A Haunting in Connecticut (2002 TV Movie)
Anything supernatural fascinates me
18 April 2005
I watched this for the first time around Christmas of last year with my wife.

And we could barely sleep after wards.

We had to watch something funny to make ourselves forget about it.

What makes me so scared of this is that I have experienced things that I to this day cannot explain or even really care to remember.

Please do not think I'm nuts but here are a few of the things I've experienced that made me think a little more seriously about a spirit world.

1. A week or two after my wife's grandfather died a few years ago, my nine year old daughter tells me that she saw her great-grandfather in a navy blue suit and red tie in her bedroom. HE was buried in a navy blue suit and red tie and she did not attend his funeral.

2. My son who's only three recognized my deceased mother's photo (died four years BEFORE he was born)as his grandmother long before I ever told him this. He'd look at the photo and saw 'granma'.

Gave me and my wife the willies.

3. As a kid I remember hearing rumors that the apartment complex I lived in was built on an old graveyard. I used to discard this as my friends trying to scare me, until one night in my bedroom I saw a figure walk into my room, it was totally black so I couldn't make out any features, I was half sleep and simply assumed it to be my mother looking in on me, the figure walked back out into the dark hall and I went back to sleep, thinking nothing of it.

The next morning I asked my mother had she come in and peeked in on my that night ad she told me she never got out of bed.

I don't really think the presence was malevolent, because I didn't feel any fear, in fact I felt protected, which is why I guess I thought it was my mom. It was like whatever it was it was simply checking on me in the middle of the night.

4. As a kid in the same house, me and a pal of mine were playing video games when a tile from the bath tub flew out into the hallway. We were home alone. And I would have thought it the tile had just fallen it would have fallen into the bath tub. It was as if it were thrown.

5. And perhaps the most chilling account, was once when my mother and her boyfriend at the time(who would eventually become my stepfather) had gotten to arguing and when she tried to prevent him from leaving he happened to shove her to the side. Well later that night, after they made up, he told her that at that moment he felt as if someone grabbed him by the neck. I did not witness this, but my mother did say he leave coughing and gagging.

Even remembering these things and writing them runs a chill up my spine.

So I truly believe in the paranormal and spirits.

Watching this documentary only fueled my belief.

The man with the red eyes was the most frightening thing I'd ever seen on television.

If I woke up and saw something like that looking at me, I'd pee all over myself.

My experiences were mild and in most cases seemed benevolent and just playing light hearted jokes (the tile), but I couldn't imagine facing something this evil.
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