From the course: An Introduction to How Generative AI Will Transform Healthcare

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Hello world: Generative AI’s role in clinical documentation

Hello world: Generative AI’s role in clinical documentation

From the course: An Introduction to How Generative AI Will Transform Healthcare

Hello world: Generative AI’s role in clinical documentation

- When was the last time you visited your doctor, and they were able to look you in the eye when you discussed your health? I bet your doctor was glued to their computer screen typing away during your visit, right? It's not an ideal experience for you as a patient, and I can assure you as a physician, it's not what we imagine we would be doing when we dedicated our lives to caring for patients. But that's the reality of clinical documentation today. It's a necessary but time consuming process. For decades, the healthcare system has grappled with the challenge of paperwork. Today on average, healthcare providers spend about 15 1/2 hours per week on administrative tasks like documenting an electronic health records. In fact, the American Medical Association recently reported that 2/3 of physicians attribute burnout to administrative tasks, and as a result, half are considering leaving medicine altogether. So clearly there is a crisis and it's past time that we find approaches that can…
