Review of Foe

Foe (2023)
This is about relationship drama, not so much Sci-Fi/SPOILER ALERT
15 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I truly think if this wasn't labeled as science fiction that the reviews would be better. This is a movie (to me) about the relationship between a man and his wife in which there is a complicated dynamic between the two. Especially with Fen, as she changes moods from one moment to the next while, Junior seems happy most of the time. Fen has reasons she is moody as she is stuck on the farm all day every day and Junior at least goes to work.

I'm not sure they needed to go to the science fiction story in this or left the drama out of the science fiction or compromised on both, but this ends up leaving much of the sci-fi out except for the concepts of it and leaves pretty much a drama film based on Hen and Junior's relationship.


A man does come to their home saying Junior won the lottery and needs to train so that they both can live in space in the future. In the meantime, an AI needs to stay with Hen to keep her company. The AI is an exact replica of Junior and has Junior's personality and consciousness. The AI has all of Junior's memories and personality. In the movie you cannot even tell that the Junior at home is the AI. They seamlessly bring that on. Hen develops a relationship with AI Junior and at what point she realizes it is an AI is not clear for me. It is a slow-burn so I don't think I could watch this again.

During this entire show, the government man who came in the beginning also stays with Hen to monitor everything. The movie never really goes to space to visualize what the real Junior is doing and how he is faring or what life is like up in space. I suppose that would have given the surprise away, but to me it wasn't really much of a surprise to guess that the Junior at home was the AI.... I figured that was the case.

The movie carries on until real Junior comes home and it becomes horrible for the AI Junior that is a real self-aware being. He is locked to the floor and writhing around knowing he is going to lose Hen forever. It is particularly sad.

Once back with real Junior, Hen's relationship with him breaks down as Junior is very jealous that Hen fell in love with AI Junior. Nothing seems to work. The next thing that happens is that Hen leaves and Junior goes crazy looking for her. After this, Hen walks into the dining room with Junior at the table and she seems renewed with a happier demeanor. Hen has now been replaced with her AI.
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