Accessing the Libraries' Networked Geodata Collection

The Libraries online Geodata collection is network accessible to North Carolina State University Affiliated Users ONLY. It is not technically feasible to make exceptions. If you are not affiliated with NCSU, you may contact Data Services to ask for assistance with acquiring the data you need, and we can help as time permits.

To search for data availability, consult the Find GIS Data page.

Because of space limitations, not all data is on the network. Contact Data Services to request temporary access to offline data. The following access modes are available:

Mapped Drive Access

Windows and Mac users may map the Geodata directory on the gisdata server as a network drive in order to connect directly to the data from within an application such as ArcGIS. The following instructions will work in most but not all campus network environments.

If you cannot connect, check with your department's network or system administrator. Please report problems to Data Services.

Mapping Geodata as a Network Drive (Win 10 PC)

Alternative 1

  • Right-click and save the following file to your DESKTOP: mapdrv.vbs
  • Double-click on the mapdrv.vbs script.
  • In a few seconds, you should have your R: drive mapped to the Geodata server
  • If you need to change the drive letter to something besides R:, open mapdrv.vbs in a text editor, and change the R: assignment.

Alternative 2

  1. Right-click and save the following file to your DESKTOP: mapdrv.bat
  2. Double-click on the newly downloaded mapdrv.bat file. 
  3. A Windows warning message may appear, and if so, click "More Info," and then "Run Anyway."
  4. Within a few seconds, you should have your R: drive mapped to the Geodata server
  5. If you need to change the drive letter to something besides R:, open mapdrv.bat in a text editor, and change the R: assignment.

Alternative 3

  1. Read all instructions prior to completing individual items
  2. Go to Start Menu->Run
  3. Type "cmd" in the field labeled "Open"
  4. From the DOS window you just opened, type the following (all one line):

    net use R: \\\geodata "" /user:"" /persistent:yes
    • The R: drive letter can be anything you choose.
    • The /persistent:yes will re-map the drive each time you log back into your computer.
  5. Type "exit" to close the DOS window

Mapping Geodata as a Network Drive (Mac)

  1. Read all instructions prior to completing individual items
  2. Select "Go->Connect to Server" from the menubar
  3. In the address field, type "smb://"
  4. Click the "OK" button to connect
  5. Leave the Username, Password and Domain fields blank and click the "OK" button

Off Campus and Web Access

Web access to the Geodata collection is available for those working in the domain (on campus) or those outside domain (off campus) who can authenticate with a UNITY login and password through the proxy link below. After clicking this link, enter your UNITY login and password, and you'll be taken to the root level of the geodata collection.

If needed, additional explanation is here.

  • Right click on files to be downloaded and save as files on your local system.
  • Go to the Geospatial Data Formats for file format help.