wex articles

bankruptcy court

There are 94 federal judicial districts. Each of these districts handle bankruptcy matters. Bankruptcy courts refer to the courts in each district that specifically hear bankruptcy cases. In almost every district, bankruptcy courts hear...

bankruptcy fraud

Bankruptcy fraud is a white-collar crime that commonly takes four general forms:

A debtor conceals assets to avoid having to forfeit them. An individual intentionally files false or incomplete forms. Including false information on a...

Battle & Sons Funeral Home v. Chambers

Battle & Sons Funeral Home v. Chambers, 63 Ohio Misc. 2d 441 (Ohio Mun. Ct. 1993), is a case in Ohio on what expenses are considered “necessary” for burial and the responsibility of the spouse to pay.



bilateral investment treaty


Bilateral investment treaties (or, BITs) are international agreements establishing the terms and conditions for private investment by nationals and companies of one country to another country.

The first...

biological experiments

Generally, biological experiments are experiments conducted on people without their consent; however, they defined contextually based on what is occurring in the present situation. For instance, in Perez v. Sharp, the forced sterilization of...

Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002

The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA) was enacted by the 107th Congress, 2nd Session and signed into law by President Bush on March 27, 2002 to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. The BCRA is also known as the McCain-...

Bivens action


A Bivens action generally refers to a lawsuit for damages when a federal officer who is acting in the color of federal authority allegedly violates the U.S. Constitution by federal officers acting.

Burden of Proof

The plaintiff in a...


A blawg is a slang term to describe an online journal or log which focuses primarily on law-related issues. Typically, blawgs are authored by law professors, lawyers, or law students. Blawgs can either discuss the law in the general sense or...

blue sky law

Blue sky laws are state securities regulations. That is, in addition to federal securities regulations, mainly the Securities Act of 1933 and the Exchange Act of 1934, states may also require issuers of securities to register with their state...

bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)

A bona fide occupational qualification or BFOQ is an affirmative defense to discrimination prima facie. Bona fide occupational qualifications can be made for national origin, religion, and sex.

42 U.S. Code § 2000e-2 allows...
