business law


An attorney in fact is an agent authorized to act on behalf of another person, but not necessarily authorized to practice law, e.g. a person authorized to act by a power of attorney. Therefore an attorney in fact, which is not necessarily a...


An audit (noun) is a formal examination and verification of an individual’s or organization’s records and accounts, finances, or compliance with a set of standards.

To audit (verb) is the act of conducting the formal...

audit committee

The audit committee is a committee composed of a company’s board of directors in charge of overseeing the company’s auditors, financial reporting, and disclosures. 15 U.S.C. § 78c(a)(58) defines an audit committee as “a committee (or...


An auditor is one who conducts an audit. Specifically, an auditor is a person or firm (usually an accountant or accounting firm) that conducts a formal examination and verification of an individual’s or organization’s records and accounts,...


Authority is the official permission or right to act, often on behalf of another. Authority may also be a person or institution that has power over another person.

Authority as agency is the power to act on behalf of another...


To authorize means to grant authority; to empower. It may also mean to formally or officially approve.

[Last updated in June of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team]

bad debt

Bad debt refers to debt such as a loan or advance that a creditor can no longer recover. A debt cannot be recovered for a variety of reasons such as insolvent debtors. In the corporate context, bad debt can be a critical blow to businesses,...

bad faith

Bad faith refers to dishonesty or fraud in a transaction. Depending on the exact setting, bad faith may mean a dishonest belief or purpose, untrustworthy performance of duties, neglect of fair dealing standards, or a fraudulent intent. It is...

bailee (custodian)

Bailee is a person who receives possession of a property or goods, usually pursuant to a contract of bailment. A bailee is responsible for the safe return of the property or goods to the owner (bailor) when the contract is fulfilled. Unlike a...


A bailor is a person or party who delivers a bailment. A bailor entrusts personal goods or other property to a bailee until its restoration to the bailor. That entrustment is temporary, and the bailor only relinquishes possession of the good...
