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 219 items in 22 pages
Advisory LetterInsurance FraudAdvisory Letter 2024-01 Act 389 of the 2024 Legislative Session/Fair Play for All in the Claims Process2024
Advisory LetterProperty and CasualtyAdvisory Letter 2024-02 Auditing Requirements 2024
BulletinProperty and CasualtyBulletin 2024-01 Data Call Relating to Homeowners’ Insurance Policies 2024
BulletinProperty and CasualtyBulletin 2024-02 Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury Coverage Form for Commercial Automobile Insurance Policies Only 2024
DirectiveHealth InsuranceDirective 223 Network Adequacy and Prompt Payments 2024
DirectiveProperty and CasualtyDirective 224 Data Call Relating to Property and Casualty Homeowners’ Insurance Policies and Commercial Lines Property Policies During the 2024 Hurricane Season2024
RuleProperty and Casualty / Life and AnnuitiesEmergency Rule 49 Suspension of Certain Statutes Regarding Cancellations, Terminations, Non-Renewals and Nonreinstatements, Premium Payments, Claim Filings and Related Provisions Regarding Any and All Insurance Matters Affecting Insureds in Louisiana Caused by Hurricane Francine2024
Advisory LetterProperty and CasualtyAdvisory Letter 2023-01 Defense Costs Within The Limits2023
BulletinProperty and CasualtyBulletin 2023-01 Appropriate Use of Crime Statistics in Underwriting and Rating of Property Insurance Policies2023
BulletinFinancial SolvencyBulletin 2023-02 Insure Louisiana Incentive Program2023

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