mergers & acquisitions


An acquisition is buying/receiving a good or asset through a business transaction or contract. Acquisition most often refers to the sale of property, such as a business. In the acquisition of a business, the buyer, another business entity,...

antitrust laws

The three key federal statutes in Antitrust Law are Sherman Act Section 1, Sherman Act Section 2, and the Clayton Act.

The Per Se Rule v. the Rule of Reason:

Violations under the Sherman Act take one of two forms -- either...

antitrust violations

Antitrust violations occur when an antitrust law is broken; laws protecting trade and commerce from abusive practices such as price-fixing, restraints, price discrimination, and monopolization. The three key federal statutes in Antitrust Law...

Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall)

The Banking Act of 1933, commonly referred to as the Glass-Steagall Act, was a landmark piece of legislation in the United States that introduced significant reforms to the banking industry. It was enacted in response to the financial crises...


A buyback refers to when a corporation repurchases its own outstanding stock. By doing so, the number of overall shares in the market drops and the value of each individual share tends to increase. Issuing a buyback offer is not binding on...

Clayton Antitrust Act

The Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914, codified at 15 U.S.C. 12-27, is one of the primary pieces of antitrust legislation in the United States. This act was designed to bolster the Sherman antitrust Act and outlaws the following conduct:


collusive bidding

Collusive bidding refers to an agreement among two or more competitors to change the bids they otherwise would have offered absent the agreement. Where collusive bidding is well established, prices can rise substantially, in some cases by as...


Contribution is an important term in the fields of business and tort law.

Tort Law

In the field of tort law, contribution refers to an action a defendant may bring in a joint and several liability jurisdiction to recover...

corporate takeover

A corporate takeover occurs when the controlling interest in a corporation shifts from one party to another. Corporate takeovers are categorized as either hostile or friendly depending on whether the management of the company being taken over...

derivative acquisition

Derivative acquisition refers to obtaining ownership or rights to property through a transaction or transfer from a previous owner, rather than originating ownership directly. This means the acquirer receives their rights or title from...
