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June 26, 2024 • 71 mins

Everyone is included in this culture catch-up. It's Pride Month after all! Matt and Bowen work it out on the remix on this one, mano a mano. Are your brains feeling soupy? Well then simply turn them off and enjoy the Las Culturistas podcast. Not so confusing sometimes! Check out Matt and Bowen's new Olympics podcast Two Guys, Five Rings anywhere you get your podcasts!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Look may oh, I see you my own look over
there is that culture. Yes, goodness, lost culture, dang it,
dumb lout calling. Let's work it out on the remix.
It's work it out on the remix. Do we have
any events work on the remix? No, But that doesn't

change the fact that Bo's so so confusing. Sometimes I
don't know why. I I've sort of put on even
more of a British accent when I think that's interesting,
even though she's not that British in her sing songiness,
like you got to kind of give it that. I
feel like, tell me if I'm wrong, Oh, I will.
I feel like you were.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
Not in your anglophile bag for a little bit, and
then now you're you're really back in it now. I
feel like Matt is really going British. You know, I
literally bailed on the trip. I was gonna go by myself.

Speaker 1 (01:02):
It was very well, there, won't they will Matt go
to Glastow And then I clearly figure it out because like,
you cannot get tickets if you don't have them, and
it's not like Coachella where you can take someone's ticket.
They're like running security and want your passport at the Gate,
like it's a whole fucking thing. But I really could
have pushed myself even further in that direction by going
to Glass though and then London Pride by myself, but

I just I couldn't pull the trigger. I'm not somewhere
that like, I'm not someone rather that likes to go
places alone.

Speaker 2 (01:30):
Yeah, and that's okay. I'm not confusing at all. That's
not confusing at all. Wow, we did just work it
out on the remix. Yeah, well, we didn't work anything out,
but we worked out. I worked it out with the
UK on the remix, the remix being the podcast Lost Culturistas.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
Everyone, please forgive me. I am First of all, I'm
up early and thirty am, so you can judge at
home whether or not that's early for you, But that's
a has been early. That's early for me, especially considering
whatever we wrapped late at night last night. Now that happens, but.

Speaker 2 (02:11):
I've been fasting for blood work. I guess that includes
no caffeine, and that's really hard.

Speaker 1 (02:18):
That is tough. You always forget that that Oh, so
that's its caffe But can I just use this opportunity
to announce something that I think we should all consider
as a community. And I think Matt and I talked
about this the other day on our other podcast, two
Guys by Rings out Now out Now wherever you find

your podcasts, I want us to adopt this. Okay, okay,
does this ever happen to you? You, by the way,
because everyone's involved, does this ever happen to you? Like here,
we all know. Our next thing is to try and
answer this question for ourselves. Go on.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
Okay, and it might be a long sort of post amble. Okay,
but this is this is this is you want to
say the words, you want to say the letters. See
I'm already fumbling. You want to say the letters LGBTQ
plus or lgbt Q I A or even just plane

on LGBTQ. Well, you stumble, You get nervous, You have
to push your tongue forward and then up, and then
it just on a lingual level, it is bad. And
you have also been on the other side of this,
where you see, like a well meaning aunt or uncle
or parent try to get through all of those letters,

those clumsy, unwieldy letters. Yes, and then you gotta say, oh,
it's okay. You can just say queer, or you can
just say gay whatever. However you assuage that person, it's bad.

Speaker 1 (03:55):
Here's when I'm pitching, and I know where this is headed,
and you're gonna love it. Everyone, You're gonna love this.
Instead of LGBTQ, we all say legibatique, lesia batique, lysia batique,
leisure bautique, and that's spelled l E g E b
A t i q u E. And I am literally

on board with you ninety eight percent of the way
until you spell it, and then I think that's spelling.
Is okay? The more I've thought about it, because okay,
so this came up on two guys five rings, and
by came up on two guys five rings, I mean
that in two months you'll hear an episode where we
discussed this on that podcast, because we've backlogged the hell
out of that podcast as a little peak behind the curtain,

and Bowen has stumbled on this unbelievably great idea, which
is to eliminate all that bullshit you talked about and
just be leisure batique. Because even the people who really
know what they're doing and really know the letters watching
lgbtqia A plus community, it's just like it's it's getting

to the point where it's just like you guys, we
have to be a bigger umbrella leisure batique. That's everyone.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
And by bullshit, by all the bullshit, we mean like
just the sort of anxiety around watching other people or
being the person who has to just make sure all
the letters are included, and that is very important. Yes,
I think we are putting forward leizabatique as a by

default inclusive term. It is a new word as as
we are sort of debuting in this way and we
are able to define that word as being something that
is im perpetuity inclusive.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
And what better time than now when all eyes are
on Paris to create this French word leisure batique. I
just think it is perfect. It's just easier on the tongue.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
It literally it's like it just kind of it really
does flow off and you kind of want to keep
saying it lzipbatique.

Speaker 1 (05:59):
Well, when you say LGBTQ plus and you add more
to that, you have to stop after every letter to
really get it across LGBTQ plus, Like it's like you
have to open and close your mouth so many times
as it were, Whereas leisure boutique, it flows, it has presence.

It also elevates us as a community, you know what
I mean, because we're not beholden to LGBTQ. Now you
know what, We're actually not trying to be We're not
trying to spell it out. We are. We are. That's
what I like most about it. Leisure Bautique. We are Batique.

And I'm really well, I'm really interested in it's not
feeling like you have a sniper dot on your head
every time you see someone try to make everyone feel
included in LGBTQ. Plus bah bah bah bah bah. I'm like,
you know what, it's a given everyone isn't going to
say Batique. We are trying sending Okay, so that's Elizabetique.

I think this is a very interesting time. We're in
cancer season and that is the missing water sign between us. Yeah,
and I think we I think we are really experiencing
a water signed season right now in many ways. Well
here's my water sign season. I've decided to deal with

summer by being in what I would call what would
you call this an STX fleece with sort of when
you touch the shoulder, it makes this noise? Would you
call it? Huh? I just here. It's not really registering
on the mic, but imagine scratchy. It's like it's like Windbreaker,
but only on the shoulder. Anyway, I'm in a full

blown like polo in the air conditioning and really trying
to make outside as small of an issue, yes as
it possibly can be, because it's it is so fucking hot.
Not to say I'm not going out there and enjoying myself.
I'm very happy with the goldening of my skin. I
can say I'm participating in summer, but certainly inside calls

you're not wearing this at I will describe it as
and I mean this only as a compliment. You are
giving gay Jabberwakie. I'll take it as gay jaberwaki for sure.
That makes me feel really sexy actually to know that
I'm giving my gay jabberwaukee. Yes. I don't know why

I think of them as people who fuck, but certainly
they are.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
Remember when Taylor Swift danced with the Jabberwakis when she's
saying twenty two live. I think it was at the AMA's,
but it was the Billboard Music Awards and she sang
twenty two with the Jabuwakee's. She would never do that now,
miss I missed the old tailor just kidding. No, No,
I think she would do that now. I think she's
still got tricks supper sleeve. Should we reveal July fourth,

we're going to be in Amsterdam. We're saying, Taylor Swift
errors tour. This public knowledge. Sometimes people know stuff about us,
And I go, who told you? Well, that's because we
have big fucking mouths.

Speaker 1 (09:07):
And I would, I would one one hundred percent bet
that it's just because we've said it before and forgot
we said it and forgot that does happen? I mean,
Matt Whitaker just texted me and goes, oh my god,
love the Two Guys Five Rings podcast. This is instant cannon.
Your Guys' Shannon Miller bit is making me crack up.
And I said two things, One what is the bit?

And two? Who is Shannon Miller? I come, I don't remember?
For good?

Speaker 2 (09:33):
Oh I remember Shandon Miller. It's Simone Biles is set
to break her record for number of medals.

Speaker 1 (09:39):
I think, oh, great, great, great, well, then yes, down
with Shannon Miller and up with Simone Biles. For those
of you who don't know, it is not a bit.
We are hosting a Two Guys, Five Rings Olympics themed
real NBC Peacock iHeartMedia podcast. They came to us to
do it. And if you thought you were going to
hear anything about the Olympics or sports on this podcast

during the Olympic season, no, you have to go to
the Two Guys Five Rings podcasts, which spoiler alert is
really just thirty extra minutes of Lost Coach under the
lens of Olympics kind of.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
But we get a soundboard, we get like fun little
transitions with scoring, and they've done a fabulous job of
that is making it seem a little different.

Speaker 1 (10:21):
I really like. I was like, this is a chic
little podcast. Look at what we're a part of. I
was like with their little musical transitions, and shit, couldn't
bees on here. No, I always did want a soundboard though.
I always wanted a soundboard because it just takes me
back to FM culture. Like I've talked about it before,
But the best use of a soundboard I've ever heard

was when I was a little, little little kid. I
was on vacation with my family, and I remember me
and my grandmother and my mom and my dad watched
the season finale of Joe Millionaire. And at the end
of Joe Millionaire, they it was that terrible male Fox
of voiceover who actually was an icon. But the last
like four commercial breaks ended with him being like, it's

not over yet. And someone on the radio the next
day just like was talking about it and just kept
playing the It's not over yet and it made me
laugh so much. You know who's so good with the soundboards,
Danny Pellogreenow, he's so good. Danny Pellergreen is really Yeah,
it is a tool that really can elevate the podcasting
medium and radio medium.

Speaker 2 (11:23):
Well, it gives it an identity because I don't know
like FM radio is so you know it when you
hear it. It's one of those things podcasts haven't really
been able to reproduce that magic. I don't think if
anyone is gonna be up for the challenge, I think
it would be us. Like I'm thinking, did you ever

listen to Danny Bonaducci And I forget what his co
host's name was in the mornings?

Speaker 1 (11:48):
It was on Kiss FM. This was like he Danny
like like Danny from is he from from a Partridge Family?

Speaker 2 (11:56):
He like hosted a radio show with this woman who
had the the raspiest, coolest boice. That's all I remember,
I think was Danny and Kelly. Danny and Kelly are.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
Sotose sound like great great radio host names, Danny and Kelly.
Live in the morning with Danny and Kelly. Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (12:13):
I mean, you couldn't pay me to get up and see.
Clearly I'm operating at zero right now, this early in
the morning. But there's just something about rolling up to work,
clocking in at four thirty am or whatever, and then
doing the radio show gig and then leaving and then
having a fabulous day at home.

Speaker 1 (12:33):
Yeah. But the thing is, like those radio DJs are
not fasting in the morning like you are. I've seen
you get up early, and I don't like you talking
about yourself like this. So you are more than capable
of getting up early and getting after it. I guess
what I'm saying is cut yourself some slack. Those people
are caffeinated to hell, yeah, and unburdened at least by

the expectation of a blood test, so they they're able
to really pile on the energy in the morning and
then bowen. The thing about them is that's their job.
So a radio DJ like, someone who's active in the
morning can just fuck off the rest of the day,
unless they're Ryan Seacrest. Unless they're Ryan Seacrest and they
have an empire. Busiest man in Hollywood. Ryan would love

to talk to you. Come on last Cult, would we know?
I don't know that Ryan Seacrest is able to be candid. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (13:26):
I feel like if you ever dated Terry Hatcher, do
you have darkness and an enclosure of the soul and
you will never be an authentic person.

Speaker 1 (13:37):
That is a real drag on Terry.

Speaker 2 (13:40):
It's not a drag on Terry, It's a dragon people
who take Terry. I'm gonna say, I feel like Terry
was the big perpetrator on the set of Housewives.

Speaker 1 (13:49):
I feel like, Terry, you really believe the hype. You
believe the hype. You know these gays, here's what they'll do.
And this is just me talking to y'all the listener.
The sas what these gays will do. Gays will lift
you up and tear you down. These gays love it
when you play Susan Meyer. They love when you fall
in the bush naked. They love it. They root for
you when you win the Golden Globe you give your
little I used to be a has been speech. They cheer.

Then you know you're around for a few years, started
dating hot guys and Seacrest stuff like that. They want
to tear you down, they want to see you fall,
and they won't stop. And gays run the media, okay,
And when the gays get to their shenanigans on the

media and Terry, you pissed them off because you dated
the hottest guy. They all want Ryan s You're up
with the rest of the cast down with Terry and
it's sad to see. Sad to see it bleed all
the way into this podcast, which I thought was a
pro Terry Hatter space. That's why I joined eight years ago.

Joined joined this podcast.

Speaker 2 (15:11):
I want us to We're here to renounce a third podcast,
Holy Shit, which is going to be an investigative journalism
kind of not quite true crime, but adjacent, like we
need to find out who was a fault? I want
I want to start, no joke, I want to start
a podcast called gay Mysteries or something where we find

out who was a fault? Who is the person behind
the zombie mask on Wendy Williams for the Halloween episode
that made her say, what was that? What other gay mysteries?

Speaker 1 (15:42):
Maybe it's called what was that? Oh, maybe it's called
what what was that? With Matt and Bowen? Where we go?
What was that about? Any years? About any little fucking
thing that traps our ass? Like, yeah, I'll tell you
an episode that I want to do. What was that?
Is the episode of out whenever Lavine won Best New

Artist at the VMAs in the Year of Our Lord
two thousand and two, and Kelly Clarkson gave her the
award and Avril snubbed her and it was really bad.
What was that? That's the kind of thing I need
to dive into.

Speaker 2 (16:14):
Is your only regret of the Kelly Clarkson episode where
we had her on our show not asking her about
that moment?

Speaker 1 (16:22):
You know what? It was such a positive time with Kelly.
There were so many things I could have asked her,
like I could have asked her about like Doctor Luke, which,
by the way, we could talk about that. So the
Doctor Luke of it all was something years ago. When
Kesha had her lawsuit against Doctor Luke, a lot of
pop girlies like testified against him as character what witnesses

like I guess for Kesha just being like, what's the
deal with this guy? What is he? Like, Like the
allegation of sexual assault was Kesha's and hers alone, but
like we want to know from other people that have
worked with him, Like what's the deal? And she flat
out with like, he is not a good guy. Nothing
ever happened to me like that. But I literally, she
said in another interview, she told her record label she'll

work with anyone but Doctor Luke, and they made her
work with him on All I Ever wanted, and they did.
My life would suck without you together, and she claims
she actually wrote enough of that song to get songwriting credit.
She like worked on it enough where she could have
been as the artist, like put my name on this, Yeah,

but she says, I didn't want my name anywhere near his,
and so I said forget it. I'll just not take
the credit. And that song was a number one hit,
So she missed out on dollars because of that because
she was just not down to be that standing on
principle absolutely, But you know one Katy Perry has just

announced turn new music, and I root for Katie, but
she makes it hard sometimes because she doesn't have to
work with Doctor Luke. She's someone that is famously a
singer songwriter who can create her own stuff and can
work with any producer in the business. Because yeah, I mean,
she might not be the most relevant pop star of
our time, but she gets streams on streams, on streams

on streams, and for her to put Doctor Luke on
this record again has my side, I personally, because she's
not one of the new young POC or queer women
who are trying to make it in the business who
he then goes to and says, I'll help you, and
they're like, of course, I'm going to take this opportunity.
It's not the same thing. This is Katie Perry, who's
established and can work with anyone, and yes, she still

makes this choice, so it's actually totally different.

Speaker 2 (18:40):
I don't know what to make of these rumors about
this being gorilla marketing, her releasing a purposely bad snippet
of her single that is not even the snippet from
the song it's supposed to like enough enough.

Speaker 1 (18:59):
Of the I thought that was funny, I guess, I mean,
but I don't. And now I'm already I'm already like
this is what Katie tends to like get me to
do is I just can you describe what's going on
to the listeners. It's a slight eye roll, and it's like,
I'm already a little bit exhausted. Let's just kind of
get to the music, because ultimately the music is probably

gonna be pretty good if she snaps in and really
is as galvanized as she seem when she was like
quitting American Idol and stuff. But the thing is, like,
I don't know, it's like what when you're Katie Perry
and you're bringing doctor Luke into it, it is a
completely different thing. And then you see Kesha just tweeted lol.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
Well I thank God for that because I think that
really did it was able to like be a funnel
for like all of our thoughts around, like wait, doctor
lu Like, I think the credits, well, here's what happened.
I think the order of events was Tessha replied lol,
and then the song writing credits came out, and I

don't know if one was spurred. I think I think
the songwriting credits where we're spurred by the Kesha comment,
which is interesting, like why make it so damning after
suspicion has already been raised. I think people didn't know
that Doctor Luke had worked on the record publicly. I
think Kesha might have known, but I don't think people
were like, oh, what is this about. I think Kasha

commenting that made people go, wait a minute, is this
the Doctor Luke thing? And then sure enough days later
they released the credits.

Speaker 1 (20:27):
Mm hmmm. I am grateful that she did that well,
just in terms of how both of the snippets of
the song sounded like. There was one that was like,
actually horrible, and I thought that it was so horrible
that it actually was funny. I was like, Oh, this
is so clearly not it. And she's doing this weird
TikTok where she's singing it, and there's times when Katie

Perry jumps out and I'm like, oh, yes, like you
get it. You're like, you know this self aware like
almost like comedy forward whatever that means for a pop star.
Like it's like you're like like fun, like self aware,
like a bimbo of pop. And what I like that
Sabrina Carpenter is kind of filling those shoes because your

lyrics are really clever and like cheeky and fun, and
they fill their aesthetic with it. They both kind of.
I mean, like the Espresso video kind of like is
California Girls without all the candy and stuff. Like it's
more just like straightforward in a fluina cello. But you
see where there's a blueprint for what Sabrina Carpenter is
doing in recent pop. But it's like it's not like

the second clip of what we assume is the real
woman's world is that much better where we're like, oh
my god, gag, she really released that horrible first song
and now this one is such a moment.

Speaker 2 (21:42):
It's like, yeah, no, it's a better song, but the
gulf the canyon of quality is not that big.

Speaker 1 (21:52):

Speaker 2 (21:53):
I am really digging the way Sabrina is going about
the shall we say you, I think she's very like
you who like coded you know.

Speaker 1 (22:05):
I mean just like I knew she was my girl.
I knew she was sort of my little sister. In
the Espresso video when she's getting arrested and she sort
of like lit her head is like flailing around and
she's like ooh, I was just like, yeah, no, I'm
into her. I really like her. She's actually forever for me, etcetera.
And now she I mean, she's very much here to
stay number one hit Please Please Please, Please Please Please

is fucking great. Well, I love love that. She kind
of got a little petty with it when she hit
number one on the Billboard Hot one hundred o and
she posted that gay being like no one's ever fly
do it some gay was like no one's ever flopped
this hard on a second single, OMFG or whatever the fuck,
and like literally on her official Instagram, it's just her

number one on the chart, a piece of the article,
and then that gay guy's tweet, and it's like, yeah,
and I get it. It's like, sometimes I can see
being a person who receives tweets like that and receives
commentary like that and is like, okay, well, just so
you know, if you engage in a conversation, someone might respond,
and that is a conversation you engaged in.

Speaker 2 (23:13):
But that's kind of the best way to go about it.
It's the bird watching equivalent of responding to a fucking
reply guy or a reply day. It's like, talk to
us about how it's like bird watching. It's that you
are kind of from afar, acknowledging its existence without actually
engaging in it until let's say, you hit number one

on billboard and then you can post a picture of
the bird.

Speaker 1 (23:41):
I guess I'm losing the thread, but I just find
it refreshing.

Speaker 2 (23:46):
But speaking of tweets, was it someone in our group
chat who like unearthed these old Katie Perry tweets where
she just fucking bullies Sky Ferreira And that is unforgivable
to me. I do this on your behalf because you
have worked with Katie in the past.

Speaker 1 (24:03):
She's given you job opportunities and you Oh, first of all,
she did not give me a job opportunity. She was
kind about an opportunity I got in her video, which,
by the way, if you haven't seen it, not at
the end of the real music video. I'm basically one
of the leads of it. You are the lead. I
think you are the star of it. She wasn't on set.
Zoey Deschanel was on set. Love her, Love Zoe, Love Zoe.

Can I say you weren't there but because you had
to work. But I went to go see Katie in
Vegas for my birthday, like I love Katy Perry, Like
I mean, I'm a fucking thirty four year old gay man,
like California girls in teenage Dream hit when we were
what twenty two, Like, come on, we love Katy Perry
twenty twenty. Yeah exactly. It's like, I don't want to
be on here, fucking like, oh it sucks as she
worked with doctor Luke when she doesn't have to at all.

She just doesn't have to do at all. She just
doesn't think it sucks, as she wrote it for Rick Caruso.
I think some of the shit that she does sucks.
And that doesn't mean I don't think she's a great
fucking pop star. But if you what are we supposed
to do? Not talk about the fact that she's working
with doctor Luke, don't do it, then I think Katie

is like not in.

Speaker 2 (25:09):
That window of unproblematic fave person. She's got all of Brazil,
so she's fine, you know what I mean. They want
her to come to Brazil so bad, and they don't
care about Rick Caruso and Brazil.

Speaker 1 (25:22):
You know right, she did it then come to Brazil.
That's amazing. I didn't invent it, but she like she
helped originate it. I'm ready to give her all the
credit that she deserves, one hundred percent, including the credit
for including doctor Luke in the credit. Yeah, no, nothing's
a mistake. It's just like, okay, so great. Can you

imagine in the Uni of Our Lord twenty twenty four
being her and being like, guess what you guys are
gonna gag? Guess who I'm working with doctor Luke. Here's
a big announcement. Here's an official announcement about it. It's like, huh, Like,
how is that supposed to make people feel exactly? Like excited?
What excited? For the bops? You're Katie Perry. You can
do them without him, you know? And then I guess

that's another thing to compare it to, like this generation
of pop girly and this moment where everyone's like supporting
each other and like being there for each other, and
like all those collabs that came out the other day,
and now you, in the same moment, are out here
with a track list that includes doctor Luke, who you
know allegedly raped one of your peers on a track

called Women's World, on a track called Woman's World. And
also like, notwithstanding even the sexual assault, but someone that
many of your other peers are on the record as
being like this guy's not a good guy. Lady Gaga
and Kelly Clarkson and Kesha included. Like I said, this
is not Kim Petris working with Doctor Luke. This is

not Doja Cat working with Doctor Luke, who were young
artists who maybe didn't have producers throwing themselves at them.
You know what I mean. These are young queer POC
people who do not have the same opportunities as someone
like these other older, established white girls have. So I
never really liked when people were like, oh, fuck them

for working with Doctor Luke. It's like they're they're taking
an opportunity. Maybe it's the only one that they had.
I'm not saying that I think it's a great idea
for people to work with him because of who he is.
I'm just saying there is a big difference between Katy
Perry at her big age coming out here with Doctor
Luke on the track. Oh, I'm at a big age too.
We're all at a big age. We're at a big age.

We're all old enough to know better about this, And
I fucking love Katie Perry. I just want I want
better choices.

Speaker 2 (27:44):
I was just going to say I brought up this
guy for a thing because I am convinced that she
more than some pop girlies. We know, and we might
ascribe this quality too, is like has had a history
of bully Sky?

Speaker 1 (27:59):
Has not Sky? Katie? Oh no, I think even Sky
had a history of being bullied. I was like, well,
we have to help her. We have to get Kundans
counselors in it. We need mediators. Why is everyone picking
on Sky but you mean Katie bullying other people? Yeah, sure, Katie,
we know stories of Katie at Club thirty three. Okay.
The alleged beginning of the beef with her and Taylor

was that they both were a Club thirty three, which
is the secret the secret Disney restaurant, and Katie I
guess to break the ice because of like there was
like some John Mayer bullshit. Katie sent over a glass
of milk and Taylor like didn't like that or didn't
get it, and so that was the start of the feud.
It wasn't actually the backup dancers. This is one of
my favorite conspiracy theories. It's a great conspiracy theory. It's

it's funny, but it's also like, well if that if
I were Taylor, I'd be like, yeah, fuck that girl.
It's the kind of okay, So again, we don't know
that this happened. Pretend let's pretend it did. Let's say
it's someone that is a peer of yours, you've been
friendly with, but now there's this weird thing because they're

dating your ex and you're already in a combative situation
because of what the industry does to women in that field.
Someone says, you know what, as a bit, I'm gonna
do this thing, and they send over a glass of milk,
which is I don't know how to describe anything other
than very sixth grade humor. It's so sixth grade. So

you get the milk, and it's like, whether you get
it or not, you have to be ready to have
the joke happen to you, and she obviously just wasn't.
Who's ready for that joke? Though? Like you have to
have such low self esteem to be like, oh my god,
you got me girl, or like that was so funny
that you sent over milk? Why is it funny? You

know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (29:51):

Speaker 1 (29:52):
It's nasty. Have you ever done that yet? No? I
would never fucking do that. Wait, what do you mean?
I just mean, have you ever done the bit of
or the thing of like hey to the waiter, like
can you send this person over a drink as a bit.
I've done it as a bit. I've done it as
a bit because I thought it was funny when I
was again, when I was in middle school, I was
an Applebee's and I was with a bunch of my

friends and one of my teachers was across the like
across the restaurant, and I said, oh my god, I
have the funniest bit. So I said to my waitress.
I was like, go bring a cherry coke over to
him and say, it's from the gentleman. It's from the
gentleman over there across the across the way, and I'll
be there waiting. And when they brought over the cherry coke,

the waitress dropped it and it went everywhere Queen queen,
and I think she had been midway. I think maybe
she was excited about doing the bit, and so she
was like midway through. I could see her mouth being like,
this is from the gentleman all and then like my

poor teacher like had like his covered in cherry coke,
which is you know, God, be a little bit more
involved than the regular coke to get out because you
got that sweet sweet grenadine in there. Though, the grenadine
be sticky. But there's nothing more I want than for
this to have been a real story. And the Club
thirty three waiter brought the milk over. This is from

the girl Dylan dropped the milk all over tailor and
swift at Disneyland, where you don't want to be covered
in milk at all.

Speaker 2 (31:26):
Oh No, that's a fate worse than death. I just
that makes my fucking skin crawl. I'm sorry, there's something
about that. First of all, just period. I don't know
how you would answer this. Would you send buy anyone
a drink? Now at a restaurant, Let's say, like you
saw someone who was hot, Like, I'm gonna buy that

person a drink.

Speaker 1 (31:48):
I have no idea how to engage in those situations
anymore I have. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (31:53):
I don't know how to be, how to be on
the receiving end of that, Not that it happens all
the time, but I'm just like what, I don't know.
Dating is way weirder now than it used to be,
for a litany of reasons. But I would rather just someone.
I would rather just be pursued than like be out
like trying to like be cute about it, you know
what I mean. I think that like, ultimately me as

a person, as a romantic partner, I think I respond
better to initially someone else expressing interest anyway. Yeah, but
also like I don't want to be weird and then
like someone someone gets a drink from me and they're like,
that's from that guy over there, and they like in
some way maybe know.

Speaker 1 (32:31):
Who I am, and they're like, oh, ew, Matt Rogers
sent me a drink at a bar. Gross. Oh We're
never doing that. Yeah, I mean, it would never happen,
But like, I don't know, I'm just trying to negotiate,
like being out there interacting with eligible gay men, if
you're out there, if you're out there, and I just like,
I thought about sending a drink, and I'm like, that
can't be the move.

Speaker 2 (32:51):
No, Like, if I tap a guy on Grinder, I
feel immediate shame. Even today, is that the equivalent? I'm like, oh,
why did I do that?

Speaker 1 (32:59):
I mean, I will say, tapping on grinder, you know,
people really don't like it. You ever see the profiles
on Grinder that are like no taps, absolutely no taps.
I'm like, what the fuck is the big idea, Like
what is the big fucking deal? Like, is Grinder just
the kind of place where people go to say things
like that? Or do they actually care? Are you just

trying to project a thing of like I have an
era of exclusivity around me, Like I don't do taps.
I don't do this? Is it because you can't be
like even more restrictive than that? And what your quote
unquote preferences are? So you do this weird flex on taps?
I just don't get it. So you got tapped, someone
thought you were hot whatever, you are status minded in

a way that is like pathological at that point, I
just would love to interview someone for two minutes on
this podcast and you can do the voice the voice
things you dropped so no one knows who you are
about what it is you have against taps? Is it
just that you think it's flaky and you'd rather be
messaged directly? Like what is it? Who? For the kdies

out there? Do you want to explain taps? Oh? Yeah,
it's it's a way to get someone's attention on Grinder. Basically,
it's a way to like not saying anything without saying anything.
I saw at Flirt, which kind of a great UI thing. Right,
it's like a great like next evolution of like it's
like a Facebook poke. Yes ahead of content. Hauns is saying, yes,

it is exactly like a Facebook poke exactly. Anyway, that's
that I think us interviewing this person is going to
fall into oh what was that episode? Oh? That's really good.
The thing is like, I don't understand how we could
do another podcast, but that would be it. We also
what was that? Can just be a new segment on

this podcast, because you know how good we are about
keeping up with all the new segments. That is it over?
It's not well, let's see producer Beckett made us a dog?
Should we look at nineteen cents? I don't and can
I tell you something of this? This is how I
I know it might be over. I don't want to
do that. Okay, that is over. Sister.

Speaker 2 (35:06):
I am in lockstep with you. Whatever do you. This
is our partnership, this is friendship. It's gotta be a
hell yes from both of us. We are working it
out on the remix. We are working Oh my god.

Speaker 1 (35:19):
I'm wucking remix. You know what. Here's the thing about
the excavation of years. We tried it, and it was
also a truly collaborative attempt at creating something new for

the podcast. But if we're really gonna work it out
on the remix, I think we started doing that because
of this idea that we like didn't want to pick
on like new culture that much because we are like
in like the training wheels phase of a new era.

Speaker 2 (35:54):
Of the podcast. But like, I don't fucking care that much.
I just fucking talked match about Katie Perry for fifteen
minutes Deserve though. You know what I'm saying is it's
like we're not even talking shit. We're saying she's a
great fucking pop star, she's formative. We expect more from
her than a continuation of working with Doctor Luke, because

she's literally talented enough to not that's not really talking shit.
And she announced that she was voting the way she
was voting in LA So it's like, Okay, well, if
you're gonna do that, then understand that you're it's a
hot button issue.

Speaker 1 (36:29):
Oh my god, I forgot about her vote. Oh my god. Kay.
But they don't know who Rick Caruso is in Brazil.
It's actually a rule of culture number nineteen. They don't
know know Rick Caru in Brazil, hil and until Rick
Caruso gets the come to Brazil Lee, no one's checking
for him in La so that would be great.

Speaker 2 (36:50):
Actually yeah, but Katie, I feel like it's Katie and
everyone else on the coin.

Speaker 1 (36:56):
The industry loves to spend to quote Ella Lord, the
Legend the voice. Can I say she ate that? What
is six plus two? Because she ate? Because she crushed
it and I was so emotional, oh throughout and then
with every line, and then because I ride for you, Charlie,

if you wanted to know, now you know, I was
just like and also the way that she wrote it,
the way she brought back the they say they had
we have this same hat. I was just like everything
about this is a great moment in pop and I think,
if there's any justice, it should be nominated for Pop
Duo Group.

Speaker 2 (37:34):
Vocals at the Grammys. It is a moment and they
deserve it. What I find remarkable about the Lord verse
is that it is not like retaliatory like I think
Charlie would have been down for like, yeah Lord, do
the verse and like come for me, like because I
feel like if you go back and read Charlie's verse,
it is like a little bit like accusatory of like you, yeah,

what's the problem, what's the problem? You've like bailed on me.
I can't tell if you're being genuine like you girl,
so confusing. Sometimes it makes me insecure the way that
you treat me.

Speaker 1 (38:07):
Because low kei, like Lord, is a much much, much
more commercially successful artist. She had been lauded in a
way that Charlie had it, and then everyone said to her, like,
you know, you guys are a natural pair, like it's
a level up, like the two of you together. But
low Key on the other side of it, Charlie is
the coolest bitch in the game, and she's the one
who truly moves things forward. And probably everyone's low Key

in some way chasing what she does. Of course, So
there's insecurity and the dynamic and then literally it just
comes down to when we are together, it's weird, so
what the fuck? And then for the Lord to respond
with just vulnerability, just vulnerable. I love it.

Speaker 2 (38:45):
It wasn't like, well here's what you've done. It's like,
oh no, I was so insecure myself. I canceled last
Mandy because I didn't feel worthy of your company. I
hated my body, Like all these things I love, it's
just self defense until you're building a weapon.

Speaker 1 (39:08):
Mm h, that is wow. There was a line about
like I was at war with my body, like your
life seemed awesome. I didn't want to be in your pictures. Like,
I think that's pretty relatable to everyone. Like you know,
when someone you don't really necessarily feel super comfortable with
because you think they're super hot or really admire them

their talent, or you think they're really smart, or you
feel small in some way around them. Their intentions can
be one hundred yes, but you don't feel good enough
to show up in that as yourself compete with whatever
it is. Because of everything going on internally, I have
certainly canceled on people who I just didn't really know

either what the intention was or why I would be,
why they'd benefit from having me around, et cetera. So
like I'm supposed to hang out with guys sometimes and
just like completely took myself out of it because I
didn't feel good enough. Yeah, I feel like Benny Drama
is my Lord, No, just kidding. I was like, like,

who's the gay equivalent? My jaw just dropped. I was like, no,
can you imagine poking the sweetest person on my old
planet Earth? No, I was going to say.

Speaker 2 (40:26):
I was thinking, like, who's the game main equivalent to
Charlie XCX, and I think it's Benny Drama.

Speaker 1 (40:29):
But I'm like, oh, I love that for him.

Speaker 2 (40:33):
But meanwhile, Benny Drama is the coolest, the funniest, the sweetest.

Speaker 1 (40:37):
We love Betty No, but that's why he is a
good example. It out there and he'd be like, Bowen,
what the fuck? And it would be a fun thing
because because one of the scariest things in the world
is doing that with someone that you actually have those
feelings about, which is why I respect Charlie and Lord
so much, just because they fully just aired this out
and like, in so many words, maximize their joint sleigh,

because that would be scary. I can speak for myself.
I'm sure you feel this is a way to do
that with our own peers in our own industry. Yeah,
the idea of like.

Speaker 2 (41:12):
A girly beef is hopefully like this is a huge
moment in the perennial concept of like a beef between
pop girls, Like this is the way to do it,
Like God blessed Taylor Swift getting Katie Perry out in

the Hamburger costume, which I think is its own sort
of like retaliation.

Speaker 1 (41:40):
Hey, thank you so much for coming. Here's your costume.
You have to wear this.

Speaker 2 (41:44):
You have to wear this for the way you've treated me.
But this is like, this is a huge watershed moment.
Don't worry, I'll look stupid too. She comes out in
a super schemy hot dog costume. Don't worry me too.
I'll be a food too, like tiny food, slim food,
slim food. That's healthy.

Speaker 1 (42:05):
Oh stop, But.

Speaker 2 (42:07):
I just think also confusing is like someone said, it's
the rate on me for people who do ketamine and period.

Speaker 1 (42:15):
Y'all are y'all are on too much powders. Relax every
stop like every okay, cool, we all do ketamine. Like
stop talking about is what I want to put out
there as sort of a corollary to Elisiabatique. Let's take
a break from powders. And that's fine if you want
to do powders. I'm just like this whole thing of like, yes, community,
we're addressing you. We all know that everyone does ketamine. Okay,

now we can we can sort of just like it
doesn't have to become your personality. I get that it's
the summer and the summer is starting and it's probabe
like ketamine yay, Like K is not in leisure batique,
Like it might be a part, it might be a
part of what goes down, but like that's cute a K. Yeah,

it's becoming that thing of like when you're you know,
when you like just get into high school and you
start smoking weed or whenever you start smoking weed, it's
like you can talk about you started thinking all you
can talk about. It's just like I don't think the
it's not cool that we all do ketamine, you know
what I mean? Maybe it is all right. I mean
you are way cooler than me. So it's like, no, no,

that is We're not having this discussion. Let's walk it
out on the real remix. You know, I saw the
other night I did the monologues at Rap Scraps, which
is the New Asscat, and a couple things happened, so
I want to talk about. But you know who was
performing was Tammy Seger. Oh my god, Tammy, and she

says hello, And I remember that night we went to
Joyantretoria and worked it out on the remix where we
worked at and Kat and Pat and BSJ. And also
her episode of Lost Coach Miss Sadie Cohen was a
moment when we really worked it out on the remix.
We walked through like a lot of hard feelings we
did that and that episode. But it was just funny
to see her there because like I was like, you know,

you're dangerous because you open up the floodgates emotionally. Oh yeah,
she got us to work it out in the remix. Actually,
very easy to talk to, you know what I mean,
like and so sometimes it's just like you you start
talking and then you've said things, but the other part
I wanted to say, and this was emotional. Actually, so

did the monologues at Rat Scraps, which was the old
ascat you've done it before, we know, like from you know,
coming of age and comedy and a time when you
see it was Julie King in New York that, like Askat,
was like the hot to show. It's like such a
super big honor to do monologues for either that show
or Rat Scraps, which is all the classics from UCB
where they're improvising and just such a fun show. So

I did my monologues and they improvised scenes off them.
It was a really fun night. And then at the
end some kids came up who are Hammercats and danger
Box and they do reality show now at NYU, and
they were twenty one years old and they were literally
little versions of us, and they were so sweet and

they were like, they were like, we're so inspired by like,
you know, you guys doing so well and we know
it started here, so we work really hard. And you
can just tell how inspired by they are by like
you and Stephanie Schu and Rachel Bloom and Shana taw
you know, shout Out two. The first time someone has
ever won for book nd score at the Tony's that

is Shana Talb. That is one hundred percent one of
the original girlies. And you know, it was just really amazing,
like and I realized, you know, they're coming up there
in that group. Now, these are our sketuled and improv
groups at NYU, everybody which were like stuff we cared
so deeply about, and you know, they're looking at a
world where like so many other people that went through

that like really succeeded I mean a hammercant fucking headline Coachella. Okay,
so like anything can happen. Yeah, But like what I
mean is it was really cool to see them so
obviously galvanized to be doing what they're doing. This one
girl was in Hammercats Danger Box reality show and was
a double major in drama and dramatic writing. I was like,

you are really going for it, but like they're really
going for it, and it made me so proud and
I should I knew it would make you proud too.
I'm so I'm beaming. I'm like I'm doing like a
like a little like an emotional frown bottomized emoji. Oh.
I just.

Speaker 2 (46:33):
That is like setting the groundwork for so much of everything.
It'll be a lot of disappointment and a lot of
like triumph.

Speaker 1 (46:42):
And also like it is if you're yeah, you're really
centering the work early on, and that's like something that
like I kind of like have like thoughts about it.
I'm like I should have.

Speaker 2 (46:51):
I'm like, could I have done more back in the
day to like throw myself into things, But like it
doesn't matter, Like I mean, the.

Speaker 1 (46:58):
Answer is clearly if you could have, you wouldn't have
needed to because look how everything has worked out. But
I too was a war course back then. It was
never enough.

Speaker 2 (47:09):
I lived and breathed it like it was what I
thought about every day. Shout out to chemistry and my
Bachelor of Arts in chemistry at NYU.

Speaker 1 (47:17):
But that was not the thing that was keeping me going,
Oh my god, I forgot to tell you. We did
Game Show the other night, and we do celebrity essences. Oh,
and the answer to them was was you. We're the
answer to what was you? Do you want to know
your celebrity essences? Yes? I have to know. Okay they did?
The people guess right or no, everyone knew it was you.

It was easy. That was my note for us with
game show this time. I was like, it was a
little too easy. But guys, whenever we do a Bellhouse
game show, you got a comment it's so fun, it's
so fun. So it was Louren Michaels, Oh god, three
dollars Bill, uh huh, there you go. Who's that going
to be? Mikey Day? Okay, the periodic table, This is

so easy, Matt Rogers and oh my god, what was
the fifth one? Uh? Oh, tomato? I thought about tomato,
but then I was like, people don't really know that. Yeah, okay, okay,
sure there was a fifth one. I'll think of it. Okay,
well I'm honored. Oh my god, that's a huge honor

to be in celebrity essence, Well, it was just gonna
be a twofer and it was gonna be Louren Michael's
in three dollars Bill. I mean, there we go. But
then I was like I was having too much fun
thinking of them. Uh, we had a really fun time.
It was really fun. But anyway, like seeing those kids
and I just want to look at them and say, listen,

you're pop girllies right now. They might disappoint you in
the future. Don't for example, you know teenage dream change
my life now. Crusale Voter who works with doctor Luke
still listen to me. I know you love Sabrina Carpenter,
I know you love Chapelon. They're humans. They might disappoint

you one day. I never forget what good luck they
meant to you. Now I'm just kidding. She'll now. I
think Chaperon will never disappoint anyone that's not putting any
pressure on her at all. No, And can I say
I feel very conscious of the fact that like watching
her blow up so fucking fast has of course been thrilling,

But you have been a big You've been a champion
for her since the beginning. I can't say I was first,
because that's insane, No, but like I was early a
straight man told me about Chapelane. Matthew Vaughn, my producer
of Have You Heard of Christmas? We were literally shooting
have you Heard a Christmas Dispecial? And he was like,
you have no idea this new girly chapelone and I

was like, yeah, yeah, whatever, And then I listened to
casual and I was like, oh wait, do you have
a major point?

Speaker 2 (49:55):
Matthew von deserves some kind of Elizabethigue Award. I mean
he produced Have You Heard of Christmas?

Speaker 1 (50:01):
Well, there you go. But but I mean, like that
is like a straight man with that kind of taste specificity.
It was fucking wild to watch her perform live. After that,
I'm like, oh my god. I went with him study
and I went with him to the show at the Fonda,
that famed Fonda show I talked about, and then I
was like, oh my god, this is going to be
so major, And now it's so major like last night

at the Jimmy's, the girl who won the Jimmies like
shouted out chapelone, Oh my god, talk about the Jimmy's.
Oh the Jimmies were great, the winners were excellent. The
girl who won sang the Music that Make Me Dance
from Funny Girl Original Broadway. Oh wow, it was. It
was really amazing. And oh my god, the kid who won,
the guy who won sang make Them Hear You. And

also his medley had been Seymour, and he sort of
held back on his Seymour. But I'm like, I hope
he makes the finals because he's going to open up
and really show everyone something. And then he delivered a
performance that was Jimmy's lore. This was so great. And
you know I love the Jimmy's. I cry the whole
time watching how happy they are for each other. And again,

like I had just seen the kid the Hammercat's danger
Box reality show kids, and then I saw these kids
because they are so unjaded, you know what I mean.
They're just trying so hard. They wanted so bad and
it makes me happy and they were so gifted. Yet again, duh.
But chapelone did get mentioned and well, I guess what

I was saying is I do feel like her letting
everyone know that she's uncomfortable with the amount of fame
right now and that she's walking through it is something
that like is a really important thing for her to say,
because it means it's what she needs. And so therefore
I'm like, you know, while I'm so excited about what's
happening with her and what will happen with her, I

nervous is the wrong word. I'm just kind of like,
let everyone be cool, you know, healthily concerned. Yeah, like
be cool, because I mean, if it reminds everyone of Gaga,
I feel like when Gaga exploded, like her way of
coping was to pretend she was an authority on fame
and that it was her assignment. That was like essentially
a millennial coping mechanism, I think totally, whereas Chapel's coping

mechanism is very, very gen z. It seems where she's
just like gonna be authentically a little depressed about it,
like like you are losing something, you know, you get
on the mic now everyone listens to what you say,
whereas just six months ago you could see her at
skokey pride, and she could say whatever the fuck and
it would be whatever. But now it's you know, she's like,

she's probably gonna win Best New Artists at the Grammys.
A skokey pride. Real, it should be Every city should
have a pride, including skokey. I agree. I got to
talk to her for Interview magazine and she is just
working through it. And what she kept saying was she good,

and which I think is like, so, this is what's
got out of me is that she kept saying, I
am just doing what I've always done, and I'm like, yes, yes,
you have. And I think I think she knows the
roadmap for her, which is just to like extrapolate based
on the way she's done things, which has been so

gradually like magnetizing, and now it's like this ground swell
where everyone kind of is obsessed with her. And I
just remember like the days before A Hot to Go
came out and she was just posting tiktoks from her
little bedroom and it was like just like just so
like I don't give a shit, like this is like
this is like not anything a pop star I would

have done ten years ago. And I love that there's
new model and like the proxy war between Sabrina and
Chapel is done. Like everyone like stand down, like Sabrina
carpeting good luck Babe is so good. It was so good.
I'm obsessed with that. I was so good. I mean,
Sabrina is a really talented singer, and I mean it's

a totally different sound than Chapel, but really just she
has a great technique. She's a great communicator. I love
her lyrics. I mean, all her stuff reminds me like
Dolly Parton. If I feel like I keeps saying that
I said, that's to do it too, but it's please
please please, like really throws it back from me in

a in a way that I'm like, I bet you
know Dolly would be interested and proud of.

Speaker 2 (54:40):
To me, it's giving Judy sill the way she's sayings,
motherfucker is Judy sil like from motherfuckertherfucker.

Speaker 1 (54:48):
Yeah, that's a moment in history right there. That's a
moment in culture. Motherfucker is a moment in culture. And
you know this, I see she's kind of uniting gays too.
I'm gonna say it. I see some people hedging on
Chapel in a way where I'm like, why A, you're
hedging on Chapel. You love Chapel, Put your hands up.
It's a roller coaster, babe. Well, she's reached to the

point now where she will invite contrarianism. That's it. God,
can you imagine that's gotta do what fucks her up?
Of course, because it's like, Wow, she's gotten to the
point now where they're gonna start talking about me like
I'm not a person.

Speaker 3 (55:24):
So confusing sometimes so confusing. Sometimes should we do?

Speaker 1 (55:37):
I don't think so, honey. I don't think so, honey,
because mine is actually Chapel related. Oh this is our
sixty second segment where we you sort of, you know,
pop off something in culture. I'm actually gonna turn this inward. Okay,
it's Chapel related, but it's introspective. Am easy. Well, this
is Matt Rodgers's I don't think so, honey. And as
time starts now, I don't think so, honey. The collaborative

decision to not give Chapel Rohan's good luck Babe, best
bridge of the Year the last Cultu Racos Culture Awards.
We gave it to Treacherous by Taylor Swift, a bridge
that has been celebrated now for years and years and
years and years, and I do have to say, while
I love that bridge and I think it's a deserving
winner in any other year, good Luck Babe is the
Bridge of the Year period, point blank. There is no

better bridge that it's been released than good Luck Babe.
And I feel like maybe we thought we were giving
Chapel a little too much and naming all these categories
after her. She won Album of the Year for the
second year in a row. Last year she won, we
didn't even know what the album was called. It didn't
exist yet, and she's still won Album of the Year.
So she's an Album of the Year twice for the
same thing. Maybe we thought we couldn't also give her

Bridge of the Year for good Luck Babe. Well, what
I want to say is at the time, I thought,
am I going to regret this later? And I wish
I could say back to me as because there is
no better bridge and Chapel it's an apology from us,
because I don't think so hunt and that's one minute.

Speaker 2 (57:01):
I co signed that apology. And I also want to
put out there that good Luck Babe has is gonna
be nominated for Best pre chorus.

Speaker 1 (57:13):
Yeah that is. That is a fucking great pre chorus. Yeah,
I don't.

Speaker 2 (57:28):
It's the perfect thing that launches you into the It's
so propelling, it's so like it's exactly what a pre
chorus should do, should be, which is to just fucking.

Speaker 1 (57:37):
Drive you step up. Yep, it's the launch of the
roller coaster. That's what it is. By the way, I
know you have to leave soon, but tell them you're
gonna be late because I have to touch. I have
to touch on Dark Universe. Do you want to do it?
I don't think twenty first, let's touch on Dark Well, yeah,
I'll do my I don't think so many on Dark Universe.

Speaker 2 (57:57):
You're gonna do it on Dark Universe. It's about Dark Universe.
But it's so stupid. But I you've given me something,
You've given me fodder here.

Speaker 1 (58:06):
But I'm doing I'm doing the gen Z hand. Wait,
beck I get a picture of this? Did you get it?
Did you get Okay, got it? That's gonna be. This
actually was a little bit of a titillating episode. Okay, wait,
I'm so shook. This is Bowen Yang's I don't think so,
honey about something that's been really saving my life, and

I'm looking forward to I don't know what this is
gonna be. Bowen Yang's time starts now, I don't think so, Honey.
Me thinking that the steakhouse in Dark Universe was called
a Dark Steakhouse, but it's called dost Stickhouse. I thought
that these fucking creative geniuses at Universal who are putting

together Dark Universe, who are rolling this out like a
fucking like nothing we've ever seen before.

Speaker 2 (58:52):
The hype is unlike anything I've ever felt before. But
I did have to go record scratch when they talked
about the restaurant called Dos Steakhouse. But I thought I
thought it was going to be called Dark Steakhouse, and
they went, if that's what it's called, then I am.

Speaker 1 (59:08):
I posted up at.

Speaker 2 (59:09):
Dark Steakhouse every fucking night, because that's the funniest shit
I've ever heard.

Speaker 1 (59:14):
I petitioning for them to change it to please call
it Dark Steakhouse for me, please. I will, I will,
I will go in, I will, I will invest money.
I want to go. I want to eat at a
restaurant called Dark Steakhouse. Yes, they will be serving steaks
on steaks because there will be what vampires who someone
invited in. Oh that's the one minute. Oh my god.

So the restaurant is called Dost Steakhouse and it's not
called Dark Steakhouse, but I do. It would be so
funny if Epic Universe opened Dark Universe with Dark Steakak,
like that would be so slay imagination on two? What
are they some June month fags, unbelievable month, unimaginative June month.

And then like they'd be like, oh sorry when we
named it, we were all I'm kettymine, like what do
you Okay, it's called Dos Steakhouse. It will be run
by the Familiars of Vampires. Okay, so the Familiars, I see.
If you're not like me watching all this content and
passing it on to Bowen Yang literally And do you
watch the stuff that I send you? Of course I do.

Speaker 2 (01:00:26):
I watch.

Speaker 1 (01:00:27):
I watch a bit. Don't even I watched the entire
Jenny Nicholson Star Wars Hotel Takedown, so good right, I'm
obsessed with her. Yeah, she's terrific. She's Chapel roonish of
She's chapelone of YouTube because it's like drag. She'll show
up in like so many different looks, like and I'm
just like, oh, I love so many looks. She has

a giant plushes just in the background, sitting there while
she's fucked, while she's in a fucking first order costume,
like talking about how this hotel fucking sucks. I was like, Yeah,
this is my girl. I really want to know, like
what she feels about the rollout of the Epic Universe stuff,
because Okay, so basically my most anticipated land and this
will shock people because I'm not a horror for person,

but I am like a classic movie person, and these
kinds of horror movies I can do. So this is
classic Monsters, It's the Dark Universe. This is your wolf Man,
You're Frankenstein, your Dracula, You're a bride of Frankenstein, your
Bride's of Dracula, your Mummy, your creature from the Black Lagoon,
et cetera. So basically, this is gonna be a whole

land in Epic Universe, and it is going to tear.

Speaker 3 (01:01:37):

Speaker 1 (01:01:38):
It is gonna down. They're basically elevating the concept of
the Haunted House and blowing it the fuck out. So
people have been on the Forbidden Journey ride the Harry
Potter Forbidden journey ride. You know, you sit in those
chairs and they're like floating chairs. The benches they're they're
giving that, but there's gonna be no note ceiling, so
it's gonna be like there's gonna be like three sixty

wrap around screens end up to fifteen state of the
art animatronic figures that tell this story, which is that
Victoria Frankenstein, who's the great great granddaughter of mister Frankenstein
by the way, go off. Doctor Frankenstein has decided to
resume the family name, capture the monsters, and do a

demo of how she's able to control them. Villain, wouldn't
you know it? Something goes wrong? Okay, we did not
learn from the original Frankenstein that, you know, we are
not meant to control all nature. Man is not meant
to control nature, and Havoc is going to ensue. And
basically what they're describing this as is so so so

in a word, county, because not only is a Victi,
it's so Julia, and not only is Victoria Frankenstein popping off,
but then across the way there's a Curse of the
Werewolf roller coaster with a mystic named Malerva who warns
us that we she warns us that we bear the
curse of the werewolf. No, and then we speed off

into the woods and the werewolf tries to you guess
that eat get us to eat us. And so this
is just this is women slaying or flopping with sleigh
results all over this land, and that's like, I love it.
There is dust steakhouse, there's a little makeup parlor where
you can have monster makeup put on, and you can
go back out into the park, not for me, but

for someone else. And then finally there is a Burning
Blade tavern, which, if you're fans of the original Frankenstein,
you know of the windmill that burst into flame. That's
going to be in the park and it's a full
on bar. Okay. So this is sort of where I
completely shut the rest of my life off and just

only focus on this on YouTube. My landing page is
so embarrassing. I'm really nerdy about it, but it is
making my life better on a day to day basis.
While I sit here in my stx S winter breaker
in my air conditioning, happy for you and I gleefully
pass it on to you too. I get so excited
about showing you this stuff and I receive it. This

is this is a thing that people are talking about now,
sunlike guilt. Oh yeah, go in, go into this. I
implicitly know what it is.

Speaker 2 (01:04:17):
It's like, and people in Vancouver feel it all the
time because they only get a small window of sunny
days here and they really make the most out of it.
And I really love that culture. Like these these are
people who are go getters. We're active activated. But sunshine guilt,
sunlike guilt.

Speaker 1 (01:04:36):
It's like, well, the days so nice outside, I guess
we have to go and like gallivants, Well you don't.
You don't have to do anything because the weather is
a certain way. I mean, I I completely understand. And
it's it's it's a form of fomo. I guess right,
it's a form of fomo. But like, here's how I
know that.

Speaker 2 (01:04:54):
I'm like not, I'm not like other girls go on
all these gays posting from Central Park from like Sheep's
Meadow or whatever.

Speaker 1 (01:05:05):
I'm like, couldn't be me. Yeah, I ah, you know,
it's hard for me to imagine going out and laying
out in the park and.

Speaker 2 (01:05:13):
The words Vanessa Hudgens. I respect it, but I don't
know that I would ever engage in that, and maybe
something's wrong with me, but that is like Sheep's Meadow
is Sunshine guilt Central. Well, I just feel like there's
nowhere to get relief from how hot it's going to be,
you know what I mean. Like it's not going to
the beach, hanging out by the pool or something where
you can kind of dip in, dip out whatever. It's

like if you're going to the park or like something
like that. It's like you're laying on that towel and
I hope you're able to adjust to whatever the situation
presents itself, because that is the situation. But here's what
I'm doing, and I'm dead ass about this. I'm going
to the library this summer because guess what they have

cooling stations. They literally is room in the budget which
is being slashed too fucking nothing by Eric Adams.

Speaker 1 (01:06:02):
Yeah, he's fucking awful and has been fucking awful. And
I'm so happy that there's like to see the uprising
against them because it's been time. It's God, this guy sucks.
Like the libraries have cooling stations. I just got my
Brooklyn Public Library card. There's a new one in Brooklyn Heights,
not a new one, but it's just it just they
renovated it. It's an old church. It is chic as hell.

Speaker 2 (01:06:24):
I'm going there. I'm browsing all the DVDs. Oh my god,
I need to talk to you about James Seamus, who
go with the original Wedding Bank but with Angley Is
also has also co written the remake with Andrew On.
He finally came to set this week and so lovely
and we went to dinner and he has this whole
treatise on how streamers are basically ruining culture, all culture.

It's like, I just I have to get into this
with you, like in person, and I will bring this
to lost culture. But this is like our culture is
ruined because all of our culture is like browsing below
the fold, right, It's like you go on the landing page,
you see the title and if that doesn't appeal to you,
you go, let me go down. And the further down
you go, the more this feeling s that's in of well, fuck,

I don't like any of this shit.

Speaker 1 (01:07:11):
Oh my god, that is really astute observation. I think
about that all the time.

Speaker 2 (01:07:17):
That's all of our culture. It's when you shop online.
It's that exact experience of the further down you go,
you're like, well, none of this, none of this is good.
It's when you're on Grinder, It's when you're on dating apps.
It's when you're on any kind of thing where something
is Spotify, Spotify, it's like, well, something must be wrong
with me because I don't like any of this. And
then it is almost had a breakdown the other day

on Spotify for this very reason because I was like,
I need to find a new song.

Speaker 1 (01:07:44):
I was like, oh. Then I was like, oh my god,
I can't. I can't because it's like literally, it's like
everyone's going through it. And I say this with all love,
but like I sometimes I feel like I go on
YouTube and I see what they give me and it's
all just like clips of Bravo, like what happened with
Lindsay and Carl or the Dark Universe thing, and then

I'm like I'm looking at it and I'm like, think
aboutmy and then yes, missel so you gaining baby, I know,
goodlock babe. And it's just like it's like a it
becomes like a soup circle. And this the same little
micro culture work. I'm like, who am I? And then

I read a book and I actually have been reading
a book that you suggested, Mean Boys, Mean Boys by
Jeffrey Mack. I'm reading Martyr by kave Akbar so good.
You would love it. I think you would really love
this book too. Actually, you know what, I have that book.
They sent it to us, didn't they? Yeah? I think
they did. Somebody sent that to us. Somebody sent it

to me. I was like, who who sent me this?

Speaker 2 (01:08:46):
And then like I let the galley set on my
shelf flop flop behavior on my part, and then it
came out and everyone is obsessed with that seth Meyers
loves this book best five pans down and I read
it and I was just like, Oh, this fucking rules.

Speaker 1 (01:08:59):
This is exactly my shit. You would love it.

Speaker 2 (01:09:02):
Reading is what find an endom. The library is where
it's at. The vibes are immaculate.

Speaker 1 (01:09:11):
I go there. I'm like, this was college for me.
Speaking of college, would wake up, go I was talking
to Jared about this. He would go to the library Columbia.
I would just go wake up, auto walk, walk to Bobs,
spend nine hours there. I am all for the library.
No cuts to libraries. Please donate to any library in

your area. You won't regret it. Like Sarah Disca Parker
did this whole like PSA on it that I really
found cool. Like she was like, it's amazing, like that
honor system, Like you have all these books, they're free,
they're all yours as long as you bring them back.
There's something beautiful about that whole idea. I'm like, yeah,
she's right. Anyway, I know there are some books I

took out when I was a little kid that never
got returned. I know it too. We've all don't think
I'll ever get over it. No, no, not for me.
Let it go. That's hot sun like guilt. That's it's
not at all. But I feel similar shame, similar shame,
Like I just tapped someone on Grinder. I feel so ashamed.
What's the title of app? I don't think we landed

on one. Whack it out? Yes? Period, Okay, I do
have to go, he has to go. So guys, we
end every episode with the song go so confusing sometimes
to be good. Whenever anyone is messing with you, just

say go. It feels so good, just amazing. We're ending
this episode feeling so good. Bye Bye Last Culture. Reactis
is the production by Will Ferrell's Big Many Players in
My Heart radio podcasts. Created and hosted by Matt Rogers
and Bowen Yang. Executive produced by Anna Hasnier and Hans Sani,

Produced by Becca Ramos, edited mixed by Doug Bab and
Moniquela Board and our music is by Edmini Komerski
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