All Episodes

July 22, 2024 42 mins

Friends, lovers, and fights!


Jake gets arrested after an altercation, Kelly Taylor comes to the rescue, Alison is jealous about Billy's new girl, and Jane and Michael are having a lover's spat.


Laura, Courtney, and Daphne are breaking down the drama of episode two and revealing the moments that stood out to them, like Courtney's very strong reaction to seeing Billy making out with Marcy . . . 30 years later! She even texted Andrew about it! The scene that felt abrupt to them, the storyline that would be huge today but was wrapped up in a few minutes, a funny behind-the-scenes story on TV blocking, and of course, the required shirtless hunky pool scene featuring a guest appearance by Ian Ziering! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Still the Place with Laura Layton, Courtney thorn Smith.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
And Daphnews and Niga and iHeartRadio podcast.

Speaker 3 (00:15):
All right, well here we are back for our episode
two of the original Melrose Yay in a while, at
least for the recap, at least for like doing this podcast.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
We had a little break because we did one episode
and then YouTube jetted off.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
To Europe together to Italy.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
Or jet setting.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
You had a wedding.

Speaker 3 (00:40):
It wasn't my wedding. It was our daughter's wedding.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
Tell us a little bit about it.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
Oh, my gosh, it was amazing. It was a wedding
in Italy and were beautiful.

Speaker 1 (00:49):

Speaker 3 (00:49):
Our daughter lives in Europe and so she had her
wedding there and people traveled from you know, lots of
different places to be there. And it was beautiful. It
was amazing.

Speaker 1 (00:59):
It was beautif. There was a lot of excitement before
you left about finding address. Did you find it well dressed?

Speaker 3 (01:04):
I found a few dresses, you know, as you do,
then you have to narrow it down. Yeah, it all
worked out. It was It was just beautiful. It was perfect.

Speaker 1 (01:14):
Oh. You sent some pictures. They were so stunning. I'm
so happy for all of you. Thank you were still
a little cute to see Doug, to see you guys together.
You're still jetling a little bit.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
Well, well, I thought was amazing and such a baller
act was you landed and then like joined us on.
We all did this press day, which I mean I
had been back for a couple weeks I think, and
I did the press day and I was exhausted.

Speaker 3 (01:37):
Yeah, well you.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
Came back and like and your luggage wasn't even here,
and you like did twelve.

Speaker 3 (01:42):
Hours of press YEP, had a little bit of travel drama.

Speaker 2 (01:44):

Speaker 3 (01:45):
It was really fun to come back and have the
launch to celebrate, and so we went out and did
our press day for the launch on the actual lunch.

Speaker 1 (01:54):
It was so much fun. And you know, I realized
I don't have that muscle anymore. Like I looked at
the schedule, I was like, twelve hour. I haven't done
anything for twelve hours in May.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
Yeah, so you're like, I can't go anywhere this month.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
Wow, that is that is a long time to be
away from home. I had to get someone to watch
my dogs. My dogs were like, what is happening? But
it was really so much fun to hang out with
you guys like, I'm so glad I got to do
it with you. It felt so different to do it together.
It made it so much more fun than like that
thing alone where people are asking you questions, because we
got to play together, which was really a joy.

Speaker 3 (02:26):
If you had done it alone, who would have been
there to photograph you taking a little snooze on the couch?

Speaker 1 (02:31):
I know, how would we have? You were jetgged and
I'm the one who fell at the couch.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
You're smart camera and Laura just looks at me in points.

Speaker 3 (02:41):
I'm like like this and I like got to take
that picture she was.

Speaker 1 (02:44):
They put it on the group chat and I was like,
why did you take this? They said you were cute.
I'm like, whatever, you were cute?

Speaker 3 (02:50):
You were cute. You were like, I don't know, very graceful.

Speaker 1 (02:53):
I don't know how you kept it because when I'm
jet lagged, it's just over, Like there's just a point
in the day about noon, and it's over. And you
kept going. And your daughter was there amazing in charge
of social media because she's young and knows how to
do it with Sophy, Laura and daf and he just
kept handing her their phones with the thing.

Speaker 3 (03:15):
Yeah, everyone needs a Lucy Savant and just like here,
help me with it.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
She was amazing. Yeah, yeah, she was amazing.

Speaker 3 (03:22):
She's awesome.

Speaker 1 (03:23):
She's Maybe it's such a time warp because we're watching
these old shows and I'm watching you guys then, especially
Doug as he was an episode two, and then I'm
having these flashes of you guys now and the pictures
you sent from the wedding. It's such a mind blower.

Speaker 3 (03:37):
Doesn't it seem like we'd kids in the show and
now we're grown ups, Like we're watching the the children
of ourselves.

Speaker 1 (03:46):
I don't feel as different as I should. I don't
feel as different if I should.

Speaker 3 (03:50):
Like I don't feel any different like inside my body.
But like I think, just what it seems like is
like I am watching I'm still not in the episodes
yet personally, but I'm looking at like the baby version
of Doug. Yeah, the baby version of Allison. It's amazing, Courtney,
Like it's so funny. But like now we're in the
same room and going, oh, this is the adult version,

but we get to watch this like.

Speaker 2 (04:14):
It's a cool thing about film though, because it feels
like yesterday. Maybe, plus, you know, a couple of months.
But to see you look so young, and.

Speaker 1 (04:26):
I don't know, it's to say I look exactly the same,
just for the exactly you were just.

Speaker 3 (04:31):
Perfect, like like.

Speaker 2 (04:35):
And it's totally with your hair and that little ponytail.

Speaker 1 (04:38):
We'll go through it. Yes, I'm excited because we talked
to Tory Spelling and Jenny Garth yesterday and they said
to become a fan of the show. And the pilot
was hard for me to watch. I think it had
such a visceral reaction. And last night I had a
friend of when we were watching it, and I am
I'm becoming a fan, Like there's enough distance, and I
was so invested in the characters and I could see

it from a little bit of a dis since they
also had emotional reactions. But we will talk about that.
As we get into episode two.

Speaker 3 (05:06):
Episode two, again we get to really see what's going
to happen between Allison and Billy, and we find out
let's see just a general synopsis of this episode called friend,
Friends and Lovers. That's right, Season one, episode two, and
this episode aired on July fifteenth, nineteen ninety two, while
we were still on a Wednesday. While Moonlighting is a

taxi driver, Billy picks up Marcy, a lively dental student
who practically moves in, causing chaos and jealousy.

Speaker 1 (05:34):
From Furious About It to this day.

Speaker 3 (05:37):
Meanwhile, in a crossover from Beverly Hills Night Out to
and Oh, Kelly's crush on Jake intensifies, and so we'll
see him getting really mad at a couple points in
the episode, and after Jake's arrest following a brawl, Kelly
bills him out but remains undeterred by his checkered past.

Jane and Michael get into, you know, their relationship already
struggling episode two, and they're already sort of not great.
So anyway, we had a couple of cool guest stars.

Speaker 2 (06:12):
Doctor Ruth, Doctor Ruth. Amazing.

Speaker 1 (06:14):
We'll get there.

Speaker 3 (06:15):
That's that was totally amazing, all right, So like, should
we just start on where let's.

Speaker 1 (06:21):
Get all right?

Speaker 3 (06:23):
The episode begins with Alison and Billy in the morning,
starting their day in the apartment, and Ali says the coffee.
Alison says that the coffee is too strong and that
she doesn't want Billy reading the paper before she does.
She has all these rules, but he's looking at the

classifies Alison says she wishes she had someone to talk to,
and Billy says, well, what am I chopliver but so cute, yeah.

Speaker 1 (06:51):
So adorable. So we go right into Jake's apartment. He
has issues with the water. And it's so funny because
you said Jake was mad.

Speaker 3 (06:58):
Super mad, so mad?

Speaker 1 (07:00):
Yeah, so mad? Ye who he was so mad about
the water? Startling shirtless? We started off shirtless well place, yes, yes, well.

Speaker 2 (07:07):
Place counted two minutes fifty five seconds until we get
to see grants like the time sirtless and all dripping wet.

Speaker 1 (07:15):
I might add he I'm so mad, and was struck
about that scene when he goes over to Thomas and Michael.
I know, I want to say, Thomas, Michaels, Michael and
James Janes apartment, Thomas and Josie that Michael's so calm
and like together and tried to talk him down and
he's mad and I'm flashing till later when the tables turn.
But he was so mad about the water. Tensions were

a little hot.

Speaker 3 (07:37):
Yeah, he needed a hot shower that day. He was
not getting it, and boy, that just sent him.

Speaker 2 (07:42):
I don't know if we're supposed to like notice the details,
but like that was one of my favorite lines when
he was like whenever someone else goes hot, I go cold,
you know.

Speaker 1 (07:52):
And I just love like full of lines like that,
like at the Very Good and that's the beginning when
nobody would fight them. We were just like say the
things as written and just nobody would say, can I
ask you about it?

Speaker 3 (08:05):
Get a little smoother? Yeah, But there's where Jake is
now telling Michael that he has a bad attitude, which
I can't really argue with. I think Michael was always
a little bit a little smug about it, Like yeah,
I think so, But let's see where that takes us.
So Randa and Allison are leaving for work and Jake

runs into Sandy and tells him he's headed for the
unemployment line, but she says, hey, stop by shooters later,
maybe we can have a beer.

Speaker 1 (08:37):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 3 (08:39):
I have to say that scene. I think that was
where I'm going to just jump ahead. The best worst
hair might have been Amy like Locane's hair in that scene.
Do you remember it was a little boofonti and that
struck out. That struck me as like.

Speaker 1 (08:53):
Oh well that's yeah, that high the Southern Star.

Speaker 3 (08:58):
And trust me, I should not. I mean, I'm not
throwing stones because I have some really impressive hair coming out,
but I'm just it was a sort of a sign at.

Speaker 1 (09:07):
The times exactly I was looking at that's a lot
of hairspray, That's what I remember. I was like, curl, Wow,
that's a lot. Well I had I don't know if
I mentioned the last one, but I had had dark,
dark hair and we were trying to get back to
blonde and the best we could get was a sort
of strawberry blonde. So I'm not even at my natural
hair color. I've got this weird sort of level hair color.

So right, you said that it was a very right
and that low ponytail, which I remember it was very
Did you like the low ponytail? I did? It was
an actual hairstyle from my actual life. I hope I
used less hairspray in my actual life, but I did
have that. So then, so then Michael and Jane's apartment,
and I do you remember I remembered them talking about

this at the time, that she was always trying to
get his attention, and you know, she's insanely gorgeous, right,
and then she's constantly trying to get his attention, and
you're like, are you blinded? Well, the same way when
Alison was being rude to Billy, like is everybody on
the show blind? Do you not see these people? Are like,
she's so sweet, But there is a payoff of this
at the end that we'll get to at the end.

That really sort of got me in my heart that yeah,
so this actually does pay off.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
Yeah, yeah, she wants she wants to hear about you
know what he remembers about them falling in love and
he has nothing. I got nothing.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
But wait, I just think that that's an interesting theme
about when people fall in love because you know, and
this is this is sort of very common, like someone
has a moment, you know. I don't know if it's
off in the woman or what, but for Jane, it
was I just remember seeing you and I remember when
you did this, and it's very specific. That's her idea
of love and falling in love and his he didn't
have that, and that creates the drama and the conflict.

But people are like that, like, you know, think of
our own partners or over the years, like they just
remember just this feeling of safety maybe or they just
remember like being nervous or excited. It's not a moment.
It doesn't make it any less.

Speaker 3 (10:58):
And she's basically asked, can just tell me why you
love me?

Speaker 2 (11:01):
And he can't come up with it. He's failing for him.
And at this point in the at this point in
the series, probably the last time I felt the way
episode two.

Speaker 1 (11:10):
Then that's it. Yeah, it was really sweet and she
played it so vulnerable. Yeah, yeah, it was really sweet.

Speaker 3 (11:16):
So from there we go to D and D and
where Allison is seeing how the uh boss coworker person
who took her to the event maybe not yeah, else
did a work event accompanying him to the event. Yeah,
And I thought it was very interesting that her co
worker told her that somebody else already reported it and

it's fine, he's dead. You don't you don't need to
do anything. Like she was, she went in completely empowered
to go stand up for herself and say something to him.
And she said something to him, and then she was like,
I'm going to, you know, make sure to take care
of this. And then the coworker comes and says, don't worry.
Somebody already ill, somebody else already took care of this,
so you don't have to do anything, and.

Speaker 1 (11:57):
It was like way outside, Yeah, now you don't have
to do anything. Yeah, well, an example of how it
would be different today. Right, that would have been a
main storyline. Now it's like done, moving on, let's just
wrap that up on the romance, right, Yeah, it's so true.
It just wasn't. We kind of touched on it. It
wasn't the issue it is today.

Speaker 3 (12:14):
Yeah, and I just thought it was like wrapped up
really kind of conveniently and just pushed away like, oh,
have somebody else take care of it off camera, Like
we don't actually have to see Alison going through with
standing up for herself, So that was sort of interesting.

Speaker 1 (12:26):
It's so true.

Speaker 2 (12:27):
And we didn't see her get threatened by losing her
job from the guy, which is what would have been
was kind of all the narrative these days. Yeah, a
woman can't speak up because there's a lot of stake,
So it wasn't there that you know, worked for her
very easily, about forty five seconds.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
Straight and moving on. Yah.

Speaker 3 (12:44):
Yeah, and from there she there, somebody says, there's a
cab for you, So did you suspect? Does Alison suspect?

Speaker 1 (12:56):
What do you mean?

Speaker 3 (12:57):
There's a cab waiting.

Speaker 1 (12:57):
Outside for neither Alison nor I had any idea that
was happening. Yea, there's the adorable Andrew.

Speaker 3 (13:05):
Because we find out that Billy is now driving a
cab instead of being an Arthur Murray dance instructor with
the mob.

Speaker 1 (13:14):
That was the cutest.

Speaker 2 (13:15):
I love his excitement about the cab. Isn't as cool? Yeah, Like,
by the way, like I never see cabs in La
but I love it. It was a yellow cab and
Billy was so couldn't have been hitting around.

Speaker 1 (13:27):
Yes, he picks up Marcy. Yes, in the cab. And Jensen,
who played Marcy Jensen Daggett is an actress I've run
into like a hundred times. She's one of these people
I run into all the time, and we remember that day.
That's amazing cross paths a thousand times. Isn't that funny?
That is amazing?

Speaker 3 (13:48):
But now wait, he doesn't pick her up until you
until Billy and Allison have decided they're going to paint
the apartment together, which is kind of an important thing.

Speaker 1 (13:56):
She's kind of vulnerable for Allison to say, do you
want to paint the apartment? I mean, there's a spark
in her eye because she's ready to think there could
be something.

Speaker 3 (14:02):
So they made this plan together.

Speaker 1 (14:04):
Which I think Alison considers a date.

Speaker 3 (14:07):
Yeah, well, who wouldn't want to consider that a date
because we're.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
Thinking you paint each other and then you make out
that's how it is in everything. Kept waiting for that
to happen. There's the montage and then she comes home
and so this made me laugh. I had to text
you guys about this. We're not supposed to talk before
they bed. To text you because because Billy and Marcy
walk in and he reaches to the mantlepiece above the
fireplace and takes a strawberry, which is apparently where we

wait a minute, what is something ahead here?

Speaker 3 (14:38):
But I do have to tell you that what I
brought today is a random fruit hole. As you do,
you just have random fruit hools. Sometimes you put them
on the mantles. But I've brought oh yeah, there's strawberries.
Time it's random react the seed.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
Yeah, but like that so happened in the first episode
where they would go the director wants it to be
decided to put the fruit on the mantle. All the
actors are like all right.

Speaker 2 (15:06):
Like no, I think a lot of time. It happens
a lot of time that's happens because you're like, you know,
it's like the blocking has to.

Speaker 1 (15:14):
Work with the time.

Speaker 2 (15:15):
Yeah, lunch is coming, and you know we can't have
you go in the kitchen and make out on the
way to the Bedgum, No, it has to happen here. Okay,
it's where do the strawberry? I don't know, are they
on the coffee tail? We don't have a coffee table
because the camera's there, so well, what about here? The
prop guy goes here?

Speaker 1 (15:29):
We're like okay, yeah, but later on we would say
that we can't. That's ridiculous, and if so, because he
goes to the mantle. So it's so word to figure out,
try to figure out what it is. What I thought.
I thought it was real fruit.

Speaker 3 (15:42):
I thought he was offering her a fake, like a
wooden strawberry.

Speaker 2 (15:46):
I was like, is that a little wooden ball like
a decorative? What is that?

Speaker 3 (15:51):
He's he's playing a trick on her? Here to bite?

Speaker 1 (15:54):
Yeah, he gives her the strawberry and then they start kissing.
And I had such a visceral reaction. Was so funny.
I texted Andrew and I'm like, so I'm watching the
scene thirty years ago. We're not even dating yet. We're
at the time we weren't even dating. She's kissing him.
I had this visceral get your hands off my man

reaction als in my living room thirty years later, again
not dating yet. I haven't dated for years. That's amazing,
isn't that funny? I was like, oh my god, I'm
having and my girlfriend, who was watching with me, is like,
I'm furious too.

Speaker 3 (16:32):
Like we were both well, it was mad. We were
all on behalf of all.

Speaker 2 (16:37):
We were all mad. I love like.

Speaker 1 (16:41):
Andrew, Like I'm furious about that. What did Andrew say,
get over it? I don't. I can't remember what he said. No, no,
you off your remember he remembered time too. Just oh,
it's just funny. That's watch it. I'm dying to know
what your reaction is because it takes me when I'm
surprised about this. Was so much fun about doing this podcast.

It took me right back, like I'm right back in
that moment in those scenes in a way I didn't
expect to be right.

Speaker 2 (17:09):
It's opposite for me because I haven't come on to
the show yet and so I'm not seeing myself. I'm
seeing it as this lens pulled like as the lens
is pulled out, and I'm seeing the stories all sort
of fit into each other, and like with the writer
and director from up here, and I'm saying, oh, that
fits so perfectly, you know that, the parallel stories about

love and you and then Jane, and I'm seeing all
this fit.

Speaker 1 (17:35):
In I go.

Speaker 2 (17:35):
I had no idea because I was in my little,
you know, trench of figuring out what I was doing.
It's really fun to watch it now with seeing what
they had in mind and kind of an overall view,
and it's really it's really.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
Cool, though still super mad at Marcy.

Speaker 3 (17:56):
After Allison and Billy decide to paint the apartment toget,
we find Sandy and Kelly both at Shooters and Jake
is on his way there, supposedly to meet Kelly for lunch,
but Sandy informs Kelly that Jake is actually at the
unemployment office, and then we find him at the unemployment

office where the guy at the counter gives him a
run around and says he doesn't he didn't fill things
out right and he needs to go back to the
end of the line, and that's just sending Jake, who
already started the day angry.

Speaker 2 (18:30):
Yeah, because of the water.

Speaker 3 (18:31):
It's it's it's not cool.

Speaker 1 (18:33):
It's just adding fuel to the fire. Everything that happens
is adding fuel to his fire. Dammit.

Speaker 2 (18:37):
Yeah, did you notice how big unemployment was that it's
a very crowded office.

Speaker 3 (18:42):
Yeah, a very busy place, very busy. But then then
is when we find out that Billy, back in his cab,
picks up his first fair and it is Mercy where
they have their you know, incredible meet cute and find
out that they were at the same concert many years ago,
bonding and it turns into not just like a cab fair,

but kind of like a date and they hang out.

Speaker 2 (19:07):
For the day, driving around to the valley.

Speaker 3 (19:10):
The valley, he invites her to a restaurant and turns
off the cab like not available as it's furious, furious,
I'm as mad as eat strawberries.

Speaker 1 (19:22):
Off the that is happening and being all cute.

Speaker 3 (19:26):
Jake is at the unemployment office losing it. And that's
when he has like the second you know, infuriating encounter
where he stands up for the woman who's not able
to get her check. I think that was the first time.
I think we really got to see, oh, Jake is
going to be a stand up guy and he's going
to be like standing up for not just himself, but

like on other people's behalf.

Speaker 2 (19:49):
So yeah, yeah, so he really got But you know
what was interesting is that when the woman said to Kelly,
you know your boyfriend has a track record of other priors,
right with the police. So I was curious.

Speaker 1 (20:03):
I was like, what else did he do?

Speaker 2 (20:04):
I knew he did stuff protecting me and other people
later in the show, but I didn't know, did anyone know?

Speaker 3 (20:10):
What I think is I think that was like a
story point that that was like dropping them like character like,
I know, we all just find out at the same
time as priors.

Speaker 1 (20:20):
He's very clear about that stuff. But the other thing
I got, so, you know when she puts her credit
card to try when Kelly puts her credit card down
to try to bail him out, I had totally like
missed the Oh that's right, rich girl, Yeah, tough boy.
That brought that storyline back for me. That was probably
covered more on the nine o two and zero part
of it, But I was like, oh, that's right, that's
this romantic story of tough guy, rich girl. He doesn't

want to be taken care of, but she really cares
about him. I was like, oh, that is super romantic.

Speaker 3 (20:47):
Yeah, the high school girl who has, you know, the
credit card and she's willing to bail him out and
that sort of pisses him off.

Speaker 1 (20:54):
Yeah, and that was a crazy time to have a
credit card for a person that young. To have a
credit card in the nineties was crazy. Now they all do,
which is also crazy.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
I remember actually in college, well that was twenty years
it was ten years before. I remember having seven dollars
in my checking account and being offered a credit card.

Speaker 1 (21:12):
Because you're in college, they offer all of you.

Speaker 2 (21:14):
They did that back in the eighty early eighties, and
I was like, okay, I mean I thought it was
like free money because it was a card and you
could charge stuff even though you only had seven dollars
that way.

Speaker 3 (21:25):
Yeah, well in uh, you know, Kelly's card was declined
in that moment, which is you know, she was trying
to use her parents card.

Speaker 1 (21:34):
And all right, do you kind of catch up now
to where I am? I? Yeah, jumped ahead.

Speaker 3 (21:38):
So yeah, here's where then Alison, Billy Allison and Billy's
apartment and Billy offers the strawberry.

Speaker 1 (21:46):
Yes, and Courtney, we've already already covered that extended date. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (21:50):
So then and also Courtney is in adorable outfits. Your
painting outfits.

Speaker 1 (21:56):
Painting are the super crap tang that overall to die
for cute? Yeah, you're so, this is another thing.

Speaker 2 (22:06):
So we're scrunchies.

Speaker 1 (22:07):
So are scrunchies? Yes? Yeah, that was super cute.

Speaker 3 (22:11):
That you are super cute and she's painting alone.

Speaker 2 (22:17):
It's so funny because I just remembered, were you in
a baseball jacket too? What was your jersey friend roommate wardrobe?
Do you notice like?

Speaker 1 (22:26):
Nothing glorious? There's nothing feminine but adorable? And then backling.
What I remember is sure that that I'm spackling and
I can hear them like making out. That's the part
that made me furious. I may have had an extra
piece of pizza listening to that.

Speaker 3 (22:42):
And they come out of the bedroom then, and it's
so the first thing Marcy does is acting to use your.

Speaker 1 (22:48):
Deal with me. I'm feel angry about the deodorant. Really,
Oh my god, I.

Speaker 2 (22:56):
Wrote that down.

Speaker 1 (22:57):
That was Is it okay?

Speaker 3 (22:59):
If I is your deodorant I'm like, what, that's grody.

Speaker 2 (23:04):
That's grody.

Speaker 3 (23:05):
It's grody. And then she has the nerve to like
judge you for like putting your name on on your fruit,
Like really, you just asked to borrow my deodorant and
I post it on my piece of fruit.

Speaker 1 (23:16):
And then she's like no.

Speaker 2 (23:17):
She has a snipy little attitude and she goes with like,
you know, love all over her. She's like, you put
names on your fruit? Yeah, Okay, I'm gonna okay, keep going.

Speaker 3 (23:29):
So back at the at the police station now, because
Jake has been you know, sort of hauled away from
his altercation in the unemployment office. But he's released from jail,
and Kelly uh Is obviously isn't so she's the reason,
right she she paid cash? Is that what happened? She
paid cash to get him out? Or how did he
get out?

Speaker 1 (23:48):

Speaker 2 (23:49):
And of course so lovingly is a stay out of this. Ye.

Speaker 3 (23:52):
Yeah, he was talking about that.

Speaker 2 (23:54):
Thank you. That's all she needs to hear.

Speaker 1 (23:56):

Speaker 3 (23:58):
So we go back to Alison's apartment where Marcy just
hasn't left. She still know she will not leave.

Speaker 2 (24:07):
I know. Now she's lighting candles. I love this scene.

Speaker 1 (24:10):
By the way, when you got in.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
Yeahs flammable, she puts it out. Oh, like she just
takes over the apartment.

Speaker 1 (24:21):
You know, the disappointment of thinking, I'm going to see
don't I come in going.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
Billy Yeah, in a kimono, lighting candles.

Speaker 3 (24:29):
Oh, you, I have to say, like it for a
guest star to have so many scenes in such a
big story arc, I think was unusual, right, Like, she
h that was a huge story that she was. Usually
it's like you focus on the series regulars and the
guest star just has a little bit what she had
a giant she just would not leave like that. You know.

The nature of the storyline was like, this is a
girl who will not leave.

Speaker 1 (24:53):
And she did a great job with it. Did a
great job with it. I was so hilarious. Yeah, I
mean so invasive and pushy and just oh.

Speaker 3 (25:03):
Yep, but but charming and she was great and had
a ton of stuff to do.

Speaker 1 (25:07):

Speaker 2 (25:07):
Well, it's hard to do that part because the lines
were written. Seen after scene have seen her getting more
and more obnoxious in the way she talks.

Speaker 1 (25:15):
To everybody else about him and the love tricks.

Speaker 2 (25:17):
And then you know that's but she played it so
charmingly I think we all kind of fell for her,
and then we're creeped out by her at the same time,
you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
I was curious at her from beginning to end.

Speaker 3 (25:29):
Yeah, well you hated her, but we were routing take
her Allison anyway. So yeah, it was you know, she
just never.

Speaker 2 (25:36):
Stood it, but she made it work.

Speaker 3 (25:37):
She made it last because well then, speaking of love,
back in Michael and Jane's apartment, Jane is upset because
Michael hasn't really revealed what it is that he remembers
about them falling in love, and that's really sad. And
then Alison comes in venting about her situation. She wants
to see if she can spend the night there, and
the irony of first love and those conversations is not

lost on Jane.

Speaker 1 (26:03):
Yeah, and it's so sweet because then Allison says something
along the lines of I mean, you guys are so stable,
you guys are such a great couple, and they're in
the middle of this fight. Yeah, like, okay, you can
sleep here. I know ouch for Jane. It was very sweet.

Speaker 3 (26:19):
So then of course we get to the courtyard scene
where it's a pool scene because you have got to
use the pool and.

Speaker 1 (26:25):
Where Billy's bear chested with the barbecue and.

Speaker 2 (26:28):
The like barbecue.

Speaker 3 (26:29):
A couple of people are bare chested, right, we had
a couple.

Speaker 1 (26:31):
Of iron zero. We had a guest chest.

Speaker 3 (26:38):
Chest is a brand new category because.

Speaker 1 (26:42):
Yeah, we'll add it in there.

Speaker 3 (26:44):
Yeah, it's the guest chest. And all the people are
at the pool and all those cute bikinis and oh,
y'all were really cute.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
Did Jake have sunglasses on so he had a black eyes?
I didn't see a black eye.

Speaker 3 (26:55):
I didn't see a black eye. I think it was
just like his angry like I'm not speaking to anybody vibe.

Speaker 1 (27:01):
Okay, that guy from what well he got into I
saw it. I thought get into an actual fist fight.
There was kind of a tussle. But no, maybe it
was maybe that choice. Maybe that makes them trying to
like trying to pretend we're actually outside when we were
all know we're in a sound stage fighting the pretend.

Speaker 3 (27:18):
So that was one of the last times anybody was
allowed to wear sunglasses.

Speaker 1 (27:21):
Yeah, that's probably true. Right, he probably said I would
wear sunglasses. They gave him one shot and then Aaron's felling.
Aaron'spelling note never again, for sunglasses.

Speaker 3 (27:36):
Around the pool is where Marcy really starts to be
offensive because she's telling everybody like detailed stuff and like
it was so cringey. And again, she was great because
that was a hard bunch of dialect deliver and it
was super cringey. It must have been improv.

Speaker 1 (27:52):
Like I think that her talking that must have been
some improv because she was in so many little conversations.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
I don't remember.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
Cringe is the perfect word for it. I don't remember.

Speaker 2 (28:01):
Improv aloud ever, exactly exactly.

Speaker 3 (28:05):
Yeah, but maybe she was terrific and it was definitely
cringey about how much.

Speaker 1 (28:11):
Yeah, she was.

Speaker 2 (28:11):
Real and it was just listening. You notice no one's
saying stop what you say.

Speaker 1 (28:16):
It's so uncomfortable. We've all been there was one of
those people, right, he's giving you way too many details
about their new person. You're like, oh, really, wow, nice,
I don't want to see your hickey.

Speaker 3 (28:26):
But thanks for That's where Alison tells Billy that Marcy
is the most aggressive woman she's ever met.

Speaker 1 (28:32):
That may have been well, I was certainly saying it
home in my living room last night.

Speaker 3 (28:37):
There were some other words I think Allison could have chosen,
but she chose aggressive, which I thought was fine, but
then it triggers Billy's daydreams.

Speaker 2 (28:50):
It was so.

Speaker 3 (28:52):
Such a this is the signe of the times. He
goes into the daydream and it's doctor Ruth. Yes, also
it's amazing, But I mean, it wasn't it interesting that,
like the Jensen had the scene with doctor Ruth. Right,
that was kind of a big deal, probably a big

get that they we have Doctor Ruth coming on Nola's place, Right,
it's probably a big deal.

Speaker 2 (29:17):
Oh right, I think she had her own show at
the time or was it all over the place.

Speaker 3 (29:22):
And then it's just so funny that that was the
scene was with Jensen instead of Billy.

Speaker 2 (29:28):
Yeah, but Billy's having over sex tacaholics yet that was
the term her diagnosis over sex. Oliver claimed over sex talcoholic,
and I'm like, yep, that's exactly tacoholic.

Speaker 3 (29:44):
I'm going to use that UF.

Speaker 1 (29:47):
Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (29:49):
I mean, there's the sense of humor in all this
is really another thing that I get, you know, especially charming.

Speaker 1 (29:54):
And then this is so Billy comes back to reality
when it's on fire, and then Ronda takes over the
grill and tells him he's going to need his strength
for tonight.

Speaker 3 (30:02):
Yeah. Also cringey, not gonna lie a little cringey, but yeah,
he nearly burned the place down. And then Jake is
walking into the courtyard to find Michael working on the pipes. Well,
thank goodness, he's trying to do something about the pipes
because we don't want to have another incidet.

Speaker 1 (30:21):
Like I was sitting there, going now, this would be
an opportunity to have them both shirtless. They did not
make that choice because they're doing like they're doing manly
things to turn Yeah, but you know, there could be water.
I guess I'm just I'm just saying it's a missed opportunity.
I think it's all I'm saying. I think.

Speaker 3 (30:36):
So that's a good note.

Speaker 1 (30:37):
I wish flexing with moving the wrench or whatever the
hell it was.

Speaker 3 (30:42):
But they sort of have a conversation about, you know,
sort of how they're similar and how Michael sort of
understands who he is and why he maybe sort of
doesn't handle things always correctly, right. Isn't that where they bond?

Speaker 1 (30:57):
That's very sweet?

Speaker 3 (30:58):
Yeah, they totally. It was very But Jane of course
opens the door to Sake at night, and we can
see that she's still pissed off.

Speaker 1 (31:04):
Oh gooding, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (31:07):
Maybe you love Jake more. I don't know, Jane.

Speaker 3 (31:11):
Oh yeah, that's good, and that that was a subtext.

Speaker 1 (31:14):
That's a subtext.

Speaker 2 (31:15):
Yes, I think isn't going to need energy that night?

Speaker 1 (31:20):
You can you can rest tonight.

Speaker 3 (31:21):
But Billy, speaking of energy, is starting to question his
situation and he's watching the creepy documentary about black widow spiders.

Speaker 1 (31:31):
Oh my god.

Speaker 3 (31:32):
But Marcy joins him on the couch, and she doesn't
seem to understand that that was sort of him questioning
where the relationship is going.

Speaker 1 (31:42):

Speaker 3 (31:43):
Instead, she says, I think I love you.

Speaker 1 (31:46):
Zs clueless.

Speaker 3 (31:48):
Yep, it feels a tiny bit soon, a little bit,
I think, And we learned it was only day two.
I think it was so yeah. So Allison, then in
the morning, is sitting when Billy walks in, and we
realize that Marcy's still there. She's in the shower, and
but Billy now wants to confide in Allison and say

that he's maybe not so sure about this and kind
of turning the tables right because he wants to talk
to Alison. Alison's like, you know, none of my business,
your problem sort of thing.

Speaker 2 (32:21):
But I mean it's so clueless, ye, the thing I saw, like,
you know, you can blame Billy the character for being
such a like just a clueless but a lot of
guys I remember when I was younger, what was like this, like, well,
we just I mean, she's in love with me, and
that happens. It's the it's the estrogen, it's the hormones,

and you want to once you sleep together, you better
watch out, mister, because she feels differently.

Speaker 1 (32:46):
Yeah, that's true. And then they're like, well, what do
we do now?

Speaker 2 (32:48):
And she and the cluelessness of coming to you, well, Alison,
the cluelessness of coming to Alison to say will you
help me with the situation? Just totally clueless about it all,
you know, like there's no like, look, I know, maybe
you're not the you might feel a little nothing. You know.
It's just like that kind of archetypal clueless guy, you

know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (33:10):
It just that was very clear to me. Could she
say all that part about the estrogen and stuff and
your doctor Ruth accident, the.

Speaker 2 (33:16):
Incident she feels, she feels the sexual experience for a
tlcoholic is much more dramatic than for somebody such as baby.

Speaker 3 (33:29):
So then Kelly's house where Kelly and Donna and David
are walking out of her fancy Beverly Hills house heading
to the hospital, which I missed. I was like, what,
who's having a baby? Like I missed it?

Speaker 1 (33:41):
It went by I was in the hospital.

Speaker 3 (33:43):
Who they were headed to the hospital with balloons and
gifts because somebody was having a baby. That came up
really abruptly for me, and I sort of like, wait.

Speaker 1 (33:50):
Wait, got maybe that's a nine O, two and o storyline.
Maybe that's what it was.

Speaker 3 (33:54):
And I only figured it out at the end like
that it was her Why did I figure it out
that it was her mom having a baby?

Speaker 1 (34:01):
Yeah, so that's a nine not two and No, Okay,
that's working well.

Speaker 3 (34:03):
So that was a crossover that didn't quite make sense
for Melrose viewer, I think in the moment, certainly didn't
for me. It's my first time watching that episode, yes,
but anyway, that's where Jake wants to give Kelly back
the two hundred dollars and he goes to shooters having
a beer. Billy comes in and they're trying to have
a conversation about like relationship advice and like Jake's dude,

I don't really know how to help you.

Speaker 2 (34:29):
I got my own girl trouble. She's sixteen.

Speaker 3 (34:32):
Yeah, So then Sandy's still trying to, you know, work
her way into Jake's life, and Jake asks Sandy out
for a beer, but she thinks, you know, hard to get. No,
I don't think you're yeah, I don't think you're ready
for that, So she sort of turns him down there,
and then we're back to the courtyard where Billy is
pacing by the pool and Marcy shows up in a

red dress and gives him a hug, but Billy tells
Marcy that he is not so sure he wants to continue,
and that Marcy's coming on too strong.

Speaker 1 (35:05):
And they really, they really let him off so easy
with this, because a woman who would be that obsessed
in that crazy wouldn't say, you.

Speaker 3 (35:12):
Know what, you're right, I do this, I do this
all the time.

Speaker 1 (35:15):
That's not the reaction of someone who's that sort of unhinged.
But I think we just kind of wanted to move
her out nicely, not have him look.

Speaker 2 (35:22):
Like the bag.

Speaker 1 (35:23):
Yeah, she would not, I'm thinking have handled it quite
as gracefully.

Speaker 3 (35:28):
As she did again a convenient writer. Yes moment, just
let's get this wrapped up and make her apologize and
go away.

Speaker 1 (35:36):
Yeah yeah, yeah, we don't want him to be a
bad guy. Yeah, so have her take it all on.

Speaker 3 (35:40):
So she does, she goes away.

Speaker 1 (35:41):
Yeah yeah.

Speaker 3 (35:43):
And then we are on the scene where Michael and
Jane are in the apartment and Jane is apologizing to
Michael for being a jerk.

Speaker 2 (35:52):
Yeah wash, she a jerk.

Speaker 1 (35:54):
Well, she's playing sort of what I read from her performance,
which is really great. It was that she's sort of saying, look,
I'm sorry. She kind of wants to put it under
the rug because she doesn't want it to be an issue.
She's still upset, but she's apologizing for her part. She's
really keeping it right underneath. And then when he starts
talking about how he feels, it's a beautiful shot because

we're looking at her with him in the background, and
you see it on her face.

Speaker 3 (36:19):
Yeah, her face was so really beauty, somtionful.

Speaker 1 (36:22):
So vulnerable, so sweet. And then that moment when he
says it's every moment and she turns around and she
jumps on his lap, and I was like, oh, yep,
Michael pulls it out, so.

Speaker 3 (36:33):
We finally have a good moment and it was lovely.

Speaker 1 (36:35):
Yeah, but it was an interesting way to start it,
with her apologizing and then him saying no, no, no,
no no.

Speaker 2 (36:40):
Look well, I mean I find myself doing that, like
because to her, the connection is what she misses. The
connection is more painful than anything else. So she needs
to come back to him because he's not going to
apologize clearly the writer's let you know, someone has to
so they get back together, so they feel that connection,
like regardless of when we remember it. So, I mean,

I I've been in up situation while I say I'm
sorry for you know, maybe I shouldn't be the one too,
but the connection is what important.

Speaker 1 (37:10):
So that's true.

Speaker 2 (37:11):
It kind of felt really normal that she would even
though I would love to have heard it from him.

Speaker 1 (37:16):
But that's why I think he's a really well written scene.
She is the bigger person, she's the emotional center, and
then that gives him the space and she has that
beautiful reaction that they come back to you. Yeah, that
was real. I thought that was really well done. That
was such a great payoff that conflict. Yeah, really sweet.

Speaker 2 (37:32):
Really, it seems so mature, don't they but your couple
in the building.

Speaker 3 (37:36):
Yeah. So then Jake is coming on his motorcycle again
to the house and Kelly's there and he decides to
take her out on his motorcycle. So he really can't
figure out what he's doing.

Speaker 1 (37:48):
That awe vulnerable scene for him, Like when he comes
to her, he looks sweet and vulnerable and soft. That
was a lovely things. Think she's too young, but that
in that moment you go that to she sees in
him that's a sweetness. Ye, And he was.

Speaker 3 (38:02):
He was really vulnerable, and that's when he says, I
don't know, you know, I don't know why I'm doing
this and what what I'm doing, But like it was,
it was authentic and vulnerable and sweet.

Speaker 1 (38:13):
It really was.

Speaker 3 (38:14):
So he went from angry guy to loveland.

Speaker 1 (38:17):
Yeah, and they ride off together. So it is there
the kind of rooting for.

Speaker 2 (38:20):
Him and then our payoff with you.

Speaker 3 (38:23):
Yeah and Billy painting the apartment side by side exactly
what we all wanted to be seeing.

Speaker 1 (38:31):
Yea favorite adorable watched the.

Speaker 3 (38:34):
Drips and they didn't they didn't actually do the extra like, oh,
you got a little paint on your we did.

Speaker 1 (38:42):
We didn't on this because we had to. He called us.
I don't know when when the characters got together, but anyway,
but they wanted to keep it. But it was cute
and then you pull out and hear us laughing.

Speaker 3 (38:52):
That was very se like that, but you did only
I don't it's going to take a really long time
for those two to get that apartment painted because you
just like painted every one over and over. They're nervous.

Speaker 2 (39:02):
I don't know what to like.

Speaker 3 (39:03):
I've done so much house painting at my own house.
It was like making me anxious, like longst.

Speaker 1 (39:08):
We're matching, we take fund right, but I know, I
know that's it.

Speaker 3 (39:12):
I'm never going to get done at this.

Speaker 1 (39:14):
And that was so sweet. Yay yay.

Speaker 3 (39:16):
So what were your We sort of touched on it
a little bit bit, like what were your moments that
were like sign of the times? So I just want
to jump back quickly and remember I told you last time.

Speaker 2 (39:28):
I think it was that Darren and I were roommates
in college and he said, like a lot of Allison
was based on me because the guys would never shop
and like I would just notice like things disappearing, you know,
things like that I was just like, Okay, if we're
going to share this little this little refrigerator or schef,

like it's just if your name isn't on it, then
don't eat it, you know, just stuff like that. And
I and I realized, like, and I did this movie
back in eighty three called The sure Thing, and uh,
I know that Darren loved that movie. And again I
was the uptight one called Alison in that movie and
John Cusack played this this total slob kind of guy

like Andrew was just the guy's messy and I just
feel like I got to see that now, oh this
whole again. It's very archetypal stereotypical where the you know,
there's roommates. So I'm like, but Darren, I don't think
he was falling in love with me in college, because
I think he's probably falling in love.

Speaker 3 (40:29):
With the frack guys in the front of our It
was charmed by you.

Speaker 2 (40:33):
But I just loved seeing that that A I didn't
realize I was so anal. You didn't play it that much.
But the character I did in The sure Thing was
really anal That was definitely her characteristic. But at any rate,
I do remember doing that and that stood out for me.

Speaker 1 (40:50):
I thought that.

Speaker 2 (40:51):
I thought the humor and the writing really stood out
for me. Again, when I came onto the show as Joe,
there's a lot of drama and hellish negative stuff that
happened to her. But to see the comedy and that he.

Speaker 1 (41:02):
Were in this was really cool, the sweetness in the beginning.
In the beginning, yeah, yeah, I think the sexual harassment
thing felt like a sign of the times, how they brushed.

Speaker 3 (41:09):
It under the rug and the Doctor Ruth's appearance doctor sometimes. Yeah,
you had a great line too, And I'm looking forward
in my notes here because I want to get it right.
You were a Midwestern nitwitt. Do you remember the.

Speaker 1 (41:25):
Cracked me up? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (41:26):
I was like, I need to write that down and
I did. It was something about being in midwesternwik I
relate to that. That one cracked me up too. All right, Well,
that was super fun. And when we get to we
get to talk.

Speaker 2 (41:44):
With Gras first guest.

Speaker 3 (41:46):
Yeah, so excited and yeah, I can't wait to have
that conversation. Then we get to the next episode, I
can't wait to see what happens.

Speaker 1 (41:53):
Y heay, I love this. We're having so much yay.
All right, we'll hear you guys. Talk to you guys soon.

Speaker 3 (42:00):
Still the place,
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