn
to take a joke. On the other hand, some of
the jokes have to be to the benefit of them.
If you're gonna like play a both sides, you gotta

play both sides instead. That's not what he ESPN is.
So they did themselves a disservice, I think, you know,
because now you shrink, you just shrink the audience. Not
everybody thinks that way. And look, you're gonna make jokes.
What's interesting about those jokes are like, again we go back,
we were told I don't know five six years ago

that ESPN had this a no politics policy. When those
aren't you know, Biden or Trump jokes, But they might
as well be. They might as well be so kind
of interesting. What I don't know is a tough watch.
I haven't watched the sps ever end end, but for

an event that began the first Espi's was Jim Valvano's
incredible speech, and last night the the best and most
poignant moment of the espies was, oh gosh, what was
the from the since no not Prince Prince Harry was

when Steve Gleeson got the Arthur Ash Award for Courage.
I mean, I don't know if you if you guys
have ever seen that documentary, Holy Cows, that hard to watch,
but he was like, legit funny and I'm just he
used incredible. But what happens is like sometimes those incredible
moments people channel change because some of the other stuff

is so cringey.

Speaker 3 (27:44):
You know, you think Jalen Brown has has gained any
solace at all for being left off the Olympic team
by giving an espie.

Speaker 1 (27:57):
Uh no, but his girlfriend is former WNBA player. I
mean I think he won for the night. Those guys
can go and fight for a gold medal. I'm good.
I'm good.

Speaker 3 (28:08):
That's what I was thinking about Paul Skins as he's
been in the news over the last twenty four hours.
I'm not gonna fawn over his girlfriend, was it Livvy Dunn?
Because she's literally younger than my son. I can't. I
can't fawn over without being a creep. But is there
a more lucky human being on the face of the
earth than Paul Skins at this juncture gets the nod

for the All Star Game, is throwing up zeros every
time he goes on the mound, and then he gets
to go home to Livvy Dunn.

Speaker 1 (28:45):
I like that. I don't know if that's luck though, right, Oh,
that's luck. I think that's why you try and make
it right. Plus he's rocking the mustache too, Like that's
a that's a tough move right there, for you, young
guy to go rock the mess out, Like that's a
confident man to go rock the mustache at a young
age and win's ait when's the College World Series number

one over overall pick? And then becomes an All starter
in the Ulscer Game. Now he's not the first rookie.
Didn't Matt Harvey start as an All Star? Sure rookie?

Speaker 3 (29:21):
I think they've been several rookies that started that thing.

Speaker 1 (29:23):
Yes, for the first one. He's the first one to
come right out of college right like he never he
went got got straight, called up and went. So we've
seen the Dark Knight, you know, fall off, but that
was because he partied too much. Party too much. It's
a great nickname, by the way. Come up in the
Doug Godlam showed live from the tyreck dot com studios.

What are some of the most memorable first pitches of
all time? I hope I don't make that list. We'll
discuss next.

Speaker 5 (29:50):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (30:00):
S Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio coming to you
from the tyrack dot com Studios. Welcome in. Shortly after
the show, our podcast to be going up. Do you
missed any today's show? Be sure check out the podcast.
Search Doug Gottlieb wherever you get your podcast, Remember to subscribe,
follow me on social media, rate review the podcast again.

Just search Doug gotlie weerever you get your podcast, you'll
see today's show and our bonus hour. Right after we
get off the air, let's get to the press with
Isaac lowencront.

Speaker 5 (30:31):
The press.

Speaker 1 (30:34):
Hi, Lo, what you got?

Speaker 3 (30:35):

Speaker 2 (30:35):
Obviously, Doug, the dominant story in sports the anticipation building
for tonight's contest an American family field with the Milwaukee
Brewers hosting the Washington Nationals at eight ten Eastern. But
all the hype and all the buzz is about the
ceremonial first pitch thrown by Doug Gottlieb. So in honor

and in reverence for what is certainly to be a
great moment tonight, we present a couple of notable and
memorable ceremonial first pitch moments from baseball history. And we
start by taking you back to Game three of the
two thousand and one World Series at old Yankee Stadiums
they hosted the Arizona Diamondbacks. And remember this was just

a month and a half after the nine to eleven
attacks and President George W. Bush throwing out the ceremonial
first pitch introduced by the late great Bob Shephard.

Speaker 1 (31:35):
For tonight's ceremonial first pitch, and please welcome the President
of the United States. Thank you, mister.

Speaker 2 (31:51):
President, unforgettable moment, and not the least of which the
reason for that he threw a perfect strike.

Speaker 1 (32:00):
Oh that was an amazing That was an amazing pitch.
And he's an interesting dude. But like that is for
somebody who I There were so many moments in his presidency.
I was not a fan of the two things he
did which will be forever seminal moments in my memory

as to a president is won the speech with the
megaphone on top of the rubble. Yeah, a nine to eleven.
You know, when they said we can't hear you, and
he says, I can hear you. And soon the people
that did this will will will he will hear us.
And then the ceremonial first.

Speaker 3 (32:42):
Pitch, all out. I'll add a third one. Do you
guys remember, and this is sports involved, do you remember
when he did that press conference I think out in
front of his maybe Camp David golf course or something,
and and he was talking about terrorists and kicking the
rafts and then he tells the press corps, now watch
me hit this drive. Yeah, stuff's sover and this one

right down the middle.

Speaker 1 (33:04):
I mean, like like that, like George Bush, there was
a lot of things missing there, like he was the
party guy, and you know, the president's son and whatever
and uh. But he had a little swagged to him.
He had a little swagged him.

Speaker 2 (33:20):
The other thing, a couple of other things that I remember,
because you know, usually when a president is out in public,
the Secret Service is right on him. But he was
all by himself out there on the mound, as if
to defiantly say to America and the world, here I
am all by my lonesome. I'm unafraid. A footnote to that.

By the way, if you look closely, the World Series
has six umpires. They have one down each foul line.
They swapped out one of the six umpires and there
was one umpire air quotes packing a gun. He was
a Secret Service agent undercover at that moment. And by
the way, earlier that season, another Yankees president story real quick.

Former President Bill Clinton, a short time after leaving office,
was visiting Yankee Stadium for some reason. So before the game,
he's walking through the Yankees clubhouse meeting players, and down
the other way, coming in the other direction is Derek Jeter,
and he walks past former President Clinton, and without breaking stride,
he says, hey, mister President, stand out of trouble and

just walks off. Only Derek Jeter could pull that off.

Speaker 5 (34:32):
Now from the.

Speaker 1 (34:33):
Number two, Derek choetojetah shortstoptah.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
So from a goosebump inducing first pitch moment, Doug, to
maybe a cringe inducing first pitch moment. Let's go back
to twenty fourteen and Fitty Sent, or as he's called
in the New York Times, mister sent throwing out the
first pitch before a Mets game. Here are Gary Cohen

and Ron Ling with the call.

Speaker 3 (35:01):
Well, that is fifty cents, and his first pitch was
not great, just a bit outside. What could you say?
You think he opened up a little early, Get that
fresh shoulder.

Speaker 2 (35:14):
So, Doug, here's hoping your first pitch in a couple
of hours is more President Bush than Fitty.

Speaker 3 (35:20):
Since I've been.

Speaker 1 (35:21):
Excited all day, like I was up at five am
warming up the old cannon. But I have to tell you,
the more we talk about, the more build up there is.
Get a little butterflies.

Speaker 2 (35:31):
Yeah, that's exactly what we're trying to do. We're trying
to intentionally freak you out and make you nervous here
because we're jerks.

Speaker 3 (35:36):
And we're jealous.

Speaker 5 (35:39):
You'll do You'll do fine.

Speaker 7 (35:41):
It is.

Speaker 3 (35:41):
It is one thing that I've always wanted to do.
I've always I've wanted nothing to do with being a
star in this business or anything like that. I'm good
with with how my career pought out. But the one
thing about being famous would be able to be being
invited to out to Dodger State and whatever and throwing
out the first pitch because they played a little baseball

and I had a pretty good arm, and I would
love to know how I would do from the rubber
just hucking it into home plate, like I want the
catcher to be surprised that does just this random dude
who produces a radio show just hucked the ball into
my glove, and so huck the ball, not chuck the ball. Oh,

I like pucking is better than chucking. Yeah, yeah. Chucking
implies that there's some kind of a negative connota wild lack.
Hocking all the ball for a strike would be to me,
that would think that might be my biggest bucket list
thing ever right there, Really it'll never happen.

Speaker 2 (36:42):
And maybe the catcher shaking his hand as if he
was in pain after your pitch yeah.

Speaker 3 (36:47):
Oh yeah, that'd be amazing.

Speaker 1 (36:49):
Now are you a big one? Are they let anythink
other things you could do? Like, it's honestly, there isn't anything.
I mean that, Like the coin toss is lame in football, like, oh,
I got to go there for the coin toss. You
don't even get the toss to coin. Right, basketball, there
isn't anything that you do other than maybe get introduced.
You know, you don't do a ceremonial jump all. Even
that's lame.

Speaker 3 (37:07):
I don't know how things are in Milwaukee. Yeah, I'm
guessing everywhere else in the United States, people arrive at
a good time and getting their seats.

Speaker 1 (37:15):
They just mos your stadium, they don't that's you.

Speaker 3 (37:17):
Yeah, that's the thing. Like you'll have the most famous people.
That's the ironic thing. You'll have the most famous people
throwing out the first pitch of Dodger Stadium in front
of one hundred people. Like literally it's really depressing. But
I'm guessing you'll have a sod out crowd there.

Speaker 1 (37:30):
They had thirty six thousand here yesterday for a you know,
midweek getaway day game where you know, Paul Skins put
up zeros for seven innings. So I would guess to
be a decent crowd here for the for the nets.

Speaker 2 (37:43):
Now do they let people deliver the first pitch from
the rubber itself?

Speaker 1 (37:49):
I don't know, you're basically I don't know. I do
hope it's up on the mound.

Speaker 3 (37:53):
It's got to be from the rubber for my for
my bet to kick in by the right.

Speaker 1 (37:56):
I got it. Like, but again, these are things that
are out of my control. They're like, hey, don't go
to the mound. I mean, what am I gonna do?

Speaker 2 (38:04):
I mean, maybe maybe you talk of Freddy Peralta, who's
gonna be the starter for the brewers tonight, and say, hey,
do you mind?

Speaker 3 (38:10):
You know I'm not.

Speaker 2 (38:11):
I'm not gonna mess up your rubber, but give me
a chance. So from all of us here, we're proud
of you. Don't be nervous you're gonna do anything.

Speaker 1 (38:17):
Well, it's not like you're proud of me, like I
didn't do anything.

Speaker 2 (38:20):
No, I mean just in we're trying to give you
some confidence here.

Speaker 1 (38:24):
Gee, you appreciate it.

Speaker 3 (38:25):
It's a mark that you've ascended to a certain point
in your career.

Speaker 5 (38:28):
That you have to do this.

Speaker 1 (38:30):
Yeah, that's a good point. It's a good point. So
I'm more excited about being all with Brian Anderson. I'm
gonna I'm gonna be cool. How we get to be
on the TV broadcast? Oh?

Speaker 5 (38:38):
Very cool?

Speaker 1 (38:39):
All right, So I can I call it game like
it's a nineteen twenties game? She what do you think?
Into the wind up Freddy Parolta, He throws the humnegger.

Speaker 2 (38:51):
Yeah, bringing Walter Johnson from the ballpart and our final
item onto a national pastime of a different sort. Patrick
and Britney Holmes announced today that baby number three is
on the way. There now just seven behind Philip and
Tiffany Rivers.

Speaker 1 (39:08):
And how many behind?

Speaker 2 (39:09):
Uh A lot, a lot apparently.

Speaker 3 (39:13):
Well, no, he's he's actually too ahead of Tyreek Hill
with his wife.

Speaker 1 (39:17):
Yes, yes, hmm.

Speaker 3 (39:21):
May get out there and press.

Speaker 1 (39:23):
That was the Press Gottleep Show here on Fox Sports Radio.
Remember to check out the podcast. I think you'll like it.
We'll go to a little let's do a little deeper
dive in the pod. It's available top of the hour,
Top of the hour, Deeper Dive in the pod. All right,
I'm I'm gonna throw out this pitch. Here's the plan.
Jay stew gonna go from the stretch, Okay, houck it.

I'm gonna go to seamer, even though I like I
have a good hard slider i'd like to throw, but
I'm gonna go tease too. Seemer. I'm guessing it goes
up and in. That's that's like the flaw to it.
So maybe i'll I'll aim for the outside, the left side,
the outside of the of the plate and go right
over the mile snug out Lipho fox Port Tradio
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