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United States v. Butters (D. Colo.)


On June 6, 2024, the court entered a consent order in United States v. Butters (D. Colo.).  The complaint, which was filed on June 5, 2024, alleges that defendant property manager Kathryn Butters discriminated on the basis of sex in violation of the Fair Housing Act by sexually harassing a husband and wife and their two minor children.  Butters Investments, LLC is also named as a defendant in the case.  The consent order permanently enjoins Kathryn Butters from serving as a property manager and requires the defendants to pay $300,000 in monetary damages to the complainant family.  The case was referred to the Division after the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) received a complaint, conducted an investigation, and issued a charge of discrimination.

Press Release (6/10/2024)

Case Open Date
Updated June 10, 2024