

An appraisal is the process by which the value of an item or property is determined. This is necessary in a variety of contexts. One common instance is in the purchase, sale or refinancing of homes or other real estate. Appraisals are also...


To appraise is to determine the value of an object or piece of property. This is done by an expert called an appraiser, the result of this action called an appraisal. This is necessary in a variety of contexts, such as the purchase, sale or...


An appraiser is an expert hired to examine an object or piece of property to determine its value. This determination is called an appraisal, and is commonly required for the purchase, sale, or refinancing of real estate or to gain insurance...


Appreciate means to increase in value (the opposite of depreciate). It may also mean: to understand or recognize the value or significance of something or someone.

See also: appreciation.

[Last updated in June of...


Appreciation is an increase in an asset’s value, usually due to inflation or other external economic factors (the opposite of depreciation).

In more common parlance, appreciation may also be recognition or understanding of...

audit committee

The audit committee is a committee composed of a company’s board of directors in charge of overseeing the company’s auditors, financial reporting, and disclosures. 15 U.S.C. § 78c(a)(58) defines an audit committee as “a committee (or...

Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall)

The Banking Act of 1933, commonly referred to as the Glass-Steagall Act, was a landmark piece of legislation in the United States that introduced significant reforms to the banking industry. It was enacted in response to the financial crises...

bearer paper

A bearer is an individual who is in possession of a negotiable instrument, document of title, or proof of security that is either payable to the person in possession (ie. payable to bearer) or endorsed in blank. These types of instruments are...

beneficial owner

Beneficial owner is a person or entity who ultimately owns or controls an interest in a legal entity, such as a security, property, or interest in a trust.

In the Securities context, for example, individuals who are...

beneficial ownership

A beneficial ownership is a trust arrangement whereby the beneficial owner of a security has the power to vote on and influence decisions regarding that security, and receives the benefit afforded by the security, even though in street name...
