
Accessibility plan and policies for Invesco Canada Ltd.

Our commitment

Invesco Canada Ltd. (“Invesco”) is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equal opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and any other applicable legislation.


Invesco provides training to employees, volunteers, contractors and others conducting business with the firm on Ontario’s accessibility laws and the Ontario Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities. Training is provided in a way that best suits their duties and as required by law.

Communication and information

Invesco is committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities.

Our company’s Canadian website, including all of its content, has been enhanced to conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, Level AA, and we will continue to conform to these standards going forward.

Invesco takes certain steps to make sure publicly available information is accessible, upon request. For example:

  • Transcripts of most videos are posted on our website
  • Where transcripts are not yet posted, they will be made available upon request
  • Invesco’s website is compatible with screen readers

To ensure existing feedback processes are accessible to all people with disabilities, Invesco will provide alternative communication methods, if and as required.


Invesco is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.

We will notify the public and employees that, when requested, Invesco will accommodate people with disabilities during recruitment and assessment processes and when people are hired. Every job posting on our website and third-party job websites will contain the following notice:

"Invesco is committed to fair and accessible employment practices. If selected for an interview, we will work with you to ensure that your interview is accessible and accommodation is provided. Please contact us at [email protected] or 1.800.874.6275 to let us know if you require accommodation for an interview due to a disability."

Invesco will put in place a process for developing individual accommodation plans and return-to-work policies for employees that have been absent due to a disability. Here are some notable aspects:

  • Any employee may request a personalized accommodation plan by contacting their manager or a Human Resources representative
  • All queries regarding accommodations and all accommodation plans will be kept confidential except where it is necessary for the implementation of the plan
  • Human Resources will work with the employee requesting accommodation and their manager to devise a reasonable accommodation plan that will also take into account the needs of Invesco and other employees
  • Invesco will incorporate evaluation and career development into the individual accommodation plan to ensure the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities are taken into account in the company’s performance management, career development and redeployment processes

Accessible emergency information

Invesco is committed to providing clients and visitors with publicly available emergency information in an accessible way, upon request. We will also provide employees with disabilities individualized emergency response information, when necessary.

For more information

For more information on our accessibility plan and policies, please contact us by:

Accessible formats of this document are available upon request by contacting us at [email protected].