JUST Like a real relationship in your late 20's / 30s
27 January 2018
This film is clever, endearing, witty, embarrassing, frustrating. It captures everything about the human condition. I can relate to the emotions showed by both the female and male lead.

The writing is witty and well observed. The characters are multi-dimensional. They frustrate and delight in equal measure. The acting is fantastic. its well cast right through. Even the Children seem natural and in no way jarring or out of place.

I dont want to give any of the main plot points away but its about typical late 20s plus relationships. We all have baggage by this point and its just a tale of two people trying to find there way after getting out of serious relationships.

I loved it. People seemed to love it or hate it. I wanted to just say something about these haters. It frustrates me that when most people give a 7/8 the score get brought down by people going fully the opposite way without a real explanation. I could see why you give this a 5/6 if its not your taste but anything 3 and under is just petulant I wanted to examine the bad reviews this has had.

THE BAD REVIEWS. Don't go by the numbers. This film hasn't been seen/reviewed enough yet and I'm sure it will go up. To illistarte the point I wanted to have a look at the 15 reviews (at the time of writing) its had.

I believe the reason this has averaged under is 7 is illustrated by the user reviews. People who like it, LOVE it. Lots of 10/10, most 7+. Then there are the people who disliked it. (3 at the time) and they ALL gave it a 3/10. There seems to be not much middle ground. I recommend you read the (SO FAR) 3 bad reviews before watching, they won't spoil the film. They will make you think WTF were they watching.

REVIEW 1. complained that it wasn't uplifting enough - I think they were expecting THE NOTE BOOK. They also didn't like the acting. To give perspective, they also said the new Bladerunner was a 1/10 because it was "too long" and Dunkirk was "Just OK". So maybe just don't take there word for it. REWIEW 2. The second 3/10 was only 4 lines long and said said "Right-minded people are gonna love this movie" and "It just doesn't fit (with them)" So yeah, I guess if you're not of your right mind you may dislike it? wtf. REVIEW 3 haha THE third said AND I QUOTE... "This movie needs to be better for the sake of women, artists and people off color." Yeah people "OFF COLOR" Just for the record, RACE is NEVER a feature in this. The relationships, friends and lovers are of various background and ITS NEVER mentioned. Nobody mentions it. All stupid spelling aside, to start a review like this just shows you where this review came from.
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