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April 12, 2024 20 mins
In this episode, Martha Quinn, Christie, and Karena share the shows/movies/documentaries that they are all watching. Let us know what you are watching! 
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Episode Transcript

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When the on air mic goes off, the talk Talk begins. It's Talk
Talk with Martha Quinny. When thewhen the on air, when the on
air mic, when the on airmix. See this is good, this
is good. This is how exactlylike that. That is how Shuck Khan
Shuck Con, Shuck Con, ShuckCon happened. No kidding, Yeah,

I've heard you tell that story before. That's pretty interesting. Welcome to Talk
Talk with Martha Quinn. This isthe podcast that unites the Morning Drive with
Christy Live Crue, Christy and Karinaof Alaska's and the Martha Quinn Show team,
which is Martha Quinn and Karina ofAlaska's. It is amazing how that
works out. So this is whenwe talk about things off Mike. You

know, we're backstage. We're takingour makeup off at this point, and
we invite you to join us aswe talk about things that deeply affect our
lives. For example, the GoldenBachelor divorce. What happened there, ladies
Gary and Teresa. Three months inthey announced they're dissolving their marriage. They're
getting a divorced. What happened there? What? What? What? What?

What? You know? I meand you Martha. Have watched the
Golden bat Golden Bachelor, Yeah,that's what it is. And I think
that she was more into him thanhe was into her, and I didn't
feel like this was gonna gonna workout. She was one hundred more into
him. Yeah, he was intoher from day one, the very first

date. She was obsessed with him. That's how it came off. Christy.
It came off that she looked likeshe was just like, man,
I am obsessed and I'm gonna doeverything you say. And yeah, I
didn't see that working out. Iwonder who decided that they were going to
end things, because you know,they weren't living together since they were married,
Since that big television extravaganza, thebig wedding, they have not lived

together, even in the same state. Well, now, okay, I
can see, okay, she hadher life, her kids or grandkids there
in New Jersey. He had youknow, his kids wherever he lives Montana.
I don't know where he lives,but it wasn't New Jersey. So
I can kind of see that that'sa pull. But you'd think that they
would have talked about that before theydecided, Okay, I'm going to break

Leslie's heart. Yeah, and proposeto you. I would love to know
what Leslie's thinking. I would loveto know what all of those ladies are
thinking. I think it's most fascinatingthing. Yeah, runner up. Leslie
was the runner up for those whodidn't see it, and she was thank
you for clarifying that. Of course, assume that everybody. And she was
the runner up. And I thoughthe was going to choose her because I

thought she was like the perfect fit. She didn't come off as psycho,
I don't want to say psycho,but just as obsessed as Teresa did.
But oh, when he crushed her, I was like, oh, I
think he messed up with it,like breaking her heart. She thought she
was going to get picked too.Yeah, and you don't know, maybe
she did. The old Gary hascalled her up and that's the reason for
the divorce. We'll have to watchand see what happens next. And how

much do you want to bet?Sorry, Christy, then let me just
say how much do you want tobet? They built into the Next Bachelor
contract? Hey, you've got tostay married for at least a year.
I'm sorry, no, no,because the regular Bachelor's the regular Bachelor and
Bachelorettes. They make up and breakup and get together and get engaged and
call it quit. So yeah,yeah, However, I do think,

or at least I would be interestedto watch a spin off of either Gary
Trying Again or Teresa Trying Like.I would still watch it because I like
the Golden Bachelor. Gary. Whatthey should do is put Gary. Let's
say Leslie is the next Golden Bachelorette. They should put Gary in the lineup
and have her just kick him outright away, say uh uh no way.

So, ladies, welcome to podcastnumber one hundred and ninety nine.
Wow Away from the Big two oodouble zero. Wow. What are we
gonna talk about today in episode numberone and ninety nine, Well, speaking
of the Golden Bachelor, that's actuallywhat we're gonna talk about. What are
you watching, Christy, Martha,what are you guys watching? Ooh man,

lots of good stuff on television rightnow, Karina. Actually, I
right now am watching Swagger? Haveyou, ladies heard of this show?
Had to borrow a friend's houseword towatch it, but to a friend that
could be So it's this basketball showand in the description it says that it's

loosely based on Kevin Durant's life,and so that's what drew me into it
because he used to play for theGolden State Warriors in the Bay Area and
his basketball career is kind of interestingbecause his single mom is so close to
him and she always has been.And it's about this kid who is in

middle school and he's basically as goodas Kevin Durant. He is the best
basketball player. And it just followshis story and his single mom and his
sister and his coaches, and itis really really good. They did some
dirt and no one has found outabout the dirt and I'm in season two
now. I just started it andno one knows, but I have a

feeling the beep is about to hitthe fan soon. Wow, I'm thinking
it must be good, Christy,because then you went through that season pretty
fast. I did. And youknow, Bob's Burgers is usually my go
to shot. That's usually what Iwatched, RuPaul's Drag Race and Bob's Burgers.
But highly recommend Swagger if you cancatch it. Martha Quinn, what
are you watching? Well, youknow, I really don't watch stuff,

but if I walk past the TVwhere my husband's watching, sometimes I'll go
pop down on the couch and go, okay, what are you watching?
So there's this show he's watching nowcalled Rome, and it's kind of interesting,
once again loosely based on fact.It's all about Caesar and Mark Antony

and Cleopatra and all those people andCaesar Octavias, Like, this is me
watching. Okay, is this guywho stabbed Caesar? Okay, Caesar still
alive? The guy who is Caesarwho got stabbed? Still alive? Here
is this the guy? Is thisguy? Is this Caesar who got stabbed?
His son? So so, butso it could be kind of interesting.

But why, ladies, why whywhy do they have to have these
physical interaction scenes? I mean,they have physical interaction scenes where there's an
actress who seems to me to bequite young, and she's getting groped on

camera and I'm sorry, I donot approve. And I said to my
husband and I go, I wouldnever do that, and he looked at
me, goes, I hope not. I think maybe they do it because
that's how the times were back then. Why dudes are watching Rome? That's

why would you do that? Wouldyou allow yourself to be handled your personal
areas to be handled on camera.If I was an actress, I would.
Yeah, I think I would todepending to on the on the film
and would this benefit the film orthe show? It doesn't, it doesn't
think so No, sounds like aRome series where it takes place in that

era. I would think that wouldbe a huge part of it. I
mean, haven't you heard when inRome? I'm just kidding. Oh the
band Nice One, Nice One art? All right, Well what am I

watching? All right? Well,she has a list on her phone.
I do. I do always havea list, but I will say so
one show that I'm watching is calledPalm Royale. It's a fairly news show.
It is on Apple. Oh waitis this with them? She's funny?
Yes, So this is with Kristinwigg who's a former SNL cast member.

Cindy Crawford's daughter, Kayak Gerber isin it, but she kind of
plays a bit of a ditzy role. And Ricky Martin's in it too.
So Ricky Martin, Yeah, Iwas glad to see him back. I
think I haven't seen him since theGiovanni the Murders, the Versace, the
Versace series. But he's a regular. He's a big cast member in this
series, and basically Kristen Wiggs's characteris trying to fit in with the elite

at the famous Palm Royal. Soshe's just trying to fit in with,
you know, all these rich peopleand specifically a group of women that includes
It's a great cast. Laura Dern, who's a great actor. She's in
Big Little Lie. She does alot of things. Carol Barrel Burnette is
in it. Carol Burnette character.I was like, oh, this was
just her. Yeah, it's aperfect role for her, totally. Carol

Burnett. Mindy Mindy can Mindy Kayling, Mindy conn from Facts of Life,
she's in it. Yeah. ClaireBlair, Wow, wait no, no,
no, she was the one.Joe totty Joe, she was totty
Mindy Colin was tooty. No,she was the one that we're not saying,
the one that you Neverdy Cohen wastooty. No, it's the totty

is kim Field. Yeah, Tootyis kim Field. Joe, Yeah,
got it. Ladies, Natalie,Natalie, she's also in it. But
Sarah right, okay, but thisis true about Mindy Collen. She is
the godmother Tom Cruise's kids. Whatreal? Yes, this is true?
No? Yes, how do youdo? Google it right now? Just

to make sure I'm not really outof my mind? But yeah, Martha
Quinn's pretty. Maybe it's a signanology continue, So yeah, Palm Royale.
It's a drama, but it's alsocomedy, and uh, I think
it's it's like I said, ittakes place back in the what it looks
like fifties or sixties, sixties,and yeah, it's refreshing and I find
it very refreshing. Kristen Wigg neverreally took on a television series role.

She's always done movies pretty much.But but it's funny. And Ricky Martin,
Ricky Martin looks good. I don'tknow how old Ricky Martin is.
He looks good. Let's just sayhe wears a lot of speedos and stuff
in this in this series, andhe's he's very pool boy. He's pool
boy. He's also Carol Burnett's poolboy, pool boy slash assistant. But

it's funny. I like it.It's a drama and uh yeah, it's
got a great cast. So it'snice to see all of them that cast
together. You know, I've gota sign my friend Google is not backing
me up on this Mindy com youmade. It could swear it's true.
Somebody let me know. Tap thered microphone on our free I Heart radio

app. Please there is some connectionbetween Mindy Cohn and Tom Cruise's kids.
I believe, I believe, butmaybe I am wrong. So I'm sorry,
so sorry. I was busily busygoogling while you were finishing that up.
I'm so worried that Mindy Cone isgonna assume me now. But okay,
go ahead. So you do notwatch a lot of television. We

know that, Martha Queen, couldyou talk about that all the time?
But you do watch documentaries, somaybe And I know producer Krina you I
call her producer Krena. Now itjust comes out of my mouth all the
time. You guys both watch documentariesa lot. Which one would you recommend?
Martha? Oh? Can we startwith Krena? I gotta think about

that. Yeah, definitely. Ithink I told you Chrissy about this one
before. But Martha, if youhaven't seen it, pretty sure it's on
Hulu. But it's Jolly Rolls docEvmnory. Jolly Roll is a country singer
Ah and it's called Jolly Roll SaveMe, And I thought it really shows
his eyes as a country singer.He had a bad addiction to drugs,

He had mental health problems, andhe was in and out of the prison
system. At this prison system,somebody in the entertainment world came by and
it really sparked him to want tobecome First he started rapping, and then
he became an incredible singer and hestarted singing. And someone was like,
oh, you've got this incredible voice. And now he's this huge she'll tell
us how it ends. No,I'm not just kidding, right, his

huge country he's this huge country singer. But in the documentary he's very,
very vulnerable and very transparent with howhe grew up and his whole family life.
It's really good. And I likethe fact that even now as big
as he is, he still goesto the same prison to educate the boys

that are in there and try tohelp them, and he puts a lot
of money. That's a lot ofmoney. Where his mouth is is to
give back and provide them with instrumentsand music horses, and he still does
that now. He's like even lettingthem cut their hair. Some of them
are barbers, and he's really aboutgiving back to the kids that are in
juvie or in prison. This justhim. Yes, Kim Fields is Tom

Cruise's kids. Oh stop it,stop the madness, Christy. Uh yeah,
you watch documentaries too, I doyou know there's a show. It's
not one documentary, it's like abunch of many documentaries. Uh. And
it's called Unsung. It's on TVone And if you love music, watch

this show. It's basically all ofthe people who kind of barely just made
it. They didn't make it allthe way. You still know them,
Like Tevin Campbell, he's a singer, Yeah you know him, but he
never made it as big as let'ssay, a Michael Jackson. There's singers
like many Ripper ten or I'll beShore or Mary Wells, the ojs.

You know, they just made it. DeBarge just made it. Denise Williams
just made it. But she's noWinney Houston, you know what I mean.
I kind of like that Patrice Russianhad a couple hits but never made
it to that huge, massive level. And it's been on for so many
seasons and they've covered so many amazingartists, and you kind of see what
went wrong, like what who theymade mad? Or wow, who started

arguing interesting? Yeah? Or whostarted arguing in the group that took them
off course? Or And there's somany people like and it's all like mostly
R and B and rap, buteveryone from the Emotions to Evelyn Champagne King,
you know, heat Wave, theJets, Like, there's so many
artists and you'd be surprised the littletiny things that they did that just changed

the course of their career and theirstory forever, whether it was drugs or
a fallout with a friend or losinga family member or it's just the stories
are absolutely amazing. It's called unsung. That's cool. Mainly what happened with
heat Wave is that their main songwriterwent on to write for Michael Jackson and
Non Sweaty Yeah, Rod Temperton,he wrote Thriller and Off the Wall and

Rock with You and stuff like that. He wrote heat Waves, booge Knights,
Boogie Nights, Oh, got toKeep on Dance and so ladies.
I don't know. I would haveto say I really enjoyed obviously the Beatles
Get Back. It was fantastic,every second of it. Oh, it's
so good. And it's really good. I feel for somebody who doesn't know
that much about the Beatles, youget really a sense of their connection,

their human interaction between them. AndI also really liked the History of Country
Music. That was a Ken Burnsdocumentary that I think was on NPR or
something like that, and it wasreally good and I found it quite interesting
to see. Oh. I foundit quite interesting to see how all the
major players that we know, MinniePearl, Loretta Lynn, Dolly Parton,

Johnny Cash, some of those olderdudes too, And I can't think of
any of their names right now.There's oh, Hank Williams, that's one
man. I'm thinking he was likethe daddy of country music. And the
Carter family, how they all cameabout, and how much work they put
into being country music stars, andhow they traveled the country, and so

many of these people, you know, Johnny Cash, for example, was
raised in a one room like Idon't even know what you'd call it,
like a lean to amongst thousands ofothers. They were, I guess sharecroppers.
And so there were these like wholevillages where people just lived really like

on top of each other and barelyany walls, and I was like,
wow, man, you got toknow your neighbor, all right. But
they it was so interesting. Ithought, for example, that there was
a lot of interesting pieces of Americanhistory that go along with the rise of
country music, which I guess istrue with the rise of any music.
You get to see the historical timesthat it came about. But I thought

it was really interesting. So thiswas called the History of Country you said,
I think it was just called theHistory of Country Music, which we
watched because we were like, well, it was probably one of those nights
where we're like, oh, elseis on, We'll just check this out.
And it was really interesting. AndI was telling somebody in my family,
oh, you should watch the Historyof Country Music, and they were
like, well, you know,I'm not really country music fans. I

said, no, I get it. I get it, but it's really
good. You should check it out. I like that. I like it
because I'm not a huge Beyonce fan. Don't come for me, don't come
for me. But I was verycurious to read about her new country album,
all the research and work that shedid to make sure she included a
lot of the country music history intothis album. It's like, oh,

I really should learn more about thehistory of country music. So I'll check
that out. All right, Ithink it was good. Well, we
have some good stuff to watch,so grab some popcorn and get to it.
There's an old one too, I'mgonna throw one and we're out there,
a very very old one called Searchingfor Sugarman. Oh this guy,
Oh my god, I was sogood. This guy was a massive star

in South Africa, completely disappeared andthen these people were like, what happened
to this guy that we used tolove? Like he played major festivals,
and they tracked him down and foundhim and he did a concert finally after
all these years. It was sogood. I think the guy's dead now.
It's so good. Watch it Searchingfor Sugarman, not to be confused
with Christy and Karina's movie Searching Searchingfor a Sugar Daddy. Yeah, that's

a documentary I want to see.Can I produce that? Please you?
And the spin off of Christy Lookingfor or Sugar Mama. There you go.
At this point, I am inon producing this movie. I would
like the credit of executive producer.I will contribute to this movie. All

right, Well, this has beenepisode number one hundred and ninety nine of
Talk Talk with Mark Quay. Ournext one will be episode two hundred.
Christy, why don't you you knowhow you always do that thing you do,
you know, to invite people togive suggestions, Give a suggestion.
I'm just kidding. I was goingto plunge into it, but I didn't

want to take away like you know, you do it so good. No,
No, it's too much pressure now. No, seriously, though,
we've been doing this for two hundredepisodes and we appreciate you listening. Christy,
We've only been doing it for onehundred and ninety I'm getting ready.
I'm seeing you know. You haveto have vision. It's foresight. Stop

it, take it easy, takeit. Oh whoa, whoa, whoa?
This one? Okay, definitely timeto end this podcast. Yes,
yes, okay, Christy. Seriously, though, if you have any ideas
for a podcast or questions that youthink would be kind of cool to have
answered, please send them in.Tap the red microphone on our iHeartRadio app.
If you're listening, it's a littlered microphone circle. Hold it down,

send us a message and we'd loveto hear from you or your thoughts
or your favorite podcast episodes, allthat good stuff. Because it's coming up
fast. I think pretty much onlypeople are going to the only thing people
are going to say is they wantto hear about searching for Sugar Dead.
Oh man, that's good. Allright then until episode number two hundred.

I'm Martha Quinn, I'm Christy,I'm Karina Velasquez. Miss here ready,
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