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August 5, 2024 41 mins

We were flooded with touching tributes and moving messages for Shannen Doherty.  Thank you for calling and telling us the impact she had on your life. This episode couldn't include the hundreds of phone calls we received, but we thank you for sharing your thoughts and memories as we continue to mourn Shannen, together. 

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
This is Let's be clear, who's Shannon Dhorny?

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Hello, let's be clear. Family. We want to thank everyone
who called our Shannon Tribute hotline this past week. The
overwhelming number of messages we received is a true testament
to the impact she made across the globe. While we
can't include all your heartfelt messages in this episode, the
recordings you are about to hear have brought us tremendous comfort,

and we hope they do the same for you. Thank
you again for helping us keep Shannon's memory and mission alive.

Speaker 3 (00:42):
Hi, my name is Melissa, not to confuse Shannon, who
we know is listening. It's your girl, mew. Shannon impacted
me in so many ways growing up that this bad
ass bounette take no shit from anyone. But a brief
moment I got to impact her, and she told me so.

In September of last year, I started that standing ovation
at nineties Con in Tampa that ended up all over
the social media and news outlets all over the world.
About a month later, I saw her at Rhode Island
Comic Con and I got to tell her that. Shannon
started crying and told me how much that moment meant
to her to have all the love, support and validation

from her fans was something she really needed at that time.
Then she gave me the biggest hug and we both
cried together, and I kept telling her she has an
ammie of fans behind her supporting her. She started crying
again and told me that that's it. You had now
known as the girl who makes me cry and wanted

me to get a shirt with that on it, and
I told her I would wear that shirt proudly to
make sure that she always knows that she had all
the love and support from her fans always. So, Shannon,
thank you for impacting my life and letting me for
brief moment intact was Hi.

Speaker 4 (02:03):
My name is Davante. I was such a huge fan
of Shannon. I would watch Charm with my grandmother and
we just shared so many memories, and when I got older,
we watched Man too. There's just a huge hole in
my heart knowing that she is no longer with us.

We love you, Shannon.

Speaker 5 (02:25):
She has been my voice of hope and reason when
I haven't heard any her podcasts, for gotten me through everything.

Speaker 6 (02:31):
I was excited to go to Toronto Comic Con next month. Finally,
you see her and meet her and to tell her
that she was my childhood dreams. But then it's not
going to happen, sadly, but I'll tell her this that
my Brenda Walsh and my Prudence alliwell, your magic lives on.

Speaker 7 (02:53):
With me forever.

Speaker 8 (02:54):
I just wanted to send my love to Shannon and
thank her for starting podcast. I was lucky enough to
meet her back in twenty fifteen after meeting my husband.
We just started dating and bonded over our love to
charm and he surprised me with tickets to Comic Con,

my first comic con ever, where I was able to
meet Shannon and Holly, and from that oment on, they
weren't celebrities to me, they were just people. They were
just very kind and down to earth. And Shannon was
shortly after that diagnosed with cancer, and you know, we

were all there in the fight with her, and I
was again lucky enough to meet her again this year
at the Pittsburgh Comic Con, and those are memories I
will cherish for the rest of my life.

Speaker 5 (03:47):
Hi, my name is Yam.

Speaker 9 (03:48):
I just wanted to express my condolences to Shan's mom,
family and friends. I was a long time fan of
hers since nine to one oh, for thirty years, and
I've always admired her, and I'm verious that she's gone,
but she was an inspiration and she'll never be forgotten.

Speaker 10 (04:04):
My name is Prue Sanderson. This message is for Shannon Dougherty.
I'm so sorry, Shannon, as you passed.

Speaker 11 (04:13):
You have inspired me over the.

Speaker 10 (04:16):
Years, ever since I discovered you as Prove in Charm
back in twenty fourteen. The strengths, the bravery, the courage
that you had as prove even as Shannon, you being
misunderstood and judged individual, but very fierce woman as well
in your personal life, in your other endeavors, Shannon, you

were a powerhouse, a force to be reckoned with, and
I was in awe of you.

Speaker 12 (04:48):
So I hope you're arresting and I hope you're.

Speaker 5 (04:52):
Free of pain.

Speaker 13 (04:53):
Thank you so much, Shannon, for being a role model
to a little girl who was spending some summers with
her and parents that who had no cable, for keeping
a college student company when she was feeling lowly in
her dorm room, studying, criming for tests, trying to write
the best capstone papers ever, and for being there now

for my daughter who loves your character you are also
her favorite, and who is falling in love with the
magic that you brought to the screen. Thank you so
much and rest and power.

Speaker 14 (05:29):
Oh Shannon, I know this message has to be brief,
so I just wanted to say meeting me was one
of the best experiences I ever had. You were kind,
you were warm, you were so fan friendly, and aside
from obviously loving your acting, I got to say the

awareness you brought to cancer and probably saved so many
people's lives, the way you helped animals, horses, dogs, your compassion.
You are just somebody that was so admired and so
loved and the world is a little sadder without you.
But I know you're out there watching over everyone. My

condolences to your mama, to your brother, to all your friends,
your fans. We miss you and we love you.

Speaker 15 (06:20):
Hey, Shannon.

Speaker 16 (06:22):
I was bewitched by Charmed as a young adult, and
fascinated by nine o two when I was a preteen,
But I am most proud of the way that you
carry yourself, not just your characters. Your strength, perseverance and
love for life will never be forgotten. We miss you,
We love you.

Speaker 7 (06:40):
Thank you, Shannon. Doughertye was the epitome of class and talent. Overall,
her depiction of Prue and Charmed taught me how to
be a better older sibling and a better family member.

The death of Prove impacted me so much and helped
me through a lot of my family grief throughout my years.
It's insane to me to see that it came to
be this way in her real life, and I just
wanted to tribute her and let her know that I,
Zach Tennis, will forever be grateful for her presence in

our lives and that I love you. Shannon Doherty.

Speaker 17 (07:30):
Hi, my name is san Little. My Instagram is at
Queen Shawn eighty five. Dear Sannon, I never got to
meet you, but I feel like I've known you my
whole life. I was an avid listener of your podcast
and truly one of your biggest fans. You were an
icon and one of the world's best actresses. I grew
up watching you fire up this screen as Brenda Walsh.
She and you loved a huge improt on me. Thank

you for what you get to the world and get
to me. I'm glad you're at peace.

Speaker 12 (07:54):
I'm with Luke.

Speaker 17 (07:55):
I will always carry you with me as a person
love always one of your biggest fans and kindred sisters.

Speaker 18 (08:00):
I just wanted to say I've been a fan of
Shannon since even the little House in the Prairie days,
to Nino two and Oho, to even Charms. I became
even a bigger fan of hers in the last few
years as she showed fierce, tenacious courage and showed the
world her fight. And she showed the world also that

people with cancer can still have value and deserve to work.
My heart still aches. You know that she's not here anymore,
but I know that she has taught us all the
world what it means to fight and overcome and just
keep going.

Speaker 19 (08:40):
No, my name's Omar. I am a LATINX individual from
then when I left in Mexico. When I got the
news that she got cancer, it really broke my heart.
I always loved the way she saw the disease. She
didn't see it as a sickness. She saw it as
a challenge like of still living and working, fighting and

working hard and showing others that people with cancer are
strong and are capable of doing great, amazing things. And
and she did, and just like drewsa in the podcast,
she hid her disease. Like seeing her, I will forget
that she was sick, because she never really showed she

was sick. And it was still shocking for me as
well knowing that she passed. But I know she's in
a better place now. I just lost a family member
yesterday from a heart attack and.

Speaker 5 (09:36):
Been hard.

Speaker 20 (09:37):
My name is Jacqueline, and I'm calling from Virginia and
I'm having a hard time putting any of this in
the words. I always respected her so much, and I
think that this podcast has been a blessing and a curve.
Mostly a blessing because she brought us in and we
got to, you know, fall in love with her all
over again.

Speaker 21 (09:57):
We got to learn.

Speaker 20 (09:58):
You know, some of the behind the and stuff, and
you know, just see that she faced everything with such
strength and dignity. But then it's also a curse because
we all got so much closer to her, and you know,
even though we knew she'd battle this for you know,
so long, it just was so shocking and unexpected. I

my heart goes out of her family. I just hope
that her and Luke are together somewhere, enjoying, enjoying their time.

Speaker 22 (10:26):
My name is Ryan McFadden, and I had this whole
thing planned out what I was going to say when
I called, as far as a message Chris Shannon goes,
but suddenly I am without words. I was such a
fan of Shannon's for years and grew up watching Beverly Hills,

on TO and O and and Charmed as well as
you know, all the movies that she did. And I'm
so glad that we have all of that documented and
we can go back and revisit her work anytime, and
I know that I definitely will be doing that.

Speaker 23 (11:03):
Oh I know, this is Brenda from Las Vegas, Nevada.
I first remember watching Shannon Doherty on Our House and
then of course on Beverly Hills, I know too well
know I was about nine years old, and me being
a Brenda, of course, I loved Brenda Walsh. My sister
was a big fan of Little House in the Prairie
and I remember her saying like, oh, that's the same

girl from Little House in the Prairie. She was Jenny.
I've been a fan of Shannon since and it just
it hurts. I know she was stage four, but it
still hurts to not have Shannon in this world. God
bless Mama Rosa and all her friends and family.

Speaker 24 (11:41):
Shannon was a powerhouse. I loved her ever since she
was uncharmed. Her character prow got me through some dark
and challenging times and showing me how to persevere through them.
Her light and legacy will live on. She's a representation
of what a true light in this world really needed.
Rescusey Shannon.

Speaker 25 (12:00):
Hi, my name is Chelsea Morgan and I am a
self proframed lifelong Shannon Doherty Stan. I remember the first
time I watched nine oh two Want To I was
an early in elementary school and it was a very
hot August day and she had brown hair and brown
eyes and bangs just like I did. And I instantly
knew she was the coolest human I'd ever seen on

the TV in my entire life. And I grew up
thinking that and everything I saw her acting and was
just drawn to her as a person. As a sassy,
tenacious little girl, I felt like I had a connection
with her. As I grew older, I really started to
see that as I saw what she went through in
her life. And right around the time that the podcast started,

my dad was diagnosed with stage two pancreatic cancer, and
what I can say is Shannon, seeing her authentic self
and sharing so much with the world at large is
helping me cope with this really hard time in my
life with my family. Shannon, you will be forever missed
and always loved by so many. Thank you for being

the tenacious fighter that you were and inspiring others to
have hope in the bleakest of times.

Speaker 21 (13:14):
You are so loved here.

Speaker 11 (13:16):
Shannon, I just wanted to tell you how much you
mean to me.

Speaker 25 (13:20):
I let's move to all the fans who supported you
for the law, and.

Speaker 26 (13:25):
We're all crying.

Speaker 21 (13:27):
My my, My name is Jimmy Noble.

Speaker 27 (13:28):
So while I came into Shannon's life as a fan,
she always treated me like a friend. I think I
keep hearing about Shannon and said, if she cared for you,
she took care of you. And I am lucky in
the fact that I have several memories in which Shannon
took care of me. One example is when I attended
a twenty nineteen animal Hope and Wellness event at which
she was presenting. She found me in the crowd, hugged me,

We took selfies, and since I was attending alone, She
paired me with her mom so we could both have
company while she did interviews, and then ended up gifting
me her seat at the main VIP table since she
said she would be running around and preferred I have
the seat and that i'd be with her mom. I
would always say she will never stop saying that Channon

was nothing but the absolute best to me. I feel
lucky to have known her, to have so many memories
I'll keep dear.

Speaker 5 (14:18):
Thank you. Hey, this is Mark. I just want to say, Sharon,
I love you and I'm going to miss you forever.

Speaker 28 (14:24):
I'm so great col that I had a chance to
grow up with you by watching John.

Speaker 5 (14:29):
Thank you.

Speaker 29 (14:30):
I would like to thank Shannon for all the work
she did with animals, especially with rescue animals and being
their voice. I think a lot of that has gotten lost,
but that was one of the things she focused on
and talked about so much, and she was so loving

towards animals, and that is why I appreciate her. I
think she's a great actress. I love the shows that
her humanity towards animals says everything about her, which is
just how stupidous she is. She will always be in
my heart for that. Thank you.

Speaker 5 (15:21):
My name is Lauren.

Speaker 30 (15:23):
I just wanted to say that Shannon has made such
a huge impact on my life, all the way back
to when I was a teenager, when I started watching
Charmed and then watched Beverly Fells nine oh two one.
Now I've pretty much seen every movie that Shannon has done.
She was such a brilliant actress, funny, she seems super sweet.

I wish I had the chance to meet her, but
I never got that chance. Definitely a life taken way
too soon and probably one of the biggest losses that
I've experienced as an adult.

Speaker 18 (15:57):

Speaker 30 (15:58):
I don't know that I'll ever get over the fact
that she's got with the city more. Thank you for everything.
You're never going to be forgotten, Shannon.

Speaker 5 (16:08):
Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with us,
especially thank you for giving us prou halliwell. Charmed meant
a lot to me, seeing a depiction of a family,
a close, loving family, at a time in my life
when I needed it the most. I always appreciate that.

Thank you, Shannon.

Speaker 13 (16:30):
Hi, my name is Daniel Mally.

Speaker 31 (16:32):
I'm a huge fan of Shannon's I have been since
the Little Health on the Prairie days. I've watched everything
she's been in and her strength and everything she shows
how strong of a woman she was. My last time
seeing her, I got to meet her at least three
times at the cons which was awesome. She just made
our day when we were able to tell her how

wonderful she was, how beautiful she was, and that she
was such a great inspiration to all women and people
fighting cancer.

Speaker 28 (17:03):
I just wanted to pay my respects for Shada. I
used to watch the show Charment every day before school.
Was comforting for me after my mother passed away from cancer.

Speaker 5 (17:17):
That's all.

Speaker 32 (17:17):
Thank you.

Speaker 25 (17:18):

Speaker 33 (17:18):
My name is Lauren and I'm from Illinois. Shannon impacted
me through her character proof from Charms to me, she's
got like the older sister I never had.

Speaker 21 (17:26):
She taught me.

Speaker 33 (17:26):
Courage and exemplified strength. Additionally, her advocacy and love for
animals has inspired me to get my next dog from
a rescue center. Thank you, Shannon for using your voice
to educate, spread kindness, and most of all, be clear
your legacy will live on him.

Speaker 5 (17:42):
My name iss Lewis, and I just want to say
for Shannon and her family my bibest condolences. I remember
watching her on Beverly Hills, Naldsoma with my mom actually
kind of act just like her in the main way
because I'm the oldest as well from her character approve.

Just thank you for everything, Shannon. You'll be forever miss.

Speaker 34 (18:08):
My name is Stepan. I am a breast cancer thriver.
And every Monday, without fail, Oh, I can't stop crying.
I haven't stopped crying since since she passed, but every Monday,
it gave me such hope to hear her talk about

things that I've gone through internom that she shared that
and tried to help with more information. I just love
her and I'm studded that we no longer have her
presence here. She was loved by many of my friends.
Just thank you for everything you've done for us.

Speaker 35 (18:50):
My name is Tammy and I'm from Florida and I
just love Shannon. I watched her since I was a kid.
Girls just want to have fun, and I was really
excited that she had a new podcast. And I was
one of those fans that was the fans of hers

for so long but never believed what the media said
about her. And I just always loved her and just
thought she was such a strong person. And this is
such a hard loss. Even though I didn't know her,
it just seems like I did. I just really that

this loss is just, I don't know, so hard.

Speaker 36 (19:39):
I've just been so devastated ever since hearing the news
of Shannon's passing and just wanted to say how grateful
I am for her having been and being who she
is as a gay kid growing up in conservative Italy.
You know, my parents and I didn't get along very
much at one point, but the one thing that my

mom and I bonded on was Charmed and we both
love that show, and it was Prue. It was always Prue.
And I know that wherever she is, Shannon will feel
our love and the love of those who were always

trained for her.

Speaker 5 (20:25):
God bless me.

Speaker 15 (20:27):
Hey there, I've been deeply affected by Shannon Doherty's death.
I just I feel like she's so much a part
of who I am.

Speaker 37 (20:40):
As weird as that sounds.

Speaker 15 (20:42):
But she's just an incredible person. And actually her podcast is.

Speaker 37 (20:47):
Probably one of the favor my favorites so far, and
I really was excited to listen.

Speaker 1 (20:53):
To it every week. So this hits different.

Speaker 15 (20:58):
I origin sid I was born, I've had an eye
condition and slowly losing my vision, and now that I'm
in my thirties, I'm almost completely blind. And I think
Shannon's sight really just gave me the strength and motivation

to keep fighting myself. I would often include her in
my daily prayers, and I feel like those prayers would
come back to me with things she would mention in
her podcast, And she just helped me and so many
others cope with whatever they're going through. And I just,
I really, I'm grateful she's in a wonderful place and

she's not suffering anymore, but man, we miss her.

Speaker 3 (21:46):

Speaker 38 (21:46):
My name is Cado Luvongo and I'm from Brazil. I'm
a huge Charmed fan and I fell in love with
Shanning back in nineteen ninety eight when she was playing
through Hellwill. I would like to take a moment to
make sure people know how much Shanning.

Speaker 5 (21:59):
Was loved the world.

Speaker 38 (22:01):
I was only nine when the show was on, and
that's how I learned English because I would watch the
same episodes over and over again. Now that I'm older,
I can totally see myself in Shannon. We are both aries,
we are both independent and creative, but most of all,
we are very dedicated and loyal. So Shannon was a
lot more than a TV iton. She was a sister

and an inspiration. I will miss you forever. Blessed be Shannon.

Speaker 16 (22:30):
Your perseverance and dignity has inspired me in my own sight.

Speaker 39 (22:37):
I thank you.

Speaker 5 (22:38):
I'm eternally grateful. God bless Actually have you feeling really
emotional about this?

Speaker 40 (22:44):
I kind of grew up with her, you know, so
when I heard about her pasin, it really hit me,
and in ways that we're really unexpected to. Anyways, I've
been kindly trying to celebrate her by rewatching as many
things as possible that she was in, even the obscure things.

Speaker 24 (23:08):
It's been great.

Speaker 40 (23:09):
It's been great to hear her face, to hear your voice.
Really freaking unbelievable that so much energy in life can
be gone like that. But I know that she's not
actually gone. So that's all I wanted to say, thank
you for opening this for us, to say something for her, thank.

Speaker 41 (23:27):
You for doing this. I honestly didn't think I would
leave a message, but after listening to all of her
coworkers and co stars of the House of Hollywell, I
couldn't not pase something for her. I started listening to
her podcast from the beginning after having watched her in

Charms and Nina two.

Speaker 42 (23:51):
W and O.

Speaker 41 (23:52):
But it was really the podcast that truly made me
feel like she as a member of my family too,
because she opened herself up and was so raw and
so honest that it truly touched me. I hope that

she knew how much she was loved by everybody who
met her and by her fans. Thank you so much
for everything, Shannon.

Speaker 13 (24:25):

Speaker 41 (24:26):
I know you're up there with your dad and I'm
sure you're getting you're being loved, and I will continue
to put any as much money as I can into
all the charities that you loved.

Speaker 21 (24:40):
Thanks you again.

Speaker 32 (24:42):
Hey, Shannon, I just want you to know You've been
a very big part of my life. I've been watching
you probably since I've been like six or seven, just
seeing how strong you've been throughout the years.

Speaker 43 (24:57):
Or even that you just don't you don't put up
with shit. You're really you know you're you're to the point,
and that has just shown throughout you throughout the years
and throughout your fight. I just want to wish you
a great time out there and thank you for everything
you've done down here.

Speaker 39 (25:12):
Hi, I'm broke. I've been a fan of Shannon since
I was five years old, so I've been a fan
for a long time, and I love her so much.
I still can't believe she's now with us. I met
her in Tampa, Florida for a ninety count and I
also met her at Stale Sitting count in Pittsburgh and
I got to talk to her and she was just

so kind and she helped me through so much. I
always love her and always remember her. Rest in peat
and I love you so much. I hope you're rested.
You're not tough heerd anymore.

Speaker 26 (25:47):
I loved Shannon. I loved her uncharmed, and I was
lucky enough to get to her twice in person. She
will forever be missed through HALLOWE will be in my
heart forever.

Speaker 21 (25:58):
When I was a little girl, I was watching the
show Father Murphy, and my siblings started pointing at the
TV saying, Oh my gosh, Jane, it's you with brown hair.
I've followed Shannon ever since then. I want to say
that even though I'm just a regular person, I felt

like we had a connection. I felt like you were
my sister, and I felt like we would be friends.
I one time said my bucket list would be to
meet you, and I'm sorry that I want in this lifetime.
I pray for you, and I pray for your family
who love you. Rest with your savior, Shannon.

Speaker 44 (26:45):
My name is Amy. I live in Indiana. I watched
Shannon from Little House on the Prairie all the way
to Charm. Nothing could ever beat Prue. She was an
excellent actress, love of life, love of animals, and it
is said this fan as if it affected me a lot.
I thought she had more time too. She was a

real strong, one hole of a woman and she will
be messed Hi.

Speaker 11 (27:12):
This is Charlie Goodrich. Shannon Doherty is probably one of
the first celebrities I remember loving growing up. Nine or
two zero premiered.

Speaker 24 (27:18):
When I was five, and I would watch it with my.

Speaker 11 (27:20):
Family every week. We also would often watch through runs
of Our House in the afternoons after school, where I
was always asking to see Brenda. Apparently I used to
talk about her quite a bit because years later my
mom called me and said in one day to feed
the TV because she was watching Little House and my
favorite actress was on the screen. When I was in
high school, so Vince and I rented Maulrats and I
was fell in love all over again. As an adult,

I finally saw Heathers for the first time and was
so impressible to work. In fact, it was one of
the major reasons I chose to direct my students.

Speaker 8 (27:46):
I had this musical a few years back.

Speaker 11 (27:48):
That's a small way to honor the actress that had
always meant so much to me and partly influenced me
to go into acting myself. Thank you, Shannon for your performances,
your bravery and always standing up for what is right
for the whole encourage you brought just so many through
the beautiful honesty you can date to us all on
your podcast.

Speaker 5 (28:04):
You'll always be my favorite.

Speaker 45 (28:06):
Heyshan, I miss you. I didn't even know you. I
need my daughter after you.

Speaker 4 (28:13):
Thank you so.

Speaker 45 (28:13):
Much for so many memories. Little House, Our House, Feathers
nine O two one Oho charmed the podcast. I was
so excited when the podcast came on because then I
could like find out more about you and your journey.
Thank you so much.

Speaker 12 (28:29):
I miss you.

Speaker 46 (28:30):
As night is day, so our sister has passed it
to the night. Oh blessed spirit, we bid you farewell
for you await a new journey. Rest in peace, Shanny.
You will always be remembered as Prue Hollywell, and you
will always be remembered and missed as a wonderful humanitarian.

When I found out you passed away, it broke my heart.
I was really praying for you, and I pray that
you find comfort in the arms of your father and Jesus.

Speaker 5 (29:04):

Speaker 37 (29:05):

Speaker 47 (29:06):
Shannon's strength and willingness and to share her battle with
breast cancer publicly and on her podcast was so inspiring
to me. I'm also a breast cancer survivor. I thank
her for her strength and compassion and want to send
my condolences to her family and friends.

Speaker 5 (29:22):
She was a.

Speaker 47 (29:23):
Beautiful person inside and out and will be missed by many.
Brenda Sullivan, Branford, Connecticut.

Speaker 48 (29:29):
Hello, my name is Kanya Arrington. I'm from Chicago, Illinois.
I am a great fan of Shannon Doherty. I've been
a fan of hers since nine o two one zero
Charms and other movies she has appeared in. My prayers
are definitely going out to the family and her close friends.

Just lift her up, lift up the family, and just
keep from memory alive and keep the things that she loves.

Speaker 39 (29:57):
Alive and you.

Speaker 49 (29:58):
Hi, Shannon, I can't believe you're gone. Talk about being
gone too soon. My favorite actress on the planet. And
I supported you basically since day one. I was very sad.
I had tickets to meet you next month that Wizard
on Chicago, and when I heard about your passing, I
was just like, oh my God, like I it makes

me so sad. But I waited too long, I guess
to meet you, so resp Shannon. We're all down here
thinking about you.

Speaker 3 (30:42):

Speaker 50 (30:43):
My name is Christy Lewis. I'm a friend of Shanna Doi.
I grew up watching her shows. I was two years
old in nineteen eighty two, eleven years old. That's when
she did a Little House in Appalloy with Michael Landing,
and I feel up watching The Sigarette of Vallet Namps

and a whole bunch of other shows and movies and
This Bush with Baillie Nighty Baily Hill's nineteen one Ozero
and also John and I've been far on her ever since.
I weren't doing anything to keep her name and her
spiler alive.

Speaker 5 (31:22):

Speaker 6 (31:23):
My name is Sandra Martinez. I am forty five years old,
a New Yorker.

Speaker 21 (31:29):
I grew up.

Speaker 12 (31:30):
Watching Shannon since I was a little girl, and I
just wanted to say she's always been one of my
favorite people in the world.

Speaker 6 (31:41):
I'm in France right now visiting family, and it has
shocked people.

Speaker 21 (31:46):
Here and I could feel all the love from.

Speaker 6 (31:50):
Everyone in Europe and across the world for Shannon, and
I really had wished I had met her. Truly, she
has left the hold in our heart.

Speaker 51 (32:01):
Hi, Shannon, my name is Jay. You don't know me,
but I love you so much. And you know, when
my mom was dizzy working for that one hour when
she was away, I had you, my big sister Prue,
but also my mom too so and you taught me
how to be fierous at a young age, you know,

very fierce, unapologetic and standing on business.

Speaker 5 (32:27):
So I love you so much.

Speaker 32 (32:29):

Speaker 5 (32:30):
The world loves you.

Speaker 32 (32:32):
You're an icon.

Speaker 46 (32:34):
When I heard that Shannon passed, my heart was broken.
I just want people to know that Shannon was a warrior. Shannon,
you are also one of my favorite charm ones. I'll
always remember you as Prue, the older sister and the
strong one. And I just I'm very sad. I don't
really know what to say except Shannon, you will be missed.

This nineties girl will always love you, and I will
always just remember how you fought so hard just to
make each stakes out. I love you and rest in peace.

Speaker 42 (33:11):
Thank you, Shannon. You helped me in my forties, help
my twin daughter a lot. You helped us fond over
many episodes. You've taught us about, give us opportunities for conversations.
You really improved communication between me and my daughter, and
for that I will always be grateful.

Speaker 48 (33:30):

Speaker 52 (33:31):
I'm Emily and I am an oncology nurse and for
the past few years I have watched Shannon be so brave.
But right now I don't really want to think about
her having cancer. I want to think about how she's
changed everyone's life, including mine. And it's not just because
of charm, but the fact that it bonded my stepdaughter
and I in a place where there was almost no hope.

Shannon had tenacity and strength and just clear fearlessness for
anything she was about to step into. I'm sure there
were some fearter in cancer, but I don't think any
of us ever saw that. All we ever saw was
her educate and love people and let them have hope.
But she was amazing. There's no other word for her

to Holly and her mom. So you know that you
gut had such a gift in your life, and she
was such a gift.

Speaker 7 (34:24):

Speaker 53 (34:24):
My name is Rosane. I'm from New York and I
just want to say, you know Nina too, and Oho
for me was therapeutic, you know. I just put it
on in the background and it just eases my anxiety.

Speaker 54 (34:36):
And it especially comforted me when I first became a mother,
because you know, as some new parents know, it can
be very isolating and stressful. And when my son would nap,
I would sit down and put on nineer two and oh,
and I'd always watch.

Speaker 26 (34:54):
It in order.

Speaker 54 (34:55):
From beginning until Shannon left, I really only watched the
Shannon friend of yours. And I just wanted to send
my love and thank you Shannon, and please keep shining.

Speaker 5 (35:08):

Speaker 55 (35:09):
Hi, this is Tie from atl calling in. I just
want to send so much love and support to Shannon's
various friends, family, and other fans.

Speaker 17 (35:21):
I would say I'm a.

Speaker 55 (35:21):
Pretty recent fan of Shannon, as I've watched Charms for
the very first time about three years ago. I started
a new transition in my life in the show brought
me so much comfort true definitely and still is probably
one of my favorite characters of all times. Shannon was
so loved and I hope that she knows that.

Speaker 32 (35:45):
I know.

Speaker 55 (35:46):
The last couple of months with the podcast, she's been
putting to bed a lot of you know, both narratives
and reclaiming her story, which is truly remarkable because I
don't think a lot of people would have had the
strength to do that. I just I love her so
much in the world, just lost an amazing talent, And honestly,

I hope I get to meet her in the afterlife
because I have so many questions and so much gratitude
to give her for honestly making me feel seen and
comforted through her medium and yes, sending love to everyone
affected about her.

Speaker 12 (36:33):
Oh my name is Roger.

Speaker 56 (36:34):
I had the opportunity to meet Shannon this past year
at a convention here down Florida. She would just want
to say she's very lovely and always been a fan
of hers. We had nights interaction named her and Jason.
Jason signed her bite ten right through her face. I
took over to Shannon, showed her, and she stormed over
to Jason, slapped and right and fround his face and
demanded the new one. But that's just a fun little story.

But she will be missed, and one thing that will
help is knowing that she will live forever in our
through film, through TV. You know she's immortal and that's awesome.

Speaker 5 (37:13):
My name's Kamari.

Speaker 34 (37:15):
I can't say enough.

Speaker 57 (37:16):
Shannon's from all the child My mom loved her on
nine to two one zero and me growing up, I
always saw her in Charm Me and my mom watched together.

Speaker 5 (37:27):
Shan always caught my eye.

Speaker 57 (37:29):
I loved her fierceness and I loved her as proof.
She was such a badass and a fighter everything I
wanted to be. She inspired me to start picking up
for myself and demanding what I deserve and respect in life.
It's still herribly that she's gone, but I'm very grateful
that she got you has to share her gifts with
the world.

Speaker 5 (37:49):
I love you, Shannon, Rest in peace.

Speaker 4 (37:52):
I am you then, and I need to be just
like everybody else.

Speaker 47 (38:03):

Speaker 27 (38:04):
Lo Oh, we.

Speaker 30 (38:10):
Love you.

Speaker 47 (38:11):
There's some peace.

Speaker 13 (38:12):

Speaker 58 (38:13):
This is Nika from the Philippines. Dear Shannon's already. As
a child, I was very secretive and often seen the
loose living in my own world growing up, Television and
movies and music very important to me. I remember how
excited I was every Monday morning because Charmed would air
at nine pm. Watching me has proved bought me an
unexplainable comfort, as if my petty problems disapperiod when I

was watching you. You have had such an impact on
my life, and the welcome may not understand how an
actress could affect someone deeply. Through fans and those who's
lives you such will understand. I'll you forever, Shannon, there's
some peace Charmed one.

Speaker 37 (38:50):
My name is Amitra and I lost my dad to
cancer about a year ago and my dad struggled with
cancer for ten years. My dad passed way. I lost
a lot of friends during that you know, grieving process,
and I had no support. And Shannon came out with
this podcast and hearing her on the daily talking about

her love for her dad, that father daughter blonde was
very relatable, you know, anything cancer related, very relatable. Her
struggles with just the outside world, you know, having a
voice and not having anybody listen to her.

Speaker 5 (39:26):
I felt so relatable to her with that.

Speaker 59 (39:29):
She spoke to me in ways that you know, people
that I've known for years never spoke like that. She
supported my grief like she really was a healing treasure.
And I'm so grateful for her podcast. I'm so grateful
for her voice, and she was a strong, strong woman,
and I am.

Speaker 37 (39:50):
So thankful that I had her to help me heal.

Speaker 5 (39:54):
Thank you, Shannon.

Speaker 11 (39:56):
Good morning. My name is Larry Bennett. I'm calling from
to Come Washington.

Speaker 32 (40:00):

Speaker 11 (40:01):
That I found out about Shanning's passing, I was in tears.
I was literally bawling and it was like I couldn't
believe it. She was just someone I was a fan
of since I was nine years old and watching her
on Charmed, which was one of my favorite shows, watching
her on nine O two one oh Our House, Heather's

some really great shows movies. Even now making this message,
I am coming to tears once again. It's truly truly
a great loss and my condolences to her family and friends.
Shannon will be missed.

Speaker 21 (40:42):
Shannon, you are the best.

Speaker 1 (40:45):
You are a sister in arms, and you just led
the pack and you still do. Thank you for everything.
We're carrying it on. Bye you
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