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September 19, 2022 12 mins

It’s go time! The premiere of the latest season of DWTS is only hours away. Cheryl gives us viewing and voting details as well as some exclusive BTS details on some pre-premiere drama!

Plus, an update on her divorce including a late curveball thrown by her Ex.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
This is burke in the game and I heard Radio podcast. Hi, guys,
it's me again. I am no longer using that facial thing,
so therefore, hopefully you won't hear any sounds in the
background other than my dog. Any who, it is the
day before the big premiere of dancing with the stars

season thirty one on Disney plus. I know some of
you may hate that it's on Disney plus, but let
me remind you, and I'm not here to sell you
guys anything, but I do want you to tune in
because Sam's been working really hard and, if you can
afford it, that they have lowered their costs from like seven.

I know for a fact that I don't think it's
gonna be on Youtube and I don't even think we're
gonna are going to be able to like be given
content as far as our full dances go, like we've
done in prior seasons, and put it on our social media.
So you guys have to hopefully tune in or you
can just vote. Okay, how about that? Just vote for

me and SAM. Hold please while I look for our
actual voting number, which is don't hold your breath. Going
through my camera roll, there's tons of rehearsal footage of
me and SAM. Hold, please, hold, hold, hold, hold. Oh, yes,
we are voting. So if you guys still want to watch,
you can still use your votes, or if you watch,

we can still use the votes. Watch, not watch. Vote, vote. Vote. Okay,
Sam Champion and Cheryl Burke, Disney plus dot com. Slash
vote and text Sam s a M as in Mary two, two,
one five to three. That is two, one, five to three.
And make sure you do this during the live stream,
which will be five PM Pacific Standard Time and eight

P M eastern standard time, and I think you only
have up to two hours to vote from that time
I just said. Anyhow, back to how I'm feeling, which
I haven't even started talking about. So, Sam, as every
single celebrity I've danced with, we have this thing called
camera blocking. Camera blocking is basically US going to this

stage for the first time or to set and going
and stepping foot into onto the ballroom floor. For the
celebrities it's really, really um overwhelming because it's huge. Right.
So we've been used to basically in a ween, used
to practice, we've been practicing and used to practicing in
a box, basically in a dance studio where there isn't cameras,

there isn't lighting and there isn't an audience and basically,
as you stepped foot onto the ballroom floor, that's what
you get. And I have tried, I always try, to
at least prep my partners, but everyone handles it differently.
Sam Actually was very relaxed, maybe a little to relax,
but you know what, I would rather that we mess

up today than tomorrow during the live show. So, you know,
there were a few mishaps. A little bit. I may
have uh kind of like twisted my ankle a little bit,
but that's better than me falling on my head at
one time with a j love you, a j anyway.
You know what, Sam did an amazing job considering that

it was really early in the morning and we haven't
had that much rehearsal. You guys, we started late, Um,
later in the game than a lot of the other couples.
Not all of the couples, but a lot of the
other couples. There was some Um, you know, drama kind
of behind the scenes, but not nothing to talk about.
Don't want to start anything and obviously this is all
internal stuff, as I've said before, but we had a

late start. That's all you guys need to know. And
we've only had maybe a total of six rehearsals and
everyone else must have had at least double because they've
had about three weeks to train. And considering that Sam
isn't Um, you know, he's sixty one years old. He
looks freaking amazing. He's in great shape and there's so

many detailed um movement. When it comes to ballroom, we
have the Foxtrot. We're dancing second tomorrow. Right out the gate.
We have maybe one commercial break before anyway, I saw
during rehearsal today, I saw Alfonso, who is the new
co host, and I saw Tyra, and they gave us
a little pep talk, the whole group, all of the dancers.

We were sitting down right there at the ballroom. We're
going over rules, as we do. We're going over Um.
You know what happens if, God forbid, someone gets injured?
What to do? It's a live show. There is no commercials.
You guys, that's what you're really in for. I don't
know about you, but I hate commercials. So with a
streaming network now um that we're on, there are no commercials.

So it's just straight up two our show people, full
of fun, flashy moves and lots of fantastic dance costumes.
I'll trying to find another F without swearing. Anyway. Sam,
you know, also has been working so hard, and too hard,
I think, and really pushing his body that he's a

little bit injured. His right hip is bothering him and
I have told him this is not an ad to
get a their a gun, because this is what has
saved my life. This is the reason why I've done
twenty six seasons. It is because of that. Damn there
a gun and it is amazing. It relieves a lot
of scar tissue. My girl, who normally helps me with

getting my body back into shape as far as like
giving me deep tissue massages and sports massages, her daughter
just had a baby. So Um shift out of luck
and thanks to cody, my partner last season, Cody Rigsby,
I have uh, they're huge. They're a gun with my
name engraved, because some of these dancers like to borrow
it and sometimes I can't find it, but with my

name on it they can't steal it right anyway. I'm
just kidding anyway. So I am oddly calm about tomorrow,
regardless of the mistakes. We tried to get in a
second were or so, but you know what, at the
end of the day, there's only so much you can
do right. We need to go out there and I
have had this spiel and lecture when it comes to

telling Sam to get out of his head. I wish
I could take my own advice sometimes, but when it
comes to something like ballroom dancing, something that he's never
done before, it's important to develop a trust and I'm
asking for this probably very soon in the game when
it's not natural. However, like I said earlier, we do
have a lake up because we're friends, so it's not

like we've never interacted before, it's not like we've never
spent time together before, but this is different. As soon
as you get heavy, which I mean like as soon
as you're like, oh my God, what's my step, that
ego gets in the way, I like to call it,
or the thinking mind. It will take you down so
far and so fast you won't know what slapped you

across the face. And as soon as Sam just trusts
me and let's me, helps me help him, he can
get through the routine. I know he can, but this
takes time. This is inner work, this is deeper than
ballroom dancing. You've got to trust the process. I keep
saying that to him. You've got to trust the process.
Trust the process. I got you, but you gotta let

me help you right because, for example, in ballroom dancing
we do a lot of stuff where it comes to counterbalancing,
like our weight, our actual body weight. That is the
reason that you see a spin so fast. That's the
reason why, you know, if you compare ballroom dancing to
solo dancing, with just one person dancing, you create speed

with two people more than you could ever do by yourself,
which is what the beauty of ballroom is. It's it's
the meshing of Um, of the steps coming into a
frame where the man is just he looks. It looks
effortless and clean and Um definitely not stressful. And as
soon as you start to question yourself while you perform,

you know it's not going to go well. And I
think what I'm trying to get at is just you know,
what's the worst that can happen? And I keep telling Sam,
I just I got you, but you gotta let me
have you. He's so worried about missing, messing up. He's
so worried about what the next step is. Sometimes you
just gotta let it go, surrender, surrender to this process

and maybe, you know, this may not be the performance
he does that in, but that's okay either way. I
know we'll get there. We just need to get there,
and that's where you guys come in anyway. Another thing
that you know, I definitely want to discuss as well.
I know that some of you must have been reading, uh,
some of the headlines that have been out recently about

my divorce and how there's one thing pending which is
a very true and all true, which is my dog Isabella.
For those of you that follow me, you know that
it's just me. I'm a dog mom and I love
me my Frenchie. is about love and I don't want
to really get into the nitty gritty of it all,
but it's just devastating that someone is basically trying to

take my dog, Isabella, away from me. Um, I love
her so much. I love her so much it hurts,
and I know that is so cliche, but it is
a fact. And you know, since day one I have
honestly been the person responsible for her, both financially and emotionally.
You know, she is technically my emotional support animal, or

my service dog. I just took her with me to
New York. She flew with me, she was sitting on
my lap. So she is a service dog and, to
be honest, she came to me as a gift. I
mean there were other press outlets that wrote about it and, Um,
you know, honestly, she came to me as a gift,
of which I to be quite just. Just to give

it to you, I paid the majority of the costs
as far as Isabella goes. And now, Oh, I guess
to have this happened just really feels like it's vindictive and, Um,
I'm really sad about it. I couldn't imagine my life
without her, and, I have to say, especially since I've
been alone and Um, since we've been separated. You know,

it's been me so and she's been just fine. She's healthy,
she's happy and we make it work. Yes, I know
I'm busy, but I still make it work. I make
sure that I don't. There's not an hour that goes
by that I don't think of that dog and I
go beyond and above, above and beyond to make sure
that this French who I love so much is happy. Anyway,

I just wanted to update you, guys. This is a
long one, um, but don't forget. Vote Team Thunder from
PM Pacific Standard Time, eight PM Eastern Standard Time, and
make sure you vote for Sam Champion and text Sam

to two, one, five to three. That's text Sam to
to one to three, and also go to Disney plus
dot com slash vote. Okay, wish me luck. Break a leg.
I don't really like to say that. I know that's
the dancers like saying, but I don't get it. Still
don't get it. Anyway, I don't want to break a leg. Anyhoo,

I cannot wait to hear what you guys think. We're
dancing a foxtrot. We're dancing second and since it's already leaked,
I'm gonna just say we're dancing to Elton John and
Britney Spears new song, hold me closer. Okay, so I
wanted to let you guys you know on all the
little secrets and how I'm feeling first, but before everyone

else does. I love you, guys, and talk to you soon. Bye.
Thanks for listening and coming along this journey with me.
If you like what you hear, then feel free to
give this podcast five stars. You can also follow along
with my journey on Instagram at Burke in the game,
and if you have any advice or want to write in,
then email me at burke in the game at IHEART

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