From the course: Forbes 400 Private Equity Leader Steve Klinsky (Thirty Minute Mentors)

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Investing in and growing businesses

Investing in and growing businesses

- Steve, can you describe your process once you invest in a company? A stat that I love is that New Mountain has added or created over 43,000 net jobs, which is incredible. I want to see if you could explain to listeners what steps you and your team take to add value once you come into a company. - Yeah, okay. I'll talk about what we do, and then, that's one of the stats. There's some other ones we're proud of, too, but there's basically two major investment ideas that New Mountain's lived off of. We're now 21 years old, and I've been doing this for over 40 years. The first idea is defensive growth, which is, we go out of our way to pick sectors that we think can do well for the next 10 years whether the macro economy is good or bad. A lot of your future's determined by what sector you choose to go in. This is true; this is advice I'd give you before you take a job. Let's say you're not in private equity. If…
