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April 19, 2024 21 mins
Christie is on vacation this week so Martha Quinn and Karena invited their boss Lil Ricci to join the fun.
Martha quizzes Ricci on a Billboard charting album, can Ricci handle the pressure? Plus, can you guess Ricci's first concert based on all the clues he gives out? We hope you enjoy this podcast! 
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Episode Transcript

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When the on air Mike goes off, the Talk Talk begins. It's Talk
Talk with Martha Quinn with a veryspecial guest, Ladies and gentlemen, Our
boss let up Rickee. Well,thank you, thank you, thankyday.
No need for the standing ovation.Our boss is coming out, so you

better get this podust doted in.Well, this is very exciting. This
is the podcast Talk Talk with MarthaQuinn. Welcome that usually unites the Morning
Drive with Christy Live crew Christy andKarina of Alaskas with the Martha Quinn Show
team Me and Karina of Alaskas.But this week Christy is on vacation,

so sitting in the Christie chair isour boss, the host of Flashback Friday
Night, all eighties new Wave fromeight to midnight. Start your weekend off
right right here on Eighties Plus atone of three point seven with the best
eighties new wave. And Ricky isin radio. He's one of those guys.
Ricky, tell me if you thinkthis is correct, you are one

of those people who is in radiobecause you love radio. Yes, from
the time I was twelve years old, I knew what I wanted to do.
There was no never any question asto what I wanted to do when
I was twelve years old, Iwould listen to the radio. I was
just fascinated by you know what wouldhappen in my mind's eye when I would
listen to the radio. So I'dride my bike down to Zody's to buy

forty five Zodi's. Yes, Zodi'swas that a record store. No,
it was a department store. Andso what I would do is I would
ride my bike to the warehouse firstto get the top thirty songs from the
local radio station. I was raisedin Riverside, California, and then I
would ride my bike to Zode's afterthat, because the forty fives were only
forty nine cents, so I couldbuy more forty fives, and I would

buy the songs that were on thislist. And then I would go home,
and I had a double cassette player. I would have two turntables and
a microphone that was taken to myroof in my room hanging down, and
I would have a cassette in oneof the cassette players or the record spot.
I would record the jingles from theradio station on the other cassette.

I'd have them on pause, andthen I would play a record, play
a jingle, play another song,play another song, open my mic,
talk over the record, and Iwould do this for an hour, and
then at night I would go tosleep listening to my cassette of me doing
radio. That is so cool.So were you counting down the songs,
Ricky? Yes? I didn't realizeat the time that I would find the

most popular songs and I would playthose most often, and the songs that
were not as popular, either comingup the charts or going down the charts,
I wouldn't play them as frequently,and I didn't realize that that was
all programming. I didn't know thatuntil I got into radio what that actually
was. I would basically mimic everythingthat I heard on the radio. I
would transcribe what the DJs would say. I put it on a little a

notebooks paper and I would read themand I would read like live commercials and
so forth. And then I woulddo that every single day when I got
home from school. Do you stillokay? That's what I was going to
ask. That's a million dollar questionon everyone's night. Thank you, Karina.
Yes, Ricky, do you stillhave any of those casette? I

don't. I looked all over forthem. I don't. I've got old
air checks when I first got intoradio, but I don't have those.
But I've always loved radio. I'vealways just had a passion for what it
means to people, the connection peoplehave with radio, the importance in people's
lives, and how relevant it stillis today. And that's what's always driven
me. And I'm the luckiest guyin the world to do what I've wanted

to do since I was twelve yearsold. And like I've said many times
to you, I've never considered myself, you know, having to work.
This is when you do what youlove, you never work a day in
your life. Well, I'm kindof with you in that I started my
love of radio quite early too,and by listening to the radio, and
I too would have a note book. I would listen to Casey Caseum and
I would write down, you know, the top forty songs and I would

not leave until I heard all fortyand then I would look, you know,
the next week which ones had changed. And Casey got me into my
love of music trivia, you know, because he would always throw things in
like, you know, oh,here's Joan Jetch. She was born at
six pounds twelve ounces. You know, he always had these fun little pieces

of trivia and that got me intomusic trivia. Same with you, right,
Ricky. Oh yes, Casey grewup listening to him as well.
And I have an interesting Casey story. When I was working in Los Angeles,
I was the program director of KRLAin Los Angeles, was a historic
radio station, and I was abouttwenty eight or twenty nine, so I
was really young. This was myfirst program director's job. And one night,

about seven o'clock, I was stillin the office and somebody came in
and said, there's somebody here whowants to meet you. And I thought
that was odd because it was sevenof it was after hours, and our
sister station was a talk station,so they would have guests come in,
and so I thought maybe it wasone of their guests, and it was,
but I said, okay, we'llbring the person back. That's fine,

And about a couple minutes later,in walks Casey Caseum, and did
you know who he was? Justvisually absolutely I was stunned. So he
comes in. I stand up andhe goes, hello, I'm Casey casem
Are you the program director? AndI go yes, and I know you're
Casey case And he says to me, you know, I was on KROLA

here in Los Angeles, and Istepped aside and behind me was a whole
wall of his air checks, tapesof his own shows, and I said
to him, I'm very aware thatyou were on this station. It's such
a pleasure to meet you. Andfor the next fifteen minutes or so,
we had just a great conversation aboutradio and he treated me like a colleague.

He didn't mention my age, oryou're so young, or this,
or that. He treated me asan equal. He treated me as a
fellow radio colleague. And that alwaysstuck with me, that he that he
was so generous and so considerate,and that moment really made me feel like,
Wow, I am in this businessthat I love so much, and
I got a chance to talk tosomebody who made this industry so great.

Yeah, one of those, oneof the legends, And so that will
always stick with me. We haveCasey every weekend here and I listened to
Casey and I feel like he isone of the best broadcasters of all time.
The way he tells stories and justsomething about his delivery is just so

compelling and you can't stop listening.It's compelling and soothing at the same time,
and it's so it was so effortless. He would do it in such
a natural manner. It made youfeel like you were part of the whole
experience. Every week, you know, counting down those records, and even
though you know the same records wouldbe played almost every week, what he
did in between those records was alwaysdifferent, and that's what made each and

every one of his shows different.And listening to those shows on the weekends
here brings back all of those memories. Did he give you any great advice?
Not advice. We just talked aboutradio, you know, and what
was happening in you know at thattime. And yeah, he wanted to
know a little bit about my backgroundand he was interested in what I had
to say. And just the factthat he would take that time and be

so thoughtful and so considerate always stuckwith me because, you know, knowing
what he had done, you know, in the industry and in this business,
and for him to take the timeto be so courteous to me with
something that just has stuck with meall these years later. Well, that's
so cool. I mean he's CaseyCasem and he wanted to meet you.
Like I'd be like, what hewants to meet little old meat? Yeah,

I'd be freaking out. Yes,that was a lot of fun,
memorable moment. Well, if youlisten to Casey Casem here on the station,
definitely send us a talkback message.Use the talkback microphone on your phone
when you have our iHeartRadio app downloaded, and let us know did you as
well grow up listening to Casey ordid you also make your own home radio

shows with your boom box and yourcassettes and your little microphone. That would
be so fun to hear about.And if you want to give us a
little recreation of yourself as a DJto that mean super fun. So senda's
your talk back message. Well,Ricky, you also know so much about
music. I mean really, youknow, I would say maybe even more

than me about music trivia. Imean we always have fun, you know,
going back and forth with music trivia. So I've got one for you.
I am so excited. Okay,all right, okay. Did you
hear the news recently, Ricky thatJourney just got their eight hundredth week on
the Billboard Top one hundred. Didyou hear that news? Yes? Okay,
So they were on the charts forfifteen and a half years. They're

still on. Their album is onlike number ninety or something like that.
The number one album, the onethat's logged the most weeks on the charts,
is Ricky. Is it Dark Sideof the Moon? Yes, Ricky
Filly are Everyone? And the albumthat is has logged the second most weeks

on the charts, Ricky? Doyou know what it is? Second most?
Right between Journey and Pink Floyd.You may ask questions. I hope
you did give me some clues onthis one. Oh no, start with
questions. Is it a seventies band? Gosh, I don't know. Yes.
I'm gonna say yes, this albumdidn't come out in the seventies,

but there may be some seventies trackson it. We'll give him that,
okay. Is it a group withmultiple band members, Yes, but one
notable like say Santana, but mostlyyou know, the main person around whom

the band was formed. Okay.Were most of the hits in the eighties
or the seventies? I'm gonna sayseventies because my first idea was maybe rumors
by Fleetwood Mac Wow the buzzer.That is the album that has logged the
second most weeks on the Billboard Toptwo hundred album charts, right between Pink

Floyd and Journey. Lit Ricky askanother question, Okay, male or female?
Lead singer? Male? Male?This is a tough one, but
I think I think was the leadsinger ever in another band, famous band?
No, No, okay, Iforgot your buzzard A little delayed on

that? Is it a British artist, No American artist, an Australian artist.
Wow, second longest running album onthe charts, between Journey and Pink
Floyd. It has been on thecharts for like almost sixteen years. Sixteen

years male artists? Yeah, notseventies from the United States and not an
American artist. Does this particular groupor artists have lots and lots of hit
songs. I'm going to say yes, and they are all corralled on this
album. Yeah, gave you alittle hint. Oh wait a minute,
Peter Frampton, No, oh,a great guess you want to Okay,

Canina? Should we bust out ouranother clue? Yeah? Give me a
lifeli lifeline. Okay, Little Ricky, here's your lifeline and an audio clue.
I had that clue once again.Please, I should have given it
away right there, here you go. I know I feel like it gives
it way too, but because Iknow where it's going, like, we

can't give you more than that,because I know so iconic. It's all
right, It's okay, everything's goingto be all right. Okay, every
little thing? Oh is it thepolice? Okay, I'll give you a
hint. I will give you ahint. He is from an island.
Oh wait, Bob Marley, Yeah, that was I should have I should

have picked up on that clue shotthe sheriff. Okay, would you like
me to sing the rest of thewhole album for you? I'm certainly willing
to all the hits I would havethought, stand up, Bob Marley would
be in there with the ranks ofuh, I Love Mary. But Journey
in Pink Floyd the second longest runningalbum on the Billboard Top two hundred.

I was pretty surprised. I sawthis, you know, the other day,
when I saw the Journey story comeout, and I saw number one
was Pink Floyd and number two wasBob Marley and Legend, and I was
so fascinated by this. For fun, I will tell you we have journey
in spot number two. Spot numberfour, also occupied by a Bay Area

band is dead. No, butthat's a decent guest. But no,
that is a decent guest. Though, that is a great guest a band.
Okay, I may get the lyricssome like. Okay, I don't
know. I was trying to doEnter Sandman. It's Metallica. Okay,
you know I'm speaking of Bob Marleyreal quick, his grandson. It would

be considered his grandson. Yeah,because Bob Marley's son is married to Lauren
Hill and they had a kid,and now he's out with hit songs.
Oh how fun. Yeah, butthat's all I like it. I wish
I would have seen Bob Marley inconcert. That would have been a great
show. Karina of Alaska's has beento Bob Marley's house. I have been
to Bob Marley's house. It wasnice out in Jamaica. Let me tell

you. I had to step outof that house quick. Wait why because
everyone was smoking the Devil's lettuce.I call it the Devil's lettuce. But
like that's their thing there, youknow, And I don't I don't smoke
at all, And it was justI was like, oh, I got
to get out of here. Butit was really cool to be there,
and he's buried there with his momand stuff, so it was really nice
to see like this little little tinyshack that he lived in, in his

little tiny room, and yeah,it was a pretty awesome experience. Well,
Ricky, yes, oh, Iknow what we're gonna do. You're
gonna tell us the first concert youever said, because we felt like we're
giving you a guess the question,and now you're going to give us a
guess the question. Now, let'sgive props to Ricky. He did guess.

It took me, but I gothere. That's all right. And
steady, slow and steady. Nowit's time for Ricky to give us Martha
some trivia. Let me just bustin real quick and say, you're listening
to Talk Talk with Martha Quinn.This is episode number one hundred and ninety
nine and a half. We couldn'tdo episode number two hundred without Christy,
who is normally here, So withRicky the Christy chair, we're doing episode

number one hundred and ninety nine anda half. All right, Ricky,
let's hear your question. Okay,this is gonna be a question about the
very first concert I ever went to, and I will start it off with
a clue. This concert happened onJanuary nineteenth, nineteen eighty six, at
the Orange Pavilion in San Bernardino,Little Ricky's very first concert. One?

Was it again? January nineteenth,nineteen eighty six. Is it a band,
Ricky? Yes? Is it thesame place where the US Festival was?
No? Okay, American band?No British band? Yes? Did
they ever sing a song called wakeMe Up before You Go Go? No?
Okay Ricky's first concert? Is itthe Police? No? Oh gosh?

Is there one particular member who's morefamous than the others? I would
say there's one member who's more prominent, but I wouldn't say more famous.
Can you, Ricky name all themembers of the band? Yes? Do
you think I could? Yes?Can you give us a clue on the
style of music? I will tellyou who opened up for them? Okay.

The group that opened up for themwas Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark.
Okay, I'm going to go withdepeche Mode. No Ah, that's a
great guess. Martha, was itIs it a new wave band? Yes,
they certainly fall into that category,and they're from England. Yes,
want another clue? Does the leadsinger where red lipstick kind of smeared on

his lips? No? Who wouldthat be Robert Smith of The Cure?
Oh? Yeah, that's right.They're in the broad new wave genre.
Okay, well the Police would definitelyit wasn't You wouldn't You wouldn't consider Duran
Duran new wave? Right? Yes, I would, but it wasn't d
Oh. Okay, we're trying toguess Ricky's first concert. Do they have

have a song with a woman's namein the title? I don't think so.
Were most of their hits in theeighties? Yes? Is devo?
No? Were they one of thefirst videos or bands played on MTV?
No? Do you want another clue? Martha? Yeah I do. There
were three members in this band,and it's not the Police? No?

Is it the Outfield? No?Are they still playing shows today? One
of them is one of them?Okay, so we know it's not Rush.
Oh, I know, I've gotit. I've got it. Does
their band name insinuate that they aresiblings, Yes, but they are not
in fact to siblings correct. Ithink I got it. Karina Blaskaz,

do you want to do the honors? Is it the Thomson Twins? Yes,
there you go. No they wereBritish. Yes, well we got
it five hours later. I feellike we forget over time. How ass
of that? Into the Gap albumwas huge, huge, Same with like

Men Without Works Business as Usual album. I feel like we forget now.
I mean that album was number onefor like three months, and I feel
now we just go, oh yeah, who can it be? Now?
We know that song? No youdon't understand that band was massive. That
Into the Gap album. I usedto listen to over and over and over.
That album was so impactful on ourgeneration. I feel, oh yeah,

and you know, I mean theshow was great. It was just
you know, especially being your first, my first concert, you know,
you remember it forever. But therewas one incident during the concert that will
stick with me forever, and thatwas I went with my friend Darryl and
in nineteen eighty six, so wewere seniors in high school. OMD had
come out and done their you know, their set, and then the Thompson

Twins came out and the crowd wentwild. They were so happy and cheering
and jumping up and down, andDarryl, who always finds a way or
always used to find a way tohave something weird happened to him. He
was wearing you know, keep inmind, this is nineteen eighty six,
so he was wearing those topsider shoeswith no socks. Because the crowd was

all kind of bunched together, wewere standing, somebody stepped on the back
of his shoe. And then whenwhen the Thompson Twins came out, you
know, everyone jumped up and theywere all excited. Oh no, his
foot came out of the shoe.And then because everyone was moving around,
he didn't know where his shoe was. So he had to watch the entire
concert with one shoe missing and barefootbecause he wasn't wearing socks. And all

I remember is walking back to thecar and it was a gravel parking lot.
Yeah, oh my god, andhe didn't have a shoe, so
he was kind of like stepping onthe gravel and hopping all the way to
the car. So that that's oneof the biggest memories I have of my
first concert seat the Thompson Twins.Oh that is classic. Let us know,

So if you're listening by the wayyour first concert. Tap the red
microphone that you find on your phonewhen you have our free iHeart Radio app
downloaded, you will get right through. We would love to hear what your
first concert was, and you canalso leave us comments and or suggestions for
episode number two hundred, which willbe our next one. This is a
little different night episode number one hundredand ninety nine and a half because our

special guest in the Christy chair hasbeen our boss, Little Ricky. Ricky.
How did you get that name,Little Ricky? Well, it came
when I worked at Krola in LosAngeles because I was so much younger than
everybody that I work with that everyonekind of gave me the nickname. Oh
it's a little Ricky. There's alittle Ricky. Oh little Ricky. Where's
a little Ricky? And I'm there? And also I'm not and also the

fact that I'm not very tall likeand that kind of played into it too.
But but yeah, it was becauseI was a lot younger than the
people that I worked with at thetime. Well, you're a trendsetter.
Look there's now there's Lil Wayne.You know you are a Trunsetter. No
Uzzi, Bert, there is thenext time I was gonna say, oh

my goodness, everything no, everythinglit. Martha Quinn, little Red Yeah,
there you go, Little Red.Yeah, I'm calling myself DJ pint
Size. Here you go, wantsto know. So you guys, well,
thank you for checking out episode numberone hundred and ninety nine and a
half of Talk Talk with Martha Quinn. This has been so fun, Ricky,

Thank you, thank you for havingme. I had a lot of
fun. Thank you, Ricky.Until episode number two hundred, I'm Martha
Quinn, I'm Green of Alaska.I'm a little Ricky. Miss your ready.
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