

NimkarTek is an internationally accredited Service provider offering bespoke solutions through Online Training, Testing and Consultancy Services for your Chemical Management goals

Services ProvidED:
ZDHC Accredited Training

NOTES Online Training: ZDHC Accredited Training Provider

The NOTES Platform, established in 2012, is the first web-based platform offering ONLINE TRAINING to the entire Textile and Leather Value chain, in areas of Restricted Substances and Chemical Management.

We offer ZDHC Trainings as well as tailor made content.

NOTES allows us to deliver the trainings quickly and cost-effectively.

Our courses are developed by Industry experts who have vast expertise and experience in Textile Processing and Textile Chemistry.

Why train with NOTES:

  • Global Reach - Access our trainings ANYTIME, ANYWHERE
  • User Friendly Content - Interactive and Engaging Content, translations in over 30 Languages
  • Scalable and Flexible - You can customise the programme to train specific audience(s)
  • Module Features - Assessments, Resource Materials, Activities, Quizzes, Bookmarking and Ordered Learning
  • Support - Technical and Admin Support
  • Reporting - NOTES can generate various reports that help measure training impact
  • Security - Highly secure platform integrated with a Payment Gateway and 365x24x7 data back up
  • E-commerce - Purchases can be self-paid or sponsored for single of multiple licenses

Additional Services offered by NimkarTek: 

  1. ZDHC MRSL Level 1 and Level 2 Certifications: for Chemical Suppliers and Manufacturers
  2. State of the Art Analytical Test Facility
  3. Consultancy Services for your CMS Goals

For more information, please contact us at [email protected].

competency & quality