internet law


Inlining is a legally and ethically questionable method of displaying a file, usually an image, from one website onto another website without permission. Inlining operates by a website owner linking onto their website the file address from...


The Internet is a global electronic communications network that connects various smaller networks and organizational computer facilities utilizing standardized communication protocols (see Merriam-Webster). 47 USC § 230(f)(1) defines the...

internet service provider (ISP)

An Internet service provider (ISP) is an entity that provides broadband service to subscribers. Broadband refers to all services that supply high-speed Internet to subscribers. In the United States, ISPs are regulated at the federal (per the Federal...

IP address

An IP address is a unique identification number that is attributed to a device that is connected to a computer network, using the internet. IP stands for “Internet Protocol” which refers to the rules governing the format of data sent through...

legal informatics

Legal informatics is a general term describing information science and technology applied to law. Much of the focus in this field is on how information science and technology can advance the study and practice of law. Some examples are: the...


A link, also called a hyperlink, is any component of a webpage that connects two different webpages or two different locations of the same website. Links are sometimes a different color than the rest of the text, or underlined to indicate...

Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act

Title II of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act, added Section 512 to the Copyright Act, providing four distinct safe harbors for online service providers. If the conduct of a service...

personal information

Personal information is contextualized data that can be used to identify a person. Personal information is closely connected to the right to privacy, which has evolved to protect the ability of individuals to determine the kind of information...


Phishing is a type of computer and internet fraud that involves the creation of false digital resources intended to resemble those of legitimate business entities, such as a website or email, and dissemination of seemingly...

screen scraping

Screen scraping is a technique used to extract data from websites or other web applications. Screen scraping software automates navigating a user interface, interacting with its content, and extracting data from the website’s HTML or other...
