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June 28, 2024 • 15 mins
Jerry Brewer of The Washington Post joins Dave Softy Mahler and Dick Fain for the first time in a weekly conversation to talk about the nepotism of the LeBron James situation with Bronny, what it means for the Lakers, and Chambers Bay wanting a LIV Golf event.
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Episode Transcript

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All right, because here's what we'regonna do. Jerry Brewer was on with
us a few weeks ago, andwe got the idea that, you know
what, why don't we just havehim on all the time, because the
more Jerry in our life, thebetter. So your buddy Eric at Northwest
Handling Systems met with Jerry's representatives,caved to his massive financial demands, and
he's agreed now to join us onthe year weekly. All the way through

the end of the suit, Iheard it almost broke the company's bank.
Unreal, man, hope you're happy, buddy. People out of jobs now
to cover your gig here on theradio show. And by the way,
Jerry Dick and I were discussing aname for this segment off the air.
I think I have a pretty goodname. I want to run by you,
Jerry, if that's okay, realquick here, Oh Lord, give
it to me. Okay. Well, we got a jew, a gentile

and Jerry, does that work foryou? That's very appropriate for this show.
It is very very appropriate. Well, we appreciate you doing this.
I promise the next time we haveyou on, we'll have some fancy schmancy
open for all the bells and whistles, But thanks for doing this. Man
lots to talk about. Why don'twe just start with the big news lebron
James Bronny drafted fifty fifth overall goingto LA. Rich Paul apparently was telling

people don't draft the kid, orhe's gonna go to Australia. So they
scared everybody off. They got whatthey wanted to put him in LA and
now there's this big controversy about it. Steven A. Smith was on ESPN
this morning saying, yeah, it'snepotism, but where are the white folks
whining and crying about the nepotism happeningwith personnel people and coaches in the NBA?
So what do you make of thewhole deal? Bronny with his dad

now in LA. Well, Ithink the nepotism angle is a little interesting
to me because playing the game,there's there's a bit more of a meritocracy,
right, like you can either playit or you can't, which is
different than kind of how nebulous itis about whether you know talent enough to
be a GM, or whether youknow business enough to be a team president,

or whether your family owns the teamand they're gonna hand it over to
their son or daughter. So Ithink we're probably making too much, especially
in terms of race. There isa racial component because it's Lebron James and
he has all of this power andinfluence in the NBA. But I'm focused

more on Bronni, Like, wedon't even know what this kid wants,
and he's been through the wringer dealingwith the whole thing with his heart eleven
months ago. We don't even knowhow he's gonna feel about the pressure of
being on the bench while his dadis playing out the rest of his career
playing for the South Bay Lakers asmuch as he plays for the Los Angeles

Lakers. I just hope that thisis healthy for the kid. He on
one hand, he gets to livehis dream of playing in the NBA.
On the other hand, it's justgoing to delay how long it takes before
Bronnie truly gets to become himself inpublic. Do you think he's handed a
roster spot because there are many peopleout there is like, it doesn't matter

what Bronni does in summer league,doesn't matter what he does in training camp.
He can be the worst player you'veever seen he's gonna be on the
Lakers roster. Do you believe that? Yes, I believe he's gonna get
guaranteed money and be on the roster. But you can be on the roster
and spend a significant portion of yourrookie season at South Bay playing for the

G League team, which it's helpfulthat basically their practice facility doubles as the
facility where the G League team plays, so he won't be as displaced from
his family as he would be playingfor another organization. But there's still improving.
I think that Bronnie is going tohave to do for you to feel
comfortable about him being on the activeroster every day, and that becomes just

a huge question right now with him. Well, Jerry Brewers with us on
the radio show, and you know, again, Dick, can I talk
about this. Yesterday Brett Boone wason with us, and you know,
he obviously knows a lot about youknow, family ties in baseball, going
back to his grandfather, and hejust said that he thinks lebron is putting
Browny in a terrible position with theamount of attention he's going to get,

the expectations, he says, there'sgoing to be resentment from other guys around
the NBA that this kid did notearn his spot. I hadn't thought about
the resentment angle Jerry, only becauseI think Lebron is greatly respected around the
NBA by his peers. Do youbuy that at all? Yeah, I
mean there's naturally resentment about how Lebrondoes business in the NBA anyway. Everybody
just whispers it because they're afraid ofthe power that Lebron holds. So got

it if the Lakers are If theLakers are successful, it won't be a
big issue in their locker room.Let's say, if they are a fifty
two to fifty three win team,which would be good enough to be a
top four seed in the West,which is going to be incredibly difficult,
I think it all kind of diesdown. But if they're what they have
been, which is a forty fiveforty seven win team, and you've got

a kid who's occupying a Rossis spotthat might be better used with the veteran,
it becomes problematic because if they're notgoing to be good, everybody's gonna
look at it and say, Lebron, your podcast buddy is our coach,
and every day is take your kidto work day, What the heck is
going on? And I think Ithink that's that's a it's a big it's

a big issue that's going to hoverover the league, and Lebron's greatness has
to satisfy some of these things tocalm it down. And I think,
like, even though we're amazed byhow good Lebron James is at thirty nine,
his place in the overall, hisoverall ranking in the league is actually

much lower than people want to admit. His ability to influence winning isn't the
same as when he was with Clevelandor Miami or early in his Lakers tenure,
And so I think that becomes anissue down the road. There will
be opportunities to attack Lebron if theLakers are just a mediocre team like they
have been for most of time inla Jerry Brewer joining us brought to you

by Northwest Handling Systems. They sell, rent and service all your warehousing needs.
Request a quote at NWHS dot comand Jerry, you alluded to jj
Reddick there. I mean, Idon't know if the Lakers had a good
last month if it means winning inthe future, but as far as being
relevant nationally and people talking about theirfranchise. They had a fabulous month.

Do you think if they would havejust hired JJ Reddick a month to go,
the Lakers would have been a lotbetter off, however, just perception
wise, because this whole Danny Hurleything and then following it up with JJ
Reddick swearing in the press conference waspretty embarrassing. Yeah, and that's the
franchise, right. You don't knowwhat the right hand and the left hand
is doing. And the Lakers havebeen that way really ever since Doctor Bus

started to get old, you know, but before Doctor Bus passed. And
I think that, uh, weall kind of like g Bus and kind
of like the story of her andthe legacy of her family. But Jimmie
bust the organization has been a messfor most of the time that she has
been the owner, and I thinkthey could be headed into some really really

dark days post lebron And part ofthat is the way that they've handled everything.
They need JJ Reddick to be thenext pat Riley and if he's not
the next pat Riley, that's goingto be a disaster. And they need
Bronnie to become a good NBA roleplayer in a short amount of time,

and I think Bronnie's timeframe is probablychecked back when he's twenty three, twenty
four years old, four or fiveyears from now, right, and or
that's going to be a disaster.And so all the stuff that Lebron used
to do in manipulating the way theNBA works was fine because Lebron was the

best player in the league. Whenyou're no longer the best player in the
league, then all of the wartsreally show. And so as much as
I appreciate what Lebron has meant tobasketball, I will be very happy,
and I think a lot of peoplein the NBA will be very happy when
we're into the post Lebron era.Wow, he is just coming to games

as a fan, huh. Imean, look, I don't cover the
NBA like you do. You knowway more about this than me. I
just got done saying a few minutesago. He's respected by his peers,
and here you are telling me.I mean, I'm just sensing from you
that you're just ready for the Lebronera to be over. He's tremendously respected
by his peers. There's no doubtabout that. Everyone knows that we have

this silly debate as to whether heor Michael Jordan or someone else as the
best player in the league. Justto be a part of that conversation in
the league that's seventy eight years oldis a tremendous honor. But I do
think he takes some of the oxygenout of the NBA. And we have
to remember the NBA is different thanthe one that we experienced when the Sonics

were here. It's a it's adifferent league than five years ago when KD
was on the Warriors. It's aleague now that is legislating parody in a
way that it never has. Andif you're gonna legislate parody, you have
to sell more than just three orfour stars in the game. And the
NBA has to get beyond Lebron Stephmaybe some crazy thing that Kevin Durant did

or said, and then we getto know everybody else in the playoffs,
I think if you're gonna and that'swhere it would be useful for the league.
Unless Lebron has just an incredible amountof greatness left in him Tom Brady
level greatness in his forties, itwould be good for the overall health of

the league. If they moved onfrom the lebron era, Jerry Brewer joining
US Jerry changing subjects on you.It looks like the door to the US
Open is closed for Chambers Bay forthe foreseeable futures. So we've got an
article goal or a piece and theTacoma News Tribune saying today that Pierce County

is expected to begin talks with LiveGolf about potentially bringing a tournament to Chambers
Bay. Your thoughts on that is, it's just uh kind of coming out
in the news today. Wow,you know what I mean? And and
that's I didn't read that story.That's news to me. I mean that
opens up a whole other can ofworms. And I think, uh,

Seattle being a city that would beparticularly sensitive to uh you know, kind
of like the woke washing of ofof all of that. Like, uh,
it makes me feel a little funny. Uh. And I don't know
exactly why, because this is abusiness and if you get an opportunity to
get elite elite athletes uh and elitetournament, Uh what what's the problem?

Right? But Uh, I thinkthat just the way everything is right now
in the US, UH, thiscould be something where where it's like you
really want your name attached to this, So we'll we'll see, we'll see,
we'll see, you know, likeand maybe maybe I'm maybe that's just

my my first instinct is a littlewrong, and that's died down a little
bit. And people aren't going tobe as concerned with Saudi money and and
they'll be more concerned with, uhseeing some of the very best golfers in
the world for a week here.But certainly from Chambers Bay standpoint, I
do understand, Yeah, you're notgoing to be able to get a major
anytime soon. You have a terrificcourse that was maligned, I think unfairly,

and you're trying to showcase it asbest you can. Well, I'll
tell you what. Uh, thethe Saudi Arabia angle for me has died
down. It sounds like for someit has not, but for me,
it certainly is no longer a factor, and I'd love to see it.
But I get why people would thinkdifferently that us. Jerry Brewer is with
us courtesy at Northwest Handling Systems.Find him on the web at NWHS dot

com. He'll be with us onour afternoon show once a week through the
rest of the summer and Jerry,I gotta ask you about DK Metcalf because
Greg Bell and I were having aconversation and cross talk about what his contract
is up after the next after thetwenty five seasons, So nine months from
now, ten months from now,they're likely going to be looking at an
extension for him. And Dick isof the opinion that he's not worth spending

big money on. He's twenty seventhin the NFL and targets a year ago.
That's if he doesn't have a brainright season. We'll see what.
We'll see what Ryan Grubb does withhim. But does DK metcalf and we
got a year to figure out whathe looks like in this new offense.
Does he strike you as a guythat should be amongst the top four or
five paid receivers in the NFL theway he's been used. No, But

I think his talent suggests that there'sa lot more there. And you want
to see him in the system inwhich they figure out a number of different
ways to get him the ball.I think Ryan Grubb will do that,
and so we will see. Iwant to see you know, I'm not
going to pay this guy thirty fivemillion dollars a year. If I'm not
getting one hundred and can't catch hisin sixteen hundred yards out of him,

if he capable of doing that,I think, so what has limited him?
Is it his that he's just isit the system that he's worked in.
Is it the offensive philosophy of theold regime. Is it the fact
that he's too emotional sometimes in competition. That's to be determined, But yeah,
I think he's one of the guysthat you're looking at. I will

say one thing, however, onall of this, And I was thinking
about this this morning because I sawthe Toronto Raptors were going to give Emmanual
quickly five years, one hundred andseventy five million dollars. That's right after
Scottie Barnes get money too quickly.And they were like, Emmanuel quickly did

a great job after he was tradedfrom Toronto. I look up the numbers.
He shot forty two percent and scoredseventeen points a game. And I'm
making this point because I I thinkthat the way with the revenue, with
the TV money, in particular inthe NBA and in the NFL, we

just don't know how to scale whatthese contracts mean anymore. And there's a
chance that let's say he has thebest year of his career this year,
and you go ahead and you extendthem, and the money looks ridiculous now,
but by the end of the contractit actually looks tolerable. I think
you kind of have to monitor that. And I think, obviously, from

a capology standpoint, the Seahawks haveare going to know the numbers, that
going to crunch the numbers better thanus. But there's a little bit of
sticker shock that we have as sportsfans and as media that we probably should
reevaluate. You need good players.And I know one thing. If John
Schneider thinks that he can get adeal done with this guy and he has
a good year, even if itseems like it's top of the market,

big cringe worthy money, it's probablygoing to to work out, okay,
because he's not gonna offer it prematurely, no doubt, no doubt. Well
wait until people see how much we'repaying you pal to do this radio show.
Speaking of sticker shock, Holy,that's right, baby, Hey,
good stuff. The inaugural edition ofJerry, A Jew and a Gentile is

in the books. Enjoy the fourth, be safe, best to the family
and we'll talk down the road soon. Body all right, anytime? All
right, Jerry Brewer with us onthe radio show. It's gonna be such
a good it's gonna be great.I think we should talk about this live
thing because I thought the Saudi livething was like done. Apparently it's not,
and we might have it. Comingto town Man John Manley news tribute

and saying that Pierce County is fedup with the USGA. They're moving on
talking to the Saudi's about bringing alive tournament to Chambers next on ninety three
to three kJ RFM.
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