An excellent documentary addition...
20 September 2010
This documentary is one of the special features included on the bonus disk for "Strangers on a Train". It is made up of film clips, interviews and photos. Among the people interviewed were Peter Bogdanovich, Robert Walker, Jr., Farley Granger, Pat Hitchcock (Alfred's daughter--who also was a major character in the story), Robert Osborne and Richard Schickel.

As far as the quality of this short goes, it's excellent. Like any good "making of" documentary, it managed to give some nice background information as well as engendered a lot of new respect for the feature film. And, considering how long ago the original movie was made, it was nice to see some of the actors from this film--though oddly there weren't that many moments with Farley Granger--just a couple tiny snippets. Overall, if you watch the film by all means watch this short after in order to give you added insight into the movie.

By the way, I was surprised about one thing the film DID fail to mention. Many of the scenes that Hitchcock shot of Robert Walker in Washington, DC for the film were later pieced together to create an ending to "My Son, John"--a film Walker was working on just after "Strangers on a Train" and one he could not complete due to high untimely death. Showing how Hitchcock's footage was inserted into this later film would have been an interesting addition.
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