Review of Foe

Foe (2023)
Utter Trash
8 January 2024
What a waste of time. The actual story would take about 15 minutes to tell. It might make a short, but its length of almost two hours is just too much.

As for it being a science fiction tale, the only two things that are in the future are the Tesla-like car the actor playing a government official drives -- once -- and a slow moving flying ship. The concept may be futuristic, but what's on the screen is just a boring story involving three actors.

I won't bore anyone with the story, because frankly there wasn't one. This was the director's vanity project. I'm sorry I watched. I thought something was going to happen. Nothing did, and the twist was signaled about halfway through.

I stayed with this film to see how it would deliver that twist. It delivered it ham-handedly.

Utter trash and a total waste of a viewer's time.
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