Submit News

To submit press releases and story ideas to Insurance Journal for possible inclusion in our magazines and our website, please direct your submission to the appropriate editor.

Chad Hemenway – [email protected]
Andrea Wells – [email protected]

East (Mid-Atlantic and New England)
Andrew Simpson – [email protected]

Ezra Amacher – [email protected]

William Rabb – [email protected]

Texas, South Central (Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas)
Ezra Amacher – [email protected]

Don Jergler – [email protected]

International (including Bermuda)
L.S. Howard – [email protected]

Claims Journal
Don Jergler – [email protected]

MyNewMarkets (product and market news)
Andrea Wells – [email protected]

Carrier Management
Susanne Sclafane – [email protected]

Read the following to improve your chances of having your article accepted by our editors:

Submission Guidelines

Editorial Code of Ethics

To submit content for specific features, please use the following submission forms.

Newswire Sponsored Press Release Service

A national sponsored press release service, targeting the Insurance Industry on a guaranteed date. Your article will be published online and included in our popular Daily Headlines Newsletter. Submit your article to [email protected].

People & Places Submission Form

Conference/Event Submission Form

Submit New Markets