Spaceman (I) (2024)
not as bad as most of the reviews
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not at all bad, even fairly good, for the first 3/4 of its run. It is well written, well directed, and well shot; and raises interesting (even vital) questions about love, loss, relationships, loneliness, mental illness, time travel, space travel, the size of the universe, the shape of the universe, "are we alone?", abandonment, goals, ambition, difficult decisions, etc. It has interesting twists, even mind-blowing shocks, along the way!

And yes, Adam Sandler can work his way through a serious role, although he is no George Clooney!

However, in my opinion it has two shortcomings in the last half hour.

First, it climaxes with the common assumptions (misconceptions) "love conquers all," and "true love lasts forever." As any of you know who have been deserted, or have been in an abusive relationship, neither of these common misconceptions is true. The movie assumes that being married and having a family is the best, even the only way, to live happily. In real life, love often dissolves and disappears.

Second, "Spaceman" gives you the impression that it is is going to FINALLY answer, for all time, the ultimate questions about life listed above. However, since there IS no final answer to all these ultimate questions, it cannot possibly deliver, and so the ending is not as promised, comes up short, and ultimately disappoints.

It is interesting for the first 90 minutes, but watch the documentary "My Octopus Teacher" because it is ultimately a better film.
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