September 09, 2024
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Re-tracing the footsteps of her great grandfather

Catherine Sessler has the diary her great grandfather kept when he made a return visit to Aghinagh, Co. Cork in 1933, forty years after leaving for America. On 22 August 2024, Majella Corcoran facilitated the visit of Catherine to the birthplace of her great grandfather John Desmond Landers. Her husband Steve accompanied her on the trip. A drive to Aghinagh, near the village of Caum, and a visit to the old graveyard surrounding the beautiful, albeit ruins, of the Church of Ireland was followed by a visit to the RC church in Caum as well as Carrigadrohid Castle. Standards having dropped in weather expectations, it was good to have a dry day!

In advance of the meeting with Catherine, the present owners of the land where Catherine’s great grandfather would have grown up were contacted. During this endeavour, a local couple Jane and John Murphy, who live on a farm close to where John Landers grew up, were helpful. They kindly gave Catherine permission to see their farmland and invited her to visit. After sightseeing the area, Catherine, Steve and Majella called to see the Murphys and in the spirt of Cork hospitality were taken to the sitting room for tea, cake and scones. A friend, local to the area, joined in and afternoon tea soon became a soirée of tracing people and making connections.  

In his diary, Catherine’s great grandfather talked about having a glass of milk with his former neighbours. It’s pleasing to think that ninety years later, John Landers’ great granddaughter was experiencing a welcome home herself.    


 From left: Majella Corcoran, Jane Murphy, John Murphy, Steve Sessler, Catherine Sessler
 From left: Majella Corcoran, Jane Murphy, John Murphy, Steve Sessler, Catherine Sessler