Review of Foe

Foe (2023)
Proof that good actors don't always have chemistry
16 December 2023
I recently reviewed a movie based on a book and noted how great it was that it didn't feel like a film based on a book. 'Foe' on the other hand felt very much like a movie based on a book. The dialogue was extremely clunky and the kind of stuff that could be fine when read on the page, but sounds ridiculous and uninspired when said out loud.

Also I found some of the direction very strange in this one. I half expected to look the director up and see a first-timer, not someone who had directed a Best Picture nominee in the past. It was little things but they kept adding up. There were scenes where three characters would all be yelling, and yet at no point would any of them stand up. There was no desire to make scenes like this in any way cinematic in nature.

The biggest crime the film commits though is that it is painfully boring. Despite having two very good actors in the lead roles, there is zero chemistry there. To be fair, the script gives them almost nothing to work with. When you have to spend the entire film with these two people and there is absolutely nothing likeable there to work with, it is always going to be a tedious experience.

The sad thing is that the idea of the movie has merit. If done in a different way, this film could have worked masterfully. It wasn't though and for that reason this was not an enjoyable experience. 4/10.
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